Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 6th December 2019, 21:30   #4998  |  Link
Broadcast Encoder
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Originally Posted by dREV View Post
Alright, for those that can answer

It's AviSynth+ 0.1.0 r2772 using the 32 bit version with the 10 bit hack pipeline for HEVC in MeGUI 2525.
Not related to the Access Violation, but to the quality instead.
You are bringing everything to 16bit stacked, filtering with f3kdb with 16bit precision, then you are using DitherPost as default to bring everything to 8bit to filter with maa2, lastly you're using DitherPost(mode=6) which is dithering with the Floyd Steinberg error diffusion, then you're converting it again from 8bit dithered to 16bit planar, then you're bringing it to stacked MSB and LSB again, you apply your denoise and then you convert from 16bit stacked to 16bit interleaved and you output it as interleaved.


Doesn't this make more sense?

#Here we're telling f3kdb to take your 8bit source, filter it with 16bit precision and output 16bit stacked

#Debanding 16bit stacked

f3kdb(input_depth=8, output_mode=1, output_depth=16)

#Now we're gonna truncate everything to 8bit, 
#apply anti-aliasing with maa2 and then use the original 16bit stacked we received from f3kdb 
#and apply only the changes made by maa2 thus retaining 16bit precision

#antialiasing 8bit, 16bit stacked output
s16 = last
DitherPost (mode=-1)
Dither_convert_8_to_16 ()
s16.Dither_limit_dif16 (last, thr=1.0, elast=2.0)

#16bit stacked resize and debanding

ly = GradFun3mod(thr=0.35,yuv444=true, resizer="DebilinearM", lsb_in=true, lsb=true)
lc = nnedi3_resize16(1280*2, 720*2,lsb_in=true,lsb=true,kernel_d="Spline36",kernel_u="Spline36",src_top=0.0,src_left=0.50,nlsb=false)
lu = lc.UtoY()
lv = lc.VtoY()

#your 16bit stacked degrain filter


#16bit planar output (your target is x265 which will handle 16bit planar just fine; just remember to add --dither to the command line)


Last edited by FranceBB; 6th December 2019 at 21:33.
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