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Old 22nd September 2019, 10:01   #3  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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HH, 'myInt' is not defined as an optional arg to your function, but you use 'Default(myInt, 2)'.

Here differing rounding stuff:-

Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Round value down to next lower multiple of factor ALWAYS

To round up, to the next higher multiple of factor, when value is not an exact multiple of factor.

To round up, to the next higher multiple of factor, ALWAYS.

To round to nearest multiple of factor.
(value+factor/2)/factor*factor, OR better yet, (value*2+factor)/(2*factor)*factor. (marginally less prone to intermediate result precision loss)
Where above value and factor are both type int. [above method 2 and 4 most often used, 1 and 3 rarely]

I seem to have missed out round down, [think it was already discussed, and so I missed it out]

Function RoundInt(int value, int "factor", int "roundMode") { #
    # Round +ve Int Value to a multiple of +ve Int Factor, using rounding mode RoundMode. Result will not go -ve.
    factor = Default(factor,2)              # Default round to multiple of 2, even
    roundMode=Default(roundMode,0)          # 0=Down(Default), 1=Nearest, 2=Up, 3=ALWAYS_DOWN, 4=ALWAYS_UP
    Assert(0 <= value,String(value,"RoundInt: 0 <= value(%.0f) [result undefined for -ve value]"))
    Assert(0  < factor,String(factor,"RoundInt: 0 < factor(%.0f)"))
    Assert(0 <= RoundMode <= 4,String(RoundMode,"RoundInt: 0 <= RoundMode(%.0f) <= 4 "))
        \   (RoundMode==0)  ?   value / factor * factor              [* Down                   *]
        \ : (RoundMode==1)  ?   (value*2+factor)/(2*factor)*factor   [* Nearest : About same as (value+factor/2)/factor*factor but without intermediate result precision loss *]
        \ : (RoundMode==2)  ?   (value+factor-1)/factor*factor       [* Up                     *]
        \ : (RoundMode==3)  ?   (value-1)/factor*factor              [* ALWAYS_DOWN : Rare Use : Result always less than Value, except where Value=0 *]
        \ :                     (value+factor)/factor*factor         [* ALWAYS_UP   : Rare Use : Result always greater than Value *]

FACTOR = 4  # round to multiples of 4

SSS= "Val Down Near   Up ADwn  AUp\n"
For(i=0,16) {
    for(roundMode=0,4) {
        r = RoundInt(i, FACTOR, roundMode)
        S = S + String(r,"%5.0f")
    SSS = SSS + String(i,"%2.0f]") + S + "\n"

Subtitle(SSS,Font="Courier New",lsp=0)    # Courier New = MonoSpaced font

 \ : (RoundMode==1)  ?   (value*2+factor)/(2*factor)*factor   [* Nearest : About same as (value+factor/2)/factor*factor but without intermediate result precision loss *]
where above factor/2 is eg 3/2, then we lose precision due to half of 3 being 1, instead of 1.5 [which we cannot have in type int], chosen method avoids that precision loss at that stage.
Where factor is KNOWN even [EDIT: KNOWN power of 2, including 1] (most cases) then could use the simpler method.

EDIT: Result will not go -ve for any round operation. Value Must be +ve, Factor must be 1 or greater.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 23rd September 2019 at 10:48.
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