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Old 16th January 2020, 14:31   #56  |  Link
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Originally Posted by wonkey_monkey View Post

Having vaguely followed this rather meandering thread
... yes, that's pretty true :-)

I can only speak for myself ... of course.

And I used orig Deshaker since some time to my very satisfaction.
Actually get kind of "addicted" to it ...
as a calm camera is a relieve when watching.

However I made the observation that if the movie has been taken
by a lens with large fov then the result of orig Deshaker
sometimes is worse than the shaky original movie (like on LSD etc. )
Clearly that is because Deshaker assumes/ works 2D only.

So the simple question was if it would be possible to take
into account the 3D origin of the movie somehow for large fovs.

Your DeShaker3D obviously does it although it has some severe
drawbacks (if I get it right)

I thought that Lens Transform would do better.
Lens Transform is also for the specific distortions of lenses,
but personally I'm not about enhancing of a device I own,
but about older movies where I only can tell roughly fov.
And with that indoor movies (family feasts etc.)
obviously taken with larger fov (but not fisheye),
Lens Transform does't do good either.
It does good for fisheye ... to my experience.
I cannot tell what's the reason for that.
Is it "by design" as to the fisheye projection?
(And if ... could it be improved by offering for "normal lenses" too?)
Or is it because panning and tilting (redfordxx called it rotation x and y)
have more effects the larger the fov?

All in all ... just a simple question from my side:

How do I deshake large fov (not fisheye) movies?
If not possible with up to now:
Which improvements could be done ...
(at Lens Transform ... as the alternatives do not do (?))
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