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Old 24th December 2019, 18:25   #2037  |  Link
I am maddo saientisto!
SmilingWolf's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 95
Status report!
"Padoru padoru!" edition

1st edition:
2nd edition:
3rd edition:
4th edition:
5th edition:
Whatever paragraph I don't repeat here can be assumed to be the same as in the aforementioned post

First of all: graphs!
Click to enlarge

Y axis: chosen metric
X axis: bits per pixel



BD rates for 720p:
Codecs ladder:              | x264 relative:
x264 -> rav1e               | x264 -> rav1e
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -23.2215 1.01158    |  MSSSIM -23.2215 1.01158
PSNRHVS -24.4172 1.36951    | PSNRHVS -24.4172 1.36951
  HVMAF -15.8889 1.38478    |   HVMAF -15.8889 1.38478
rav1e -> svtav1             | x264 -> svtav1
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -5.56998 0.20639    |  MSSSIM -28.4361 1.23111
PSNRHVS -6.41119 0.290801   | PSNRHVS -30.1248 1.65609
  HVMAF -15.6008 1.20241    |   HVMAF -29.5127 2.45437
svtav1 -> vp9               | x264 -> vp9
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM  4.20075 -0.151838  |  MSSSIM -25.2711 1.10719
PSNRHVS  4.84265 -0.215506  | PSNRHVS -26.5998 1.48648
  HVMAF -1.42341 -0.19208   |   HVMAF -29.8597 2.33372
vp9 -> x265                 | x264 -> x265
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -1.31186 0.0508852  |  MSSSIM -26.3349 1.18403
PSNRHVS -5.36837 0.2586     | PSNRHVS -30.5296 1.7606
  HVMAF -1.84033 0.341593   |   HVMAF -30.9904 2.59114
x265 -> av1                 | x264 -> av1
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -23.2948 0.961133   |  MSSSIM -43.3907 2.06939
PSNRHVS -18.5938 0.914589   | PSNRHVS -43.484 2.58526
  HVMAF -19.3808 1.25801    |   HVMAF -44.4219 3.59302
BD rates for 1080p:
Codecs ladder:              | x264 relative:
x264 -> rav1e               | x264 -> rav1e
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -32.2826 1.19743    |  MSSSIM -32.2826 1.19743
PSNRHVS -30.8004 1.43869    | PSNRHVS -30.8004 1.43869
  HVMAF -24.0161 1.68074    |   HVMAF -24.0161 1.68074
rav1e -> svtav1             | x264 -> svtav1
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -7.09315 0.212708   |  MSSSIM -37.5209 1.44372
PSNRHVS -6.91838 0.253513   | PSNRHVS -36.0074 1.70477
  HVMAF -14.4798 1.05647    |   HVMAF -34.513 2.60239
svtav1 -> vp9               | x264 -> vp9
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM  1.75731 -0.0570674 |  MSSSIM -36.6065 1.39502
PSNRHVS  0.61474 -0.0275689 | PSNRHVS -35.7951 1.68578
  HVMAF -5.87037  0.0512821 |   HVMAF -38.5344 2.64173
vp9 -> x265                 | x264 -> x265
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM 9.95155  -0.292103  |  MSSSIM -30.4864 1.15663
PSNRHVS 4.66281  -0.165867  | PSNRHVS -32.9136 1.56443
  HVMAF 5.65708  -0.054123  |   HVMAF -34.5119 2.53192
x265 -> av1                 | x264 -> av1
        RATE (%) DSNR (dB)  |         RATE (%) DSNR (dB)
 MSSSIM -31.9542 1.15077    |  MSSSIM -52.2509 2.19044
PSNRHVS -26.5316 1.11388    | PSNRHVS -50.3241 2.54395
  HVMAF -22.5904 1.34136    |   HVMAF -49.1759 3.58479
x264 158-2984-3759fcb
x265 3.2-7-37648fca915b
libvpx-vp9 1.8.2-23-g50d1a4aa7
rav1e 0.2.0-32-g350ac84
SVT-AV1 0.8.0-5303-0952998d
libaom 1.0.0-60-g3e421b069

echo -n "16 19 22 26 29 32" | xargs -d " " -n 1 -P 1 -I {} x264 --preset veryslow --tune ssim --crf {} -o test.x264.crf{}.264 orig.i420.y4m
echo -n "16 20 23 27 30 34" | xargs -d " " -n 1 -P 1 -I {} x265 --preset veryslow --tune ssim --crf {} -o test.x265.crf{}.hevc orig.i420.y4m
echo -n "12 21 30 38 47 56" | xargs -d " " -n 1 -P 6 -I {} vpxenc --codec=vp9 --frame-parallel=0 --tile-columns=0 --auto-alt-ref=6 --good --cpu-used=0 --tune=psnr --passes=2 --threads=1 --end-usage=q --cq-level={} --test-decode=fatal --ivf -o test.vp9.cq{}.ivf orig.i420.y4m
echo -n "030 056 082 108 134 160" | xargs -d " " -n1 -P6 -I {} rav1e -o test.rav1e.cq{}.ivf --quantizer {} -s 5 --tune Psychovisual orig.i420.y4m
echo -n "13 21 29 37 45 53" | xargs -d " " -n1 -P1 -I{} SvtAv1EncApp.exe -i orig.i420.yuv -b test.svtav1.cq{}.ivf -w 1280 -h 720 -q {} -scm 0 -enc-mode 8 -fps-num 24000 -fps-denom 1001 -intra-period 47 -output-stat-file fp_stats{}.stat -enc-mode-2p 3
echo -n "13 21 29 37 45 53" | xargs -d " " -n1 -P1 -I{} SvtAv1EncApp.exe -i orig.i420.yuv -b test.svtav1.cq{}.ivf -w 1280 -h 720 -q {} -scm 0 -enc-mode 3 -fps-num 24000 -fps-denom 1001 -intra-period 47 -input-stat-file fp_stats{}.stat
echo -n "12 21 30 38 47 56" | xargs -d " " -n 1 -P 3 -I {} aomenc --frame-parallel=0 --tile-columns=0 --auto-alt-ref=1 --cpu-used=3 --passes=2 --threads=2 --row-mt=1 --end-usage=q --cq-level={} -o test.av1.cq{}.webm orig.i420.y4m
VMAF: model used: vmaf_b_v0.6.3, pooling: harmonic_mean, bagging score (arithmetic mean of 21 models' scores)
Start-to-end times:
x264: 0 hours, 34 minutes and 58 seconds
x265: 4 hours, 13 minutes and 57 seconds
libvpx-vp9: 3 hours, 17 minutes and 52
rav1e: 9 hours, 8 minutes and 25 seconds
SVT-AV1: 5 hours, 6 minutes and 13 seconds
libaom: 7 hours, 26 minutes and 5 seconds

This concludes this report.
As always, I'm open to any kind of feedback to improve my comparisons and my encodes.
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