Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 21st June 2016, 14:22   #1764  |  Link
AVS+ Dev
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Posts: 359
Just by following the questions from my previous post further, we can get into really deep woods. Like for example, without trying to imply anything: What are our expectations of our community? Where do we want Avisynth to go long-term? Do we want it to go anywhere long-term? If we'd like to change Avs to a great extent, should people invest in a re-write of Avs or just adopt VapourSynth? Do both projects have unique selling points? What about existing plugins? What about future plugins?

It's not like these questions are being asked now for the first time, but IMHO it surely wouldn't hurt to finally discuss these, since we're talking about possibly diverging from Avs2.6, which basically means making Avs+ a community of its own. And even if that split doesn't happen, which is also fine, it would help to lay the future, survey opinions, and plan resources.
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