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Old 20th December 2018, 04:51   #16  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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You mean, for FrameSurgeon interpolation ?
For this to be practical, I would need to be able to review only the interpolated frames
For Morpheus, yes.
Script function SelectRanges(), included with Prune plug:-
Function SelectRanges(clip c,String "SCmd",String "Cmd",Bool "TrimAudio",Float "FadeMS",Bool "Ordered") {
    # SelectRanges() by StainlessS. Required:- FrameSel, Prune, RT_Stats
    # Wrapper to Select frames/ranges along with audio, can supply frames/ranges in SCmd string And/Or Cmd file.
    #   The wrapper makes for easier usage of Prune() which supports up to 256 input clips, but requires a clip index,
    #   eg '3, 100,200' would specify clip 3, range 100 to 200. The wrapper does away with the necessity for the clip index as we
    #   are only using a single clip here.
    # SCmd: Frames/Ranges specified in String (Frames/Ranges either Chr(10) or ';' separated, infix ',' specifies range, eg 'start,end').
    # Cmd:  Frames/Ranges specified in file (one frame/range per line, comments allowed, see FrameSel for Further info).
    #  *** NOTE ***, If both Cmd and SCmd supplied AND Ordered == False, then will process Cmd file and then SCmd string afterwards, ie
    #    Will select ranges in Cmd file and in order specified (rather than auto ordering ranges) and then append ranges specified in
    #    SCmd string (and in order specified).
    # TrimAudio:
    #   True(default), selects audio belonging to selected frames/ranges
    #   False, returns original audio, probably out of sync (maybe totally out of whack if Ordered == false and selected ranges out of order).
    # FadeMS: (default 1.0 millisec). Linear Audio Fade duration at splices when TrimAudio==true, 0 = dont fade (might result in audio 'clicks/cracks').
    # Ordered:
    #   True(default), all frames/ranges are returned in sequencial order. Any frame specified more than once will return only 1 instance.
    #   False, All frames/Ranges are returned in specified order, Cmd processed first and then SCmd. Frames/ranges specified more than once
    #     will return multiple instances. Allows out-of-order trimming of clip, eg re-sequencing of scenes in movie.
    # Does not make much sense to select individual frames with audio, best used with ranges.
    # Will coalesce individually selected adjacent frames/ranges before any Fade, ie only audio fade where sensible to do so.
    # TrimAudio==false with non Ordered selection will result in completely out of sync audio.
    TrimAudio=Default(TrimAudio,True)   # default true trims audio, false returns original audio (audiodubbed, as Framesel returns no audio)
    FadeMS=Float(Default(FadeMS,1.0))   # 1 millisecond linear fadeout/fadein at splices
    Ordered=Default(Ordered,True)       # True (default) frames/ranges will be Ordered and selected only once even if specified more than once.
                                        # False, frames/ranges returned in specified order, Cmd processed 1st and then SCmd.
    PruneCmd = (TrimAudio) ? "~Prune_"+RT_LocalTimeString+".txt" : ""
        \ ? FrameSel(scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,Ordered=Ordered)
        \ : FrameSel_CmdReWrite(PruneCmd,scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,Ordered=Ordered,Prune=True,range=true)
    (TrimAudio) ? Prune(Cmd=PruneCmd,FadeIn=True,FadeSplice=True,FadeOut=True,Fade=FadeMS) : NOP
    # If TrimAudio==true then delete Prune temp file, Else restore original Audio to the now audio-less clip
        \ ? RT_FileDelete(PruneCmd)
        \ : (c.HasAudio) ? AudioDub(c) : NOP
    Return Last
I guess I could knock up a script to show FrameSurgeon Interpolations, too. Give us a little time.
Is it just single frames, or ranges interpolated ?
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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