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Old 17th January 2021, 15:08   #2  |  Link
Big Bit Savings Now !
Emulgator's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 1,545
Bandwidth restrictions: How much bitrate can be transmitted ? Give as much bitrate as you can, minus a safety margin.
Quality restrictions: How much degradation of resulting file can be tolerated ? Give as much bitrate as you can.
Media restrictions: What media the resulting file shall be stored upon ? Read up media/container manuals, respect their restrictions.
Player restrictions: On which player the resulting file shall be played ? Read up player's manuals, respect their restrictions.
Filesize restrictions: Running out of space ? Give as low bitrate as you can.
Now you decide about your preferences vs. their priorities.
"To bypass shortcuts and find called QUALity" (Die toten Augen von Friedrichshain)
"Data reduction ? Yep, Sir. We're that issue working on. Synce invntoin uf lingöage..."
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