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Old 13th March 2016, 07:05   #28  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 10,980
Something like this (writing frames to reject in realtime pass, as likely fewer than writing all selected frames)


    Function Test(Clip c, int n,int v1,Float th,String File,Bool Show) {
        mx   = RT_YPlaneMax(n,Threshold=th)
        if(mx < v1) {
            RT_WriteFile(File,"%d",n,Append=True)                       # Write unwanted frames (fewer than wanted)
            (Show) ? RT_SubTitle("%d] mx=%d - DELETING",n,mx) : NOP
        } else {(Show) ? RT_SubTitle("%d] mx=%d",n,mx) : NOP}
        Return Last    

OutFile = "Frames.txt"
RT_FileDelete(OutFile)      # Delete existing  
V1 = 18                     # Was not deleteing anything for me at 16
th = 0.2                    # Avoid 0.2% of noise above v1
Show=True                   # CHANGE to FALSE when happy with numbers
SSS = "Test(current_frame,V1,th,OutFile,Show)"
ARGS= "v1,th,OutFile,Show"

(!Show)                 ? ForceProcessAVI()         : NOP               # Force Pass 1 (From TWriteAVI v2.0) ie force writing of frames file    
(!Show&&Exist(OutFile)) ? RejectRanges(Cmd=Outfile) : NOP               # If Outfile does not exist, then none to Reject.

Return last    
Function RejectRanges(clip c,String "SCmd",String "Cmd",Bool "TrimAudio",Float "FadeMS") {
    # RejectRanges() by StainlessS. Required:- FrameSel, Prune, RT_Stats
    # Wrapper to delete frames/ranges along with audio, can supply frames/ranges in SCmd string And/Or Cmd file.
    #   The wrapper makes for easier usage of Prune() which supports up to 256 input clips, but requires a clip index,
    #   eg '3, 100,200' would specify clip 3, range 100 to 200. The wrapper does away with the necessity for the clip index as we
    #   are only using a single clip here. Prune also does not have a 'reject' arg to delete specified frames rather than select them,
    #   this wrapper also converts a list of frames to delete into a list of frames to select so that we can use Prune and its audio
    #   capability.
    # SCmd: Frames/Ranges specified in String (Frames/Ranges either Chr(10) or ';' separated, infix ',' specifies range, eg 'start,end').
    # Cmd:  Frames/Ranges specified in file (one frame/range per line, comments also allowed, see FrameSel for Further info).
    # TrimAudio:
    #   True(default), deletes audio belonging to deleted frames
    #   False, returns original audio, probably out of sync.
    # FadeMS: (default 1.0 millisec). Linear Audio Fade duration at splices when TrimAudio==true, 0 = dont fade (might result in audio 'clicks/cracks').
    TrimAudio=Default(TrimAudio,True)   # default true trims audio, false returns original audio (audiodubbed, as Framesel returns no audio)
    FadeMS=Float(Default(FadeMS,1.0))   # 1 millisecond linear fadeout/fadein at splices
    PruneCmd = (TrimAudio) ? "~Prune_"+RT_LocalTimeString+".txt" : ""
        \ ? FrameSel(scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,reject=true)
        \ : FrameSel_CmdReWrite(PruneCmd,scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,reject=true,Prune=True,range=true)
    (TrimAudio) ? Prune(Cmd=PruneCmd,FadeIn=True,FadeSplice=True,FadeOut=True,Fade=FadeMS) : NOP
    # If TrimAudio==true then delete Prune temp file, Else restore original Audio to the now audio-less clip
        \ ? RT_FileDelete(PruneCmd)
        \ : (c.HasAudio) ? AudioDub(c) : NOP
    Return Last
and to view rejected frames only

    OutFile = "Frames.txt"
    SelectRanges(Cmd=Outfile)  # or change to RejectRanges to view kept after 1st pass script    
    Return last    
# From Prune [req FrameSel]            
Function SelectRanges(clip c,String "SCmd",String "Cmd",Bool "TrimAudio",Float "FadeMS",Bool "Ordered") {
    # SelectRanges() by StainlessS. Required:- FrameSel, Prune, RT_Stats
    # Wrapper to Select frames/ranges along with audio, can supply frames/ranges in SCmd string And/Or Cmd file.
    #   The wrapper makes for easier usage of Prune() which supports up to 256 input clips, but requires a clip index,
    #   eg '3, 100,200' would specify clip 3, range 100 to 200. The wrapper does away with the necessity for the clip index as we
    #   are only using a single clip here.
    # SCmd: Frames/Ranges specified in String (Frames/Ranges either Chr(10) or ';' separated, infix ',' specifies range, eg 'start,end').
    # Cmd:  Frames/Ranges specified in file (one frame/range per line, comments allowed, see FrameSel for Further info).
    #  *** NOTE ***, If both Cmd and SCmd supplied AND Ordered == False, then will process Cmd file and then SCmd string afterwards, ie
    #    Will select ranges in Cmd file and in order specified (rather than auto ordering ranges) and then append ranges specified in
    #    SCmd string (and in order specified).
    # TrimAudio:
    #   True(default), selects audio belonging to selected frames/ranges
    #   False, returns original audio, probably out of sync (maybe totally out of whack if Ordered == false and selected ranges out of order).
    # FadeMS: (default 1.0 millisec). Linear Audio Fade duration at splices when TrimAudio==true, 0 = dont fade (might result in audio 'clicks/cracks').
    # Ordered:
    #   True(default), all frames/ranges are returned in sequencial order. Any frame specified more than once will return only 1 instance.
    #   False, All frames/Ranges are returned in specified order, Cmd processed first and then SCmd. Frames/ranges specified more than once
    #     will return multiple instances. Allows out-of-order trimming of clip, eg re-sequencing of scenes in movie.
    # Does not make much sense to select individual frames with audio, best used with ranges.
    # Will coalesce individually selected adjacent frames/ranges before any Fade, ie only audio fade where sensible to do so.
    # TrimAudio==false with non Ordered selection will result in completely out of sync audio.
    TrimAudio=Default(TrimAudio,True)   # default true trims audio, false returns original audio (audiodubbed, as Framesel returns no audio)
    FadeMS=Float(Default(FadeMS,1.0))   # 1 millisecond linear fadeout/fadein at splices
    Ordered=Default(Ordered,True)       # True (default) frames/ranges will be Ordered and selected only once even if specified more than once.
                                        # False, frames/ranges returned in specified order, Cmd processed 1st and then SCmd.
    PruneCmd = (TrimAudio) ? "~Prune_"+RT_LocalTimeString+".txt" : ""
        \ ? FrameSel(scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,Ordered=Ordered)
        \ : FrameSel_CmdReWrite(PruneCmd,scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,Ordered=Ordered,Prune=True,range=true)
    (TrimAudio) ? Prune(Cmd=PruneCmd,FadeIn=True,FadeSplice=True,FadeOut=True,Fade=FadeMS) : NOP
    # If TrimAudio==true then delete Prune temp file, Else restore original Audio to the now audio-less clip
        \ ? RT_FileDelete(PruneCmd)
        \ : (c.HasAudio) ? AudioDub(c) : NOP
    Return Last
You can rearrange logic however you will, above was just a quick knock-up.

Requires RT_Stats, FrameSel, Prune, and TWriteAVI v2.0.

EDIT:: Oops, and GSCript and Grunt too.

EDIT: This is more like what you asked for, set Show = False to do it for real, when true only shows metric
On my clip it was not deleting anything as all frames were above Ave luma 16.

    Function Test(Clip c, int n,Float th,String File,Bool Show) {
        Ave = RT_AverageLuma(n)    
        if(Ave < th) {
            RT_WriteFile(File,"%d",n,Append=True)           # Write unwanted frames (fewer than wanted)
            (Show) ? RT_SubTitle("%d] %f - DELETING",n,Ave) : NOP
        } else {(Show) ? RT_SubTitle("%d] %f",n,Ave) : NOP}
        Return Last    

OutFile = "Frames.txt"
RT_FileDelete(OutFile)      # Delete existing  
th = 18.0                   # Keep >= 18.0
Show = True                 # CHANGE to FALSE when happy with numbers
SSS = """Test(current_frame,th,OutFile,Show)"""

(!Show)                 ? ForceProcessAVI()         : NOP   # Force Pass 1 (From TWriteAVI v2.0) ie force writing of frames file
(!Show&&Exist(Outfile)) ? RejectRanges(Cmd=Outfile) : NOP   # If Outfile does not exist, then none to Reject. 

Return last    
Function RejectRanges(clip c,String "SCmd",String "Cmd",Bool "TrimAudio",Float "FadeMS") {
    # RejectRanges() by StainlessS. Required:- FrameSel, Prune, RT_Stats
    # Wrapper to delete frames/ranges along with audio, can supply frames/ranges in SCmd string And/Or Cmd file.
    #   The wrapper makes for easier usage of Prune() which supports up to 256 input clips, but requires a clip index,
    #   eg '3, 100,200' would specify clip 3, range 100 to 200. The wrapper does away with the necessity for the clip index as we
    #   are only using a single clip here. Prune also does not have a 'reject' arg to delete specified frames rather than select them,
    #   this wrapper also converts a list of frames to delete into a list of frames to select so that we can use Prune and its audio
    #   capability.
    # SCmd: Frames/Ranges specified in String (Frames/Ranges either Chr(10) or ';' separated, infix ',' specifies range, eg 'start,end').
    # Cmd:  Frames/Ranges specified in file (one frame/range per line, comments also allowed, see FrameSel for Further info).
    # TrimAudio:
    #   True(default), deletes audio belonging to deleted frames
    #   False, returns original audio, probably out of sync.
    # FadeMS: (default 1.0 millisec). Linear Audio Fade duration at splices when TrimAudio==true, 0 = dont fade (might result in audio 'clicks/cracks').
    TrimAudio=Default(TrimAudio,True)   # default true trims audio, false returns original audio (audiodubbed, as Framesel returns no audio)
    FadeMS=Float(Default(FadeMS,1.0))   # 1 millisecond linear fadeout/fadein at splices
    PruneCmd = (TrimAudio) ? "~Prune_"+RT_LocalTimeString+".txt" : ""
        \ ? FrameSel(scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,reject=true)
        \ : FrameSel_CmdReWrite(PruneCmd,scmd=SCmd,cmd=Cmd,reject=true,Prune=True,range=true)
    (TrimAudio) ? Prune(Cmd=PruneCmd,FadeIn=True,FadeSplice=True,FadeOut=True,Fade=FadeMS) : NOP
    # If TrimAudio==true then delete Prune temp file, Else restore original Audio to the now audio-less clip
        \ ? RT_FileDelete(PruneCmd)
        \ : (c.HasAudio) ? AudioDub(c) : NOP
    Return Last
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 13th March 2016 at 09:50.
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