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Old 25th September 2018, 17:24   #52730  |  Link
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correctly. properly used bit deep will lower the noise floor and depending on the source notable.

i will not dare to say PQ is worse than gamma and they help extreme for lossy compression just like bit deep.

but in the end the dispaly will convert everything to something close to gamma with the extra use of the backlight.
how do you even create a transistor powered pixel response like PQ with a dynamic brightness? and would it even help at all.

fun fact gamma was an artifactly by product from CRTs because that'S how they responded which helps quite alot for image compression these days just imaging it would be linear. but it was not created for SDR in mind it's just what we got.
colors have little to nothing to do with gamma or PQ. the color differences don't come from banding or bit deep relations. my first guess would be gamut mapping.

that'S the problem of these test they don't dither properly if they dod they would "only" talk about noise not banding.
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