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Old 13th August 2018, 07:36   #703  |  Link
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Posts: 45

Got a question about the spell checking.

After OCR I often end up with a lot of lines with "I" (capital I) actually being a l (low capital l) or L (capital L).

Words like

l'm should be I'm
L'm should be I'm
ls should be Is
lt's should be It's

When running a spell check, it happilly accepts all those Words, eventhough none of them I think is even valid English Words.

Also "Bob." became "Bob-ll

Which might be valid, but should still be pointed out by the spell checker?

I am not even sure if spell checking is an internal part of Subtitle Edit. If not I guess there is nothing to do about it.

I just think that the spell checker accepts a lot of Words, that are not even valid English words.

Maybe it is me not using it correctly. If so please let me know how to make it catch all these words.

If not, can something maybe be changed to make it catch all these words?

Thanks in advance.

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