Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 24th October 2018, 03:09   #4271  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Richard1485 View Post
I've experienced for the second time the same problem that I raised in post#4261. If I switch from the x64 version of ffms2 to the x86 one, it goes away. This must have been why the issue suddenly seemed to clear up (for which, see post#4265): both times, I switched versions (for unrelated reasons). I just didn't put two and two together. Does anyone experience this issue or is it just me?
I can reproduce this.

Either ffms2 or lsmash as your earlier post

avsresize to convert bits instead of convertbits also same result

I don't have avs+ 86 installed , so I can't check that or x86 source filters . But if it "goes away" with ffms2 x86, then it suggests avisynth+ x86 histogram is not affected

vpy x64 version of histogram not affected

EDIT: I just rechecked some things and I can NOT reproduce it anymore! I have no idea what is going on but I'm sure I saw it earlier

Last edited by poisondeathray; 24th October 2018 at 03:35.
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