Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 15th June 2018, 09:01   #4123  |  Link
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New build r2719
And a test masktools2 (2.2.15) that matches this avisynth version

I'm posting both test builds here, because they are tightly connected.

real.finder, who is responsible with many old scripts, asked me for these features for a long time. And I resisted because I was against such autoconversion. Anyway, you can start experimenting but you have to understand when you can use this feature safely (but maybe it's less prone to errors than mis-using scaleb and scalef)

- LUT functions in masktools2 and Expr in Avisynth+ have now two new parameters: scale_inputs and clamp_float (see below). In same cases they allow a quite a convenient way of using old 8 bit lut expressions to be used for generic bit-depth.

- The other feature in masktools2 is the new 'use_expr' parameter.
This parameter allows passing the whole expression to Avisynth+ when the lut filter would use the slow interpreted realtime way of expression calculation (for 16 bits no xy lut table exists because it is too big to fit in the memory). Try setting use_expr=1 for mt_lutxy (that will pass the expression to Avisynth for 10 or more bits) will drastically speed up a 16bit mt_lutxy.

- New: Expr: implement 'clip' three operand operator like in masktools2
  Description: clips (clamps) value: x minvalue maxvalue clip -> max(min(x, maxvalue), minvalue)
- New: Expr: Parameter "clamp_float"
    True: clamps 32 bit float to valid ranges, which is 0..1 for Luma or for RGB color space and -0.5..0.5 for YUV chroma UV channels
    Default false, ignored (treated as true) when scale_inputs scales float
- New: Expr: parameter "scale_inputs" (default "none")

    Autoscale any input bit depths to 8-16 bit for internal expression use, the conversion method is either full range or limited YUV range.
    Feature is similar to the one in masktools2 v2.2.15

    The primary reason of this feature is the "easy" usage of formerly written expressions optimized for 8 bits.

    - "int" : scales limited range videos, only integer formats (8-16bits) to 8 (or bit depth specified by 'i8'..'i16')
    - "intf": scales full range videos, only integer formats (8-16bits) to 8 (or bit depth specified by 'i8'..'i16')
    - "float" or "floatf" : only scales 32 bit float format to 8 bit range (or bit depth specified by 'i8'..'i16')
    - "all": scales videos to 8 (or bit depth specified by 'i8'..'i16') - conversion uses limited_range logic (mul/div by two's power)
    - "allf": scales videos to 8 (or bit depth specified by 'i8'..'i16') - conversion uses full scale logic (stretch)
    - "none": no magic

    Usually limited range is for normal YUV videos, full scale is for RGB or known-to-be-fullscale YUV

    By default the internal conversion target is 8 bits, so old expressions written for 8 bit videos will probably work.
    This internal working bit-depth can be overwritten by the i8, i10, i12, i14, i16 specifiers.

    When using autoscale mode, scaleb and scalef keywords are meaningless, because there is nothing to scale.

    How it works:
    - This option scales all 8-32 bit inputs to a common bit depth value, which bit depth is 8 by default and can be 
      set to 10, 12, 14 and 16 bits by the 'i10'..'i16' keywords
      For example: scale_inputs="all" converts any inputs to 8 bit range. No truncation occurs however (no precision loss), 
      because even a 16 bit data is converted to 8 bit in floating point precision, using division by 256.0 (2^16/2^8). 
      So the conversion is _not_ a simple shift-right-8 in the integer domain, which would lose precision.
    - Calculates expression (lut, lut_xy, lut_xyz, lut_xyza)
    - Scales the result back to the original video bit depth.
      Clamping (clipping to valid range) and converting to integer occurs here.

    The predefined constants such as 'range_max', etc. will behave according to the internal working bit depth

    This feature was created for easy porting earlier 8-bit-video-only lut expressions.
    You have to understand how it works internally.

    Let's see a 16bit input in "all" and "allf" mode (target is the default 8 bits)

    Limited range 16->8 bits conversion has a factor of 1/256.0 (Instead of shift right 8 in integer domain, float-division is used or else it would lose presision)

    Full range 16->8 bits conversion has a factor of 255.0/65535

    Using bit shifts (really it's division and multiplication by 2^8=256.0): 
      result = calculate_lut_value(input / 256.0) * 256.0
    Full scale 16-8-16 bit mode ('intf', 'allf')
      result = calculate_lut_value(input / 65535.0 * 255.0 ) / 255.0 * 65535.0

    Use scale_inputs = "all" ("int", "float") for YUV videos with 'limited' range e.g. in 8 bits: Y=16..235, UV=16..240).
    Use scale_inputs = "allf" (intf, floatf) for RGB or YUV videos with 'full' range e.g. in 8 bits: channels 0..255.

    When input is 32bit float, the 0..1.0 (luma) and -0.5..0.5 (chroma) channel is scaled
    to 0..255 (8 bits), 0..1023 (i10 mode), 0..4095 (i12 mode), 0..16383(i14 mode), 0..65535(i16 mode) then back.

    One cannot specify different conversion methods for converting before and after the expression.
    Neither can you specify different methods for different input clips (e.g. x is full, y is limited is not supported).
- 32 bit float U and V chroma channels are now zero based (+/-0.5 for full scale). Was: 0..1, same as luma
  (Following the change in Avisynth+ over r2664: use this plugin with r2996 or newer)
  Affected predefined expression constants when plane is U or V: 
  cmin and cmax (limited range (16-128)/255 and (240-128)/255 instead of 16/255.0 and 240/255.0
  range_max: 0.5 instead of 1.0
  new: introduce range_min: -0.5 for float U/V chroma, 0 otherwise
  range_half (0.0 instead of 0.5)
  (range_size remained 1.0)
- New expression syntax for Lut expressions: autoscale any input (x,y,z,a) bit depths to 8-16 bits for internal 
  expression use. The primary reason of this feature is the "easy" usage of formerly written 8 bit optimized expressions.

  New parameters for lut functions: 
    String "scale_inputs": "all","allf","int","intf","float","floatf","none", default "none"
    Boolean "clamp_float": default false, but treated as always true (and thus ignored) when scale_inputs involves a float autoscale.
    Boolean "use_expr": default 0, calls fast JIT-compiled "Expr" in Avisynth+ for mt_lut, lutxy, lutxyz, lutxyza
    0: no Expr, use slow internal realtime calc if needed (as before)
    1: call Expr for bits>8 or lutxyza
    2: call Expr, when masktools would do its slow realtime calc (see 'realtime' column in the table above)

  Extends and replaces experimental clamp_xxxx keywords.

Last edited by pinterf; 15th June 2018 at 11:47.
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