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Old 21st May 2019, 12:36   #530  |  Link
Broadcast Encoder
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@LouieChuckyMerry... You are feeding NNEDI3_RPow2 with 16bit stacked data while it's expecting 8bit.
Please note that the Jean-Philippe mod of NNEDI3 works in planar only, so it expects 8bit/10bit/12bit/14bit/16bit planar, not stacked nor interleaved, however SMDegrain with lsb=true is working in 16bit stacked.

This is what you gotta do:

#Indexing your 8bit source using your preferred indexer

#Bring everything up to 16bit stacked

#Denoise with 16bit stacked precision

#Upscale with 16bit stacked precision
nnedi3_resize16(target_width=960, target_height=720, mixed=true, thr=1.0, elast=1.5, nns=4, qual=2, etype=0, pscrn=4, threads=0, tv_range=true, kernel_d="Spline", kernel_u="Spline", taps=6, f_d=1.0, f_u=2.0, sharp=0, lsb_in=true, lsb=true)

#please note that you can't use awarpsharp2 as you did
#because awarpsharp is expecting 8bit planar
#while you are feeding it with 16bit stacked
#so you need to use aWarpSharp4xx
aWarpSharp4xx(depth=5, lsb=true)

#Do not use Sharpen(0.2)
#not only you can't use it with 16bit stacked
#but it's also a very basic and simple sharpening
#which does not work well;
#if you really have to use something else

#Line Darkening
#You did everything correctly this time
#as you brought everything back to 8bit
#you filtered with FastLineDarkenMod and awarpsharp2
#two filters that work in 8bit planar
#then you brought the result back to 16bit stacked
#and you applied the differences to the original 16bit stacked

#Debanding with 16bit stacked precision
#You did everything correctly this time as well
#as you specifically told f3kdb that it's getting 16bit stacked
#as input and that it should work internally at 16bit
#and output 16bit stacked
I hope it helps.
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