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Old 10th December 2011, 14:39   #1  |  Link
Warm and fuzzy
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 201
Another Authors2.avs script...

Another Authors2.avs script...
For your use...
Any your sentences and critics are welcomed !!!
# Authors2.avs

LoadPlugin("C:\PROGRAM FILES\AVISYNTH 2.5\PLUGINS\GSCRIPT_11\gscript.dll")

ovText =  "AviSynth Authors:"+chr(13)+
	\ "----------------------------"+chr(13)+
	\ "Ben Rudiak-Gould\n"+chr(13)+
	\ "Klaus Post"+chr(13)+
	\ "Richard Berg"+chr(13)+
	\ "Dividee"+chr(13)+
	\ "Ian Brabham"+chr(13)+
	\ "David Pierre\n"+chr(13)+
	\ "Documentation:"+chr(13)+
	\ "----------------------------"+chr(13)+
	\ "Wilbert Dijkhof"+chr(13)+
	\ "Jonathan Ernst"+chr(13)+
	\ "Ernst Peche"+chr(13)+
	\ "Alexander Balakhnin"+chr(13)+
	\ "Alex_e_Basta"+chr(13)+
	\ "Arne Stфcker"+chr(13)+chr(13)+
	\ "Contributions by:"+chr(13)+
	\ "----------------------------"+chr(13)+
	\ "Avery Lee, Milan, Naoki Shibata, "+chr(13)+
	\ "Peter Pawlowski, Olli Parviainen,"+chr(13)+
	\ "Nicolas Capens, DevIL team,"+chr(13)+
	\ "Donald Graft, poptones, ARDA"+chr(13)+
	\ "Kevin Atkinson, tritical, many more..."+chr(13)+chr(13)+
	\ "Thanks to:"+chr(13)+
	\ "----------------------------"+chr(13)+
	\ "Everyone contributing to the project,"+chr(13)+
	\ "Doom9 & team, kwag, stickboy,"+chr(13)+
	\ "Jenyok & C°\n"
#	\ "Jenyok & C°"

function MessageClip2(clip c, string text, int "x", int "y", int "dy", int "first_frame", int "last_frame", string "font", \
                      float "size", int "text_color", int "halo_color", int "align", int "spc", \
                      float "font_width", float "font_angle", bool "interlaced", int "back_color", string "pixel_type")
  last       = c
  dy         = Default(dy, size)
  y          = Default(y, int(size))
  pixel_type = Default(pixel_type, "YUY2")
  text_color = Default(text_color, $FFFFFF)   # White color text by default...
  back_color = Default(back_color, $000000)   # Black color background by default...
  StrLen2    = StrLen(text)
  StrChr13   = String(Chr(13))
  StrSlashN  = "\n"   # As C++ new line string
  ClipLength = 2
  Str1       = ""     # Temporary string
  Str2       = ""     # Temporary string
  StrSum     = 0      # Number of substrings in string
  i          = 1      # Index i
  j          = 1      # Index j
  k          = 1      # Index k

  # Count SubStrings in String...
  # End of SubString are "\n" or/and Chr(13), see Code function...
  while (i <= StrLen2)
    Str1 = MidStr(text, i, 1)
    Str2 = MidStr(text, i, 2)
    if (Str2 == StrSlashN) {
      Str1 = StrChr13
      i = i + 1
    }    # End of if ()
    if ((Str1 == StrChr13) || (i == StrLen2)) {
      StrSum = StrSum + 1
    }    # End of if ()
    i = i + 1
    Str1 = ""
    Str2 = ""
  }      # End of while ()
  """)   # End of GScript ()

  # Calculate Height of Video Clip...
  CHeight = int(StrSum * size)
  CHeight = CHeight + int((StrSum + 1) * dy * 0.125)   # 0.125 pixel's interval, see documentation to BlankClip() function ...
  BlankClip(last, length=ClipLength, height=CHeight, color=back_color, pixel_type=pixel_type)

  # Insert SubStrings to Video with SubTitle() function...
  Str1 = ""   # Temporary string
  Str2 = ""   # Temporary string
  i    = 1    # Index i
  while (i <= StrLen2)
    Str1 = MidStr(text, i, 1)
    Str2 = MidStr(text, i, 2)
    if (Str2 == StrSlashN) {
      Str1 = StrChr13
      i = i + 1
    }     # End of if ()
    if ((Str1 == StrChr13) || (i == StrLen2)) {
      if ((Str1 != StrChr13) && (i == StrLen2)) { 
        k = k + 1 
      }   # End of if ()
      Str1 = ""
      Str1 = MidStr(text, j, k - 1)
      SubTitle(last, Str1, x=x, y=y, first_frame=first_frame, last_frame=last_frame, \
               font=font, size=size, text_color=text_color, halo_color=halo_color, \
               align=align, spc=spc, font_width=font_width, font_angle=font_angle, \
      j = i + 1
      k = 0
      y = y + dy
    }     # End of if ()
    i = i + 1
    k = k + 1
    Str1 = ""
    Str2 = ""
  }       # End of while ()
  """)    # End of GScript ()
  return last

# Constants
W768           = 768       # Clip size Width
H576           = 576       # Clip size Height
FPSVideo       = 25.0
FPSDenominator = 1
PixelType      = "YUY2"
NChannels      = 2
AudioRate      = 44100

LengthClip     = 2048      # !!! You must "select" this value for scrolling all text in video clip from bottom to top ...

BackGround     = $000000   # Background color ...
TextColor      = $FFFFFF   # White (Yellow) or other TEXT color for scrolling ...

# Constants
Speed          = ""     # High or Low or nothing ...
SpeedValue     = 4         # Must be betwwen 1..20, maybe more than 20 ...

# Constants
ShiftX         = 8
ShiftY         = 6

Speed      = UCase(Speed)
SpeedValue = (SpeedValue <= 1) ? 1 : (SpeedValue > 20) ? 20 : SpeedValue 

BlankClip(length=LengthClip, width=W768, height=H576, fps=FPSVideo, fps_denominator=FPSDenominator, \
           audio_rate=AudioRate, channels=NChannels, pixel_type=PixelType, color=BackGround)

# ONLY For demonstration ...
#ColorYUV(showyuv=true).Spline64Resize(W768, H576, src_width=Width(last), src_height=Height(last))   # W768 x H576

t_mask = MessageClip2(last, ovText, size=30, align=8, text_color=TextColor, \
                      back_color=BackGround, pixel_type=PixelType).ColorYUV(levels="tv->pc").Trim(0, 1)   # See documentation to SubTitle() function ...

t_blank   = BlankClip(t_mask, color=TextColor)
t_mask_bl = t_mask.blur(1.0).blur(1.0).blur(1.0)

Overlay(last, t_mask_bl, mode="subtract")
Overlay(last, t_blank,   mode="blend",   mask=t_mask)

#FrameEvaluate("ol_x_offset = 20")   # No more times needed ...
(Speed == "HIGH") ? \
FrameEvaluate("ol_y_offset = H576 - ((current_frame) * SpeedValue)") : \
(Speed == "LOW") ? \
FrameEvaluate("ol_y_offset = H576 - ((current_frame) / SpeedValue)") : \
FrameEvaluate("ol_y_offset = H576 - (current_frame)")

#Spline64Resize(W768-ShiftX, H576-ShiftY, src_width=Width(last), src_height=Height(last))
#BClip=BlankClip(length=LengthClip, width=W768, height=H576, fps=FPSVideo, fps_denominator=FPSDenominator, \
#                audio_rate=AudioRate, channels=NChannels, pixel_type=PixelType, color=BackGround)
#Overlay(BClip, last, 0, ShiftY / 2)

#last = t_mask     # For debuging ...
#ConvertToYUY2()   # For debuging ...
What is needed (wanted) more ?
There is needed Scrolling Text in frame window not from bottom frame edge to top frame edge,
but from bottom frame edge with (+) Shift Y to top frame edge without (-) Shift Y !!!
I didn't found directly decision of this problem...
See comments in Code...
#Spline64Resize(W768-ShiftX, H576-ShiftY, src_width=Width(last), src_height=Height(last))
#BClip=BlankClip(length=LengthClip, width=W768, height=H576, fps=FPSVideo, fps_denominator=FPSDenominator, \
# audio_rate=AudioRate, channels=NChannels, pixel_type=PixelType, color=BackGround)
#Overlay(BClip, last, 0, ShiftY / 2)

Last edited by Jenyok; 10th December 2011 at 15:17.
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