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Old 29th June 2012, 15:25   #1004  |  Link
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So here is the output of doing "--help". Let me know what you think about the options and please offer any suggestions on name changes that would be better.

bdsup2sub++ [options] -o outfile infile

 -h, --help             List options
 --resolution x         Set resolution to 480, 576, 720 or 1080. Default: 576.
                        Supported values: keep, ntsc=480, pal=576, 1440x1080.
 --fps-source x         Synchronize source frame rate to <x>. Default: auto.
                        Supported values: 24p=23.976, 25p=25, 30p=29.967.
 --fps-target x         Convert the target frame rate to <x>. Default: keep.
                        Supported values: 24p=23.976, 25p=25, 30p=29.967.
 --delay x              Set delay in ms. Default: 0.0.
 --filter x             Set the filter to use for scaling. Default: bilinear.
                        Supported values: bilinear, triangle, bicubic, bell,
                        b-spline, hermite, lanczos3, mitchell.
 --palette-mode x       Palette mode: keep, create, dither. Default: create.
 --minimum-time x       Set the minimum display time in ms. Default: 500.
 --merge-time x         Set max time diff to merge subs in ms. Default: 200.
 --move-in-ratio x      Move captions inside screen ratio <x>.
 --move-in-offset x     Set +/- offset to move captions by.
 --move-out-ratio x     Move captions outside screen ratio <x>.
 --move-out-offset x    Set +/- offset to move captions by.
 --move-x x             Move captions horizontally. May be left,right,center.
 --move-x-offset x      Set optional +/- offset to move captions by.
 --crop-y x             Crop the upper/lower n lines. Default: 0
 --alpha-crop x         Set the alpha cropping threshold. Default: 10
 --scale-x x            Scale captions horizontally by factor. Default 1.0.
 --scale-y x            Scale captions vertically by factor. Default 1.0.
 --export-palette       Export target palette in PGCEdit format.
 --forced-only          Export only forced subtitles.
 --force-all x          Set or clear the forced flag for all subpictures.
                        Supported values: set/clear.
 --swap                 Swap Cr/Cb components.
 --fix-invisible        Fix zero alpha frame palette.
 --verbatim             Switch on verbatim console output mode.

Options only for SUB/IDX or SUP/IFO as target:
 --alpha-thr x          Set alpha threshold 0..255. Default 80.
 --med-low-thr x        Set luma low/med threshold 0..255.
 --med-hi-thr x         Set luma med/hi threshold 0..255.
 --language x           Set language to <n>. Default: de (Vobsub Only).
 --palette-file x       Load palette file <n>. Overrides default palette.

 -o x, --output x       Specify output file.

Wildcard support:
Use "*" for any character and "?" for one character in the source name
Use exactly one "*" in the target file name.
bdsup2sub++  --resolution 720 --fps-target 25p -o dvd_*.sub 'movie* 1?.sup'
Press <RETURN> to close this window...
To note, for r0lz's feature request the move-x option would also accept a value of "origin" to support moving from the original x position. I just didn't include it in the help text yet.

Last edited by SassBot; 29th June 2012 at 15:38.
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