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Old 23rd February 2012, 07:40   #1  |  Link
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[MediaCoder]The best settings + avs script.

Hello for everyone ,
I have downloaded the MediaCoder for decoding japanese animations. But I have a little problem with configuring it. Thus from the begining I used settings by adding video into the list (subtittles were recognized automatically) and experimenting with "basic" settings. Well it was a good option because after recoding it took for the MC like 30 minutes for 2pass. But with one old series the subtittles "got owned" making it worse for an eye (cancer eye) after decoding it. Now I am decoding the same animation through AVS scripts to get better "quality" with the subtittles and resizing it into 720p. But here is the problem.
For one episode the decoding time is like ~4500 seconds, and idk why this time is so long. Before it took for me like 30 minutes like i said.
Now I am using the AVS script file and here is also the config (if it may helps):

Loadplugin("C:\Program Files\MediaCoder\codecs\vsfilter.dll")
TimeStretch(tempo=(100.0*25.0)/23.976, pitch=104)

Here is the configuration for MC:

So my questions are here:
1.Could someone help me to configure the MC to get the best time to decode (like 30-40 minutes per episode)?
2.To get very small file size after decoding?
3.Also to get the very best quality of the video?

Best of luck everyone.

Last edited by zyxed; 23rd February 2012 at 07:52.
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