Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 6th January 2017, 16:55   #2790  |  Link
Motenai Yoda
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 709
dithering is possible with convertto8bits or convertbits, but IIRC there is only dither or not dither (truncate, round?)

as you can see from the wrapper function nr resize it's just a repair between the chosen one and gauss
Function Dither_resize16nr (clip src, int width, int height,
\	float  "src_left",
\	float  "src_top",
\	float  "src_width",
\	float  "src_height",
\	string "kernel",
\	float  "fh",
\	float  "fv",
\	int    "taps",
\	float  "a1",
\	float  "a2",
\	float  "a3",
\	int    "kovrspl",
\	bool   "cnorm",
\	bool   "center",
\	string "cplace",
\	int    "y",
\	int    "u",
\	int    "v",
\	string "kernelh",
\	string "kernelv",
\	float  "totalh",
\	float  "totalv",
\	bool   "invks",
\	bool   "invksh",
\	bool   "invksv",
\	int    "invkstaps",
\	string "cplaces",
\	string "cplaced",
\	string "csp",
\	bool   "noring")
	noring = Default (noring, true)

	Assert (width > 0 && height > 0, "Dither_resize16nr: width and height must be > 0.")

	sr_h  = Float (width ) / Float (src.width () )
	sr_v  = Float (height) / Float (src.height ())
	sr_up =       Dither_max (sr_h, sr_v)
	sr_dw = 1.0 / Dither_min (sr_h, sr_v)
	sr    = Dither_max (sr_up, sr_dw)
	Assert (sr >= 1.0)

	# Depending on the scale ratio, we may blend or totally disable
	# the ringing cancellation
	thr = 2.5
	nrb = (sr > thr)
	nrf = (sr < thr + 1.0 && noring)
	nrr = (nrb) ? Dither_min (sr - thr, 1.0) : 1.0
	nrv = (nrb) ? Round ((1.0 - nrr) * 255) * $010101 : 0

	main = src.Dither_resize16 (width, height,
\		src_left  =src_left,
\		src_top   =src_top,
\		src_width =src_width,
\		src_height=src_height,
\		kernel    =kernel,
\		fh        =fh,
\		fv        =fv,
\		taps      =taps,
\		a1        =a1,
\		a2        =a2,
\		a3        =a3,
\		kovrspl   =kovrspl,
\		cnorm     =cnorm,
\		center    =center,
\		cplace    =cplace,
\		y         =y,
\		u         =u,
\		v         =v,
\		kernelh   =kernelh,
\		kernelv   =kernelv,
\		totalh    =totalh,
\		totalv    =totalv,
\		invks     =invks,
\		invksh    =invksh,
\		invksv    =invksv,
\		invkstaps =invkstaps,
\		cplaces   =cplaces,
\		cplaced   =cplaced,
\		csp       =csp
\	)

	nrng = (nrf) ? src.Dither_resize16 (width, height,
\		src_left  =src_left,
\		src_top   =src_top,
\		src_width =src_width,
\		src_height=src_height,
\		kernel    ="gauss",
\		a1        =100,
\		center    =center,
\		cplace    =cplace,
\		cplaces   =cplaces,
\		cplaced   =cplaced,
\		csp       =csp,
\		y         =y,
\		u         =u,
\		v         =v
\	) : main

	nrm = (nrb && nrf) ? main.BlankClip (color_yuv=nrv, height=main.Height()/2) : main

	# To do: use a simple frame blending instead of Dither_merge16
	rgm = 1
	rgc = (nrb) ? -1 : 0
	rgy = Defined (y) ? ((y == 3) ? rgm : rgc) : rgm
	rgu = Defined (u) ? ((u == 3) ? rgm : rgc) : rgm
	rgv = Defined (v) ? ((v == 3) ? rgm : rgc) : rgm
	rguv = Dither_max (rgu, rgv)
	(nrf       ) ? main.Dither_repair16 (nrng, rgy, rguv)            : main
	(nrf && nrb) ? Dither_merge16_8 (main, last, nrm, y=y, u=u, v=v) : last
}Function Dither_resize16nr (clip src, int width, int height,
\	float  "src_left",
\	float  "src_top",
\	float  "src_width",
\	float  "src_height",
\	string "kernel",
\	float  "fh",
\	float  "fv",
\	int    "taps",
\	float  "a1",
\	float  "a2",
\	float  "a3",
\	int    "kovrspl",
\	bool   "cnorm",
\	bool   "center",
\	string "cplace",
\	int    "y",
\	int    "u",
\	int    "v",
\	string "kernelh",
\	string "kernelv",
\	float  "totalh",
\	float  "totalv",
\	bool   "invks",
\	bool   "invksh",
\	bool   "invksv",
\	int    "invkstaps",
\	string "cplaces",
\	string "cplaced",
\	string "csp",
\	bool   "noring")
	noring = Default (noring, true)

	Assert (width > 0 && height > 0, "Dither_resize16nr: width and height must be > 0.")

	sr_h  = Float (width ) / Float (src.width () )
	sr_v  = Float (height) / Float (src.height ())
	sr_up =       Dither_max (sr_h, sr_v)
	sr_dw = 1.0 / Dither_min (sr_h, sr_v)
	sr    = Dither_max (sr_up, sr_dw)
	Assert (sr >= 1.0)

	# Depending on the scale ratio, we may blend or totally disable
	# the ringing cancellation
	thr = 2.5
	nrb = (sr > thr)
	nrf = (sr < thr + 1.0 && noring)
	nrr = (nrb) ? Dither_min (sr - thr, 1.0) : 1.0
	nrv = (nrb) ? Round ((1.0 - nrr) * 255) * $010101 : 0

	main = src.Dither_resize16 (width, height,
\		src_left  =src_left,
\		src_top   =src_top,
\		src_width =src_width,
\		src_height=src_height,
\		kernel    =kernel,
\		fh        =fh,
\		fv        =fv,
\		taps      =taps,
\		a1        =a1,
\		a2        =a2,
\		a3        =a3,
\		kovrspl   =kovrspl,
\		cnorm     =cnorm,
\		center    =center,
\		cplace    =cplace,
\		y         =y,
\		u         =u,
\		v         =v,
\		kernelh   =kernelh,
\		kernelv   =kernelv,
\		totalh    =totalh,
\		totalv    =totalv,
\		invks     =invks,
\		invksh    =invksh,
\		invksv    =invksv,
\		invkstaps =invkstaps,
\		cplaces   =cplaces,
\		cplaced   =cplaced,
\		csp       =csp
\	)

	nrng = (nrf) ? src.Dither_resize16 (width, height,
\		src_left  =src_left,
\		src_top   =src_top,
\		src_width =src_width,
\		src_height=src_height,
\		kernel    ="gauss",
\		a1        =100,
\		center    =center,
\		cplace    =cplace,
\		cplaces   =cplaces,
\		cplaced   =cplaced,
\		csp       =csp,
\		y         =y,
\		u         =u,
\		v         =v
\	) : main

	nrm = (nrb && nrf) ? main.BlankClip (color_yuv=nrv, height=main.Height()/2) : main

	# To do: use a simple frame blending instead of Dither_merge16
	rgm = 1
	rgc = (nrb) ? -1 : 0
	rgy = Defined (y) ? ((y == 3) ? rgm : rgc) : rgm
	rgu = Defined (u) ? ((u == 3) ? rgm : rgc) : rgm
	rgv = Defined (v) ? ((v == 3) ? rgm : rgc) : rgm
	rguv = Dither_max (rgu, rgv)
	(nrf       ) ? main.Dither_repair16 (nrng, rgy, rguv)            : main
	(nrf && nrb) ? Dither_merge16_8 (main, last, nrm, y=y, u=u, v=v) : last
as rgtools and merge(luma/chroma) now works in 16bit it can be adapted
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