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Old 9th May 2020, 21:26   #9  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 10,980
    Req:- Masktools2, FastBlur, Avs+
    YUV444 or RGB Only, 8 -> 32 bit.


Function EllipMsk(clip c,int W, Int H,Bool "Soft") {
    # Req mt_tools_2, Returns frame WxH same FPS as c and without audio
    # INFIX_H="(((x-.5)^2 +(y-.5)^2) < .25 ? 255 : 0"
    #          Elliptical Disk (Hard Edge) :: mode = "relative", Radius=0.5, Rad^2=0.25 :: SOFT_Inner rad:(Rad*0.9)^2~=0.2
    # INFIX_S="((x-.5)^2+(y-.5)^2)<.2?255 : (((x-.5)^2+(y-.5)^2)<.25 ? ((.25-((x-.5)^2+(y-.5)^2))*5100):0)"
    #          Elliptical Disk (Soft Edge) :: (.25-0.2)*5100=255 : (.25-.25)*5100=0.0] :: mode="relative", 0.25~=1.0 : 0.2~=0.9
    rpn = (!Soft)
    \ ? "x 0.5 - 2 ^ y 0.5 - 2 ^ + 0.25 < 255 0 ? scalef"                                                                            [*  RPN: EllipMsk [Hard Edge] *]
    \ : "x 0.5 - 2 ^ y 0.5 - 2 ^ + 0.2 < 255 x 0.5 - 2 ^ y 0.5 - 2 ^ + 0.25 < 0.25 x 0.5 - 2 ^ y 0.5 - 2 ^ + - 5100 * 0 ? ?  scalef" [*  RPN: EllipMsk [Soft Edge] *]
    return Last.mt_lutspa(mode = "relative", expr = rpn, chroma = "-128" )

Function RectMsk(clip c,int W, Int H,Bool "Soft") {
    # Req mt_tools_2, Returns frame WxH same FPS as c and without audio
    # INFIX_H = "255"
    # INFIX_S = "max(abs(x-.5),abs(y-.5)) < .45 ? 255 : ((.5 - max(abs(x-.5),abs(y-.5)) ) * 5100)"
    \ ? "255 scalef"
    \ : "x 0.5 - abs y 0.5 - abs max 0.45 < 255 0.5 x 0.5 - abs y 0.5 - abs max - 5100 * ? scalef"
    return Last.mt_lutspa(mode = "relative", expr = rpn, chroma = "-128" )

Function Conceal(clip c,clip bc,clip msk, Float x, Float y,Float Opacity) {
    mw = Msk.Width   mh=Msk.Height
    ow=c.width-2*mw  oh=c.Height-2*mh
    xc = Round(min(max(0.0,x),ow))
    yc = Round(min(max(0.0,y),oh))
    x  = xc + mw/2
    y  = yc + mh/2

Function ConcealRange(clip c,clip bc,clip msk,Int "S", Int "E",float "sx",Float "sy",Float "ex",float "ey", Float "sop",Float "eop") {
    Blur/Conceal clip c with blurred clip clip bc using Mask msk, frames S to E, sx,sy start coords, ex,ey end coords.
    Start and End Args S & E, are similar but not exactly like trim.
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 0,0)     # Entire clip
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 100,0)   # Frame 100 to End of Clip
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 0,-1)    # Frame 0 Only
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 1,1)     # Frame 1 Only
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 1,-1)    # Frame 1 Only
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 1)       # Frame 1 Only [Not same as Trim()], E defaults to -1 ie single frame.
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 1,-3)    # Frames 1 to 3 (ie 3 frames)
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 100,200) # 101 Frames, 100 to 200
    ConcealRange(c,bc,msk, 100,-50) # Frames 100 to 149 ie 50 frames

    X coords sx, and ex, allowed range 0 -> c.width.
    Y coords sy, and ey, allowed range 0 -> c.height.
    sop, eop, Start and End Opacity, Default 1.0, range 0.0 -> 1.0
    S = Min(Max(Default(S,0),0),FMX)            E = Default(E,-1)
    sx=Default(sx,0.0)                          sy=Default(sy,0.0)
    ex=Default(ex,0.0)                          ey=Default(ey,0.0)
    sop=min(max(Default(sop,1.0),0.0),1.0)      eop=min(max(Default(eop,1.0),0.0),1.0)
    E = (E==0) ? FMX : E
    E = Min(((E < 0) ? S-E-1 : E),FMX)                                      # S <= E <= FMX : E is +ve END Frame number (may be 0)
    Empty = c.BlankClip(Length=0)
    CS = (S==0) ? Empty : c.Trim(0,-S)
    C2E = (E==0?FMX:E)
    mw=Msk.Width   mh=Msk.Height
    cpad   = c.Addborders(mw,mh,mw,mh)
    bcpad  = bc.Addborders(mw,mh,mw,mh)
    CM     = cpad.Animate(S,C2E,"Conceal",   bcpad,Msk,sx,sy,sop,    bcpad,Msk, ex,ey,eop)
    CM     = CM.Trim(S,C2E).crop(mw,mh,-mw,-mh)
    CE     = (E==FMX) ? Empty : c.Trim(E+1,0)
    CS ++ CM ++ CE


AviSource("D:\Parade.avi").Trim(100,0)           # Source Clip

# Either YUV444 or RGB

####### CONFIG ###############################################

DISK     = True             # True = Disk/Ellipse, Else Rectangle
PIXELATE = False            # True = PIXELATE, False=Blur
PIXSZ    = 8                # PIXELATE Size, (maybe 8 or 4)

# FastBlur args             # Fastblur args if PIXELATE=False
FBlurRad  = 5
FBlurIter = 3

# Mask args [size of concealed area]
MWidth    = 128
MHeight   = MWidth
MSOFT     = True   # Soft Edge mask

# Opacity of Overlay'd concealment. [You are unlikely to want anything less than about 0.9, usually 1.0]
sop = 1.0          # Start frame Opacity
eop = sop          # End frame opacity same as start opacity.

BLANKFG   = false  # Show ForeGround(blurred/concealed Area) in Blue [see path traveled better].
BLANKBG   = False  # Show BackGround in Pink

####### END CONFIG ########################
Assert(IsRGB || (Height==ExtractU.Height&&Width==ExtractU.Width),"YV444 or RGB ONLY")

W   = Width
H   = Height
BPC = BitsPerComponent

BClip = (PIXELATE) ? BilinearResize(W/PIXSZ,H/PIXSZ).PointResize(W,H) : Last.Fastblur(FBlurRad,iterations=FBlurIter)        # Concealing clip
MSK   = Last.BlankClip(pixel_type="Y8").ConvertBits(BPC)                                                                   # Mask
MSK   = (DISK) ? MSK.EllipMsk(MWidth,MHeight,Soft=MSOFT) : MSK.RectMsk(MWidth,MHeight,Soft=MSOFT)

Last = (BLANKBG) ? Last.BlankClip(Color=$C04060)  : Last
BCLip= (BLANKFG) ? BCLip.BlankClip(Color=$0000FF) : BClip

# Demo coords,               Start,End Frm,  Start X,Y    End X,Y    Start,End Opacity(default 1.0 if not supplied)
ConcealRange(Last,BClip,Msk,   0,     499,    0,    0,    W,    H,   sop,    eop)
ConcealRange(Last,BClip,Msk,   500,   999,    W,    H,    W,    0,   sop,    eop)
ConcealRange(Last,BClip,Msk,   1000, 1499,    W,    0,    0,    H,   sop,    eop)
ConcealRange(Last,BClip,Msk,   1500, 1999,    0,    H,    0,    0,   sop,    eop)
ConcealRange(Last,BClip,Msk,   2000, 2499,    0,    0,    W/2,H/2,   sop,    eop)

ConvertToRGB32 # For viewing HBD
EDIT: Fastblur and Masktools2 both available in x64 flavours.





I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 10th May 2020 at 19:30.
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