Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 1st March 2018, 19:54   #3976  |  Link
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New build. So many things has been changed, now I really need feedback.

Download Avisynth+ r2636

EDIT: 2632 link replaced

20180302 r2636
  - Fix: Blur/Sharpen crashed when YUY2.width<8, RGB32.width<4, RGB64.width<2 (StainlessS)
  - Fix: ColorYUV: don't apply TV range gamma for opt="coring" when explicit "PC->TV" is given
  - Fix: ColorbarsHD: 32bit float properly zero(0.5)-centered chroma

20180301 r2632
  - Fix: IsInterleaved returned false for RGB48 and RGB64 (raffriff42)
  - Fix: SubTitle for Planar RGB/RGBA: wrong text colors (raffriff42)
  - Fix: Packed->Planar RGB conversion failed on SSE2-only computers (SSSE3 instruction used)
  - Enhanced: Blur, Sharpen
    AVX2 for 8-16 bit planar colorspaces (>1.35x speed on i7-7770)
    SSE2 for 32 bit float formats (>1.5x speed on i7-7770)
  - Fix: Resizers for 32 bit float rare random garbage on right pixels (simd code NaN issue)
  - Enhanced: Completely rewritten 16bit and float resizers, much faster (and not only with AVX2)
  - Enhanced: 8 bit resizers: AVX2 support
  - Enhanced: Speed up converting from RGB24/RGB48 to Planar RGB(A) - SSSE3, approx. doubled fps
  - New: ConvertFPS supports 10-32 bits, planar RGB(A), YUV(A)
  - New script function: int BitSetCount(int[, int, int, ...])
    Function accepts one or more integer parameters
    Returns the number of bits set to 1 in the number or the total number of '1' bits in the supplied integers.
  - Cherry-picking from StainlessS' great RT_xxxx collection/and raffriff42 utils
  - Modded script function: Hex(int , int "width"=0)
    - New "width" parameter
    - result is in uppercase
    Width is 0 to 8, the _minimum_ width of the returned string. (8 hex digit is the max of Avisynth32 bit integer)
    When width is 0 or not supplied then string length is a minimum needed.
    Function now returns hex string in uppercase, instead of lowercase.
    Example: Hex(255,4) returns "00FF".
  - Modded script function: HexValue(String, "pos"=1)
    - new pos parameter
    Returns an int conversion of the supplied hexadecimal string.
    Conversion will cease at the first non legal number base digit, without producing an error
    Added optional pos arg default=1, start position in string of the HexString, 1 denotes the string beginning.
    Will return 0 if error in 'pos' ie if pos is less than 1 or greater than string length.
  - Modded script function: ReplaceStr(String, String, String[, Boolean "sig"=false])
    - New parameter: sig for case insensitive search (Default false: exact search)
      The uppercase/lowercase rules come from the current active code page of the OS.
  - New script functions: TrimLeft, TrimRight, TrimAll for removing beginning/trailing whitespaces from a string.
    Whitespaces: Tab (9), space (32), nbsp (160)
  - New in ColorYUV:
    New parameter: bool f2c="false".
    When f2c=true, the function accepts the Tweak-like parameters for gain, gamma and contrast
    E.g. use 0/0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0/3.0 instead of -256/-128/0/128/256/512 
  - New/Fixed in ColorYUV:
    Parameter "levels" accepts "TV". (can be "TV->PC", "PC->TV", "PC->TV.Y")
    Now gamma calculation is TV-range aware when either
    - levels is "TV->PC" or
    - coring = true or
    - levels is "TV" (new - no level conversion but gamma will know proper handling)
    Previously gamma was properly calculated only for PC range.
  - New in ColorYUV: 
    32 bit float support. 
    - 32 bit float uses the Expr filter (8-16 bits is LUT-based). The expression is dynamically assembled for each plane, internal precision is float.
    - One can specify bits=32 when showyuv=true -> test clip in YUV420PS format
    For 32 bit clips "loose min" and "loose_max" (omitting the extreme 1/256 population from dark and bright pixels) statistics are computed 
    by splitting the 0..1 into 65536 uniform ranges.
 - Modded: remove "scale" parameter from ConvertBits.
   It was introduced at the very beginning of the 10+bit development, for 32bit float conversion - never used
 - Enhanced: VfW: exporting Y416 (YUV444P16) to SSE2.
 - 8-16 bit YUV chroma to 32 bit float: keep middle chroma level (e.g. 128 in 8 bits) at 0.5.
   Calculate chroma as (x-128)/255.0 + 0.5 and not x/255.0 (Note: 32 bit float chroma center will be 0.0 in the future)
 - New: Histogram parameter "keepsource"=true (raffriff42) 
   keepsource = false returns only the Histogram w/o the original picture.
   Affects "classic", "levels" and "color", "color2", ignored (n/a) for the other modes
 - New: Histogram type "color" to accept 10-32bit input and "bits"=8,9,..12 display range
 - New: Histogram parameter "markers"=true
   When markers = false:
   For "classic": no "half" level line and no invalid luma zone coloring
   For "levels":  no "half" dotted line, no coloring (neither for YUV nor for RGB)
   Ignored for the others at the moment.

Last edited by pinterf; 2nd March 2018 at 10:49. Reason: New version
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