Thread: Zoom Player
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Old 16th September 2020, 13:42   #148  |  Link
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Posts: 128
Zoom Player v15.5 final has been released:

Zoom Player v15.5 final has been released:


  • A new, customizable play position bar that displays the last play position over thumbnails, movie posters and TV episode screenshots.
  • The seeking distance used when right-clicking on the timeline is now customizable.
  • Enhanced Play History dialog.
  • Many quality-of-life customization features.
  • Performance optimization and fixes.

What's new in Zoom Player v15.5:

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Thumb View)
that controls whether a progress position bar appears on the bottom of
thumbnails instead of the current position time.

* New "Play position bar Position and Color" settings (Adv. Options /
Fullscreen Navigation / Thumb View) allowing you to select where
the position bar appears in thumb view mode, the options are:
1. Bottom of thumbnail
2. Top of text area
3. Bottom of text area

* New "Show TV series name when scraping TV episodes in JukeBox mode"
setting (Adv. Options / Fullscreen Navigation / Settings).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Thumb View)
that controls the percentage of a media you need to see before it is marked
with the "seen" overlay (eye icon).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) that controls whether playback
should be paused when exiting fullscreen using the ESC key.

* New setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Mouse / Settings) that allow you
to customize the right-click on timeline seek distance.

* New setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Mouse / Settings) that controls
whether the control bar should hide automatically if the mouse cursor
is currently hovering above the control bar (enabled by default).

Previously the control bar would never hide if the mouse cursor hovered
above it, now you are in control.

* New settings (Adv. Options / Interface / Playlist) that instruct
Zoom Player to scan the media library scraped information for media titles
when adding files to the playlist.

Please note, this feature is disabled by default as it adds disk access and
is not suited for very large playlists.

* New settings (Adv. Options / Interface / Playlist) that instruct
Zoom Player to scan the media library scraped information for media titles
based on the parent folder of the playing media (usually applies to movies)
when adding files to the playlist.

Please note, this feature is disabled by default as it adds disk access and
is not suited for very large playlists.

* New setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Thumb View)
that control whether the current play position is drawn on movie folders.

* When the current position bar is enabled, it is now drawn on movie
posters in jukebox mode.

Please note, this feature will only work properly if there is only one
video file within the movie's folder. If the movie is split across
multiple files, the bar's position may show an incorrect value.

* The playlist fullscreen navigation interface now displays the path to the
currently highlighted playlist entry on the bottom of the screen.

* When using the correct folder structure for the Movie scraping
(folder named for the movie+year and one video file within), the
last play position will now appear on the movie's folder thumbnail.

* New "Disable automated cache clean-up" setting (Adv. Options /
Fullscreen Navigation / Thumb View) that prevents the automated
clean-up of the thumbnail cache.

While cleaning the cache is a once per week operation, when using a
large cache size, it can take up to a minute to clear the cache when
using a mechanical HDD drive (on an SSD drive it takes 1-2 seconds).

* The play history window now includes a last play position column.

* The play history window now includes the last play time along with
the play date.

* The play history window's right-click menu can now be used to remove
selected entries.

* New entry in the play history's right-click menu to try obtaining titles
for the selected entries using meta-data scraped through the media library.

* The YouTube Media Library plugin now includes an option to set
your own YouTube API Key.

To get your own key, all you need is a google account and
filling in a few forms:

By using your own API key, you can gain analytics insights from google.

* Double clicking a category in the category editor dialog now opens
the category's configuration dialog.

* New "fnRestart" function to restart Zoom Player.

* New "fnRestartWithParams" function to restart Zoom Player with the same
command line parameters it was executed with.

+ In previous version, the seen icon (eye) would show on a media library
thumbnail if that media has been played previously.
Now the seen icon is only displayed when at least 95% of the media has
been seen (you can customize this value).

+ When playing a media file all the way through to the end, it's position
will now display as fully played instead of no position at all.

This does not affect playback, playing the media file will start at the

+ Zoom Player should close much faster when closing the player while a
download plugin was refreshing content.

+ The RSS media library plugin can now display more than 5000 entries, it can
now display any number of entries fitting under 10mb of RAM.

+ The play history window can now be used to select multiple entries.

+ Ctrl+"A" now works to select every item in the play history window.

+ You can now enter empty (folder based) media library categories in order
to perform file operations (copy/paste) instead of Zoom Player displaying
a "The Category is Empty" message.

+ When using the AB-Repeat feature, the on-screen markers now hide after
setting the repeat end position, no longer obscuring parts of the video.

+ Added support for new YouTube channel URL structures that
included '/c/' instead of '/user/' or '/channel'.

+ Due to a YouTube licensing requirement, OSD messages will no longer
appear when playing YouTube content.

- Fixed a bug that triggered a re-scrape of media information whenever
daylight saving was enabled/disabled.

- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong track to play when opening a media
file from explorer (or other external process) if the option to clear
the playlist was not enabled.

- Using the Advanced Playlist Control to sort items would not work as
intended if two items with the same file name were present in the playlist
using different titles.

- The subtitle search plugin did not save non-English
characters in the username correctly.

- The YouTube plugin now correctly displays the video's publish date after
YouTube changed the date format May/2020.

- Fixed a rare crash when resizing the media library window in thumbnail
view mode.

- Fixed a bug that prevented maximizing to fullscreen if the "Prevent
exiting Fullscreen / Zoom mode" setting was enabled in some cases.

- When using the same media library category name for two different category
content types (e.g. TV & Movies), re-opening the media library after playing
content from one of the categories could result in the wrong category showing.

- A bug in the DVD auto-loading bookmarks code caused bookmarks to be ignored.

- Using the internal copy/cut & paste operation on folders did not maintain
the folder's date, causing it to be re-scraped and any custom artwork to
be ignored.

- Using the internal copy/cut & paste operation on folders did not update
the media history play cache, causing the last play position to

- The Guard Dog feature was incorrectly activated when exiting sleep mode.

- With the "Use Media Title if Available" setting disabled, the media title
could still become visible in the main window's title area under some

- Fixed an issue that slowed down loading large playlists when
drag & dropping the playlists into Zoom Player.

- Fixed an issue where the media library's "refresh" entry could become
selected for file operations (copy/paste).

- The media library's category editor's "Open Media Library" button did
not open the media library with the selected category highlighted if
the category was not listed due to a category filter. Now the category
filter is reset to ensure the correct category is highlighted.

- Updated the user-agent ZP uses when downloading data from web servers
as some servers were blocking ZP thinking it was an older browser.

- The YouTube media library plugins did not save the "Maximum thumbnail-
resolution (720p, more bandwidth)" setting.

- The control bar's timeline seek preview image is now hidden instantly when
closing the control bar.

- Opening certain dialogs (e.g. the "Media library category editor") when
Zoom Player's window was close to a screen edge would open the dialog
partially off-screen.

- When enabling the "Force the navigation list or thumb view display to
full width" or "Force the navigation list or thumb view to maximum width"
settings, some of the main navigation interface's icons did not appear.

- The GuardDog feature could have automatically executed if it took
Zoom Player too long to close.

- At times, a media library scraped backdrop image would remain in use
after re-opening the media library in category listing.

Previous changes since the release of version 15:
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