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Old 16th August 2017, 02:35   #16  |  Link
Soul Architect
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Join Date: Apr 2014
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Here's the original version that I got good results with. Less loss of details than with KNLMeansCL.
# MClean basic script
# Mask from bennynihon
# Remaining script by burfadel altered from generic information
# Basics for this script is to remove grain whilst retaining as much information as possible
# The script should also be relatively fast, even without Masktools2 multithreading (disabled due to possible MT bug)
# Chroma is processed via a different method to luma for optimal results
# Requires RGTools, Modplus (Veed, for part of chroma filter), MVTools2, Masktools2, FFT3DFilter

function MClean(clip c, int "thSAD", int "blksize", int "blksizeV", int "overlap", int "overlapV", int "cblksize", int "cblksizeV", int "coverlap", int "coverlapV", int "cpu")
thSAD     = Default(thSAD, 350) # Denoising threshold
blksize   = Default(blksize, 16) # Horizontal block size for luma
blksizeV  = Default(blksizeV, blksize) # Vertical block size for luma, default same as horizontal
overlap   = Default(overlap, 4) # Block overlap
overlapV  = Default(overlapV, overlap) # Overlap for vertical luma blocks, default same as horizontal

cblksize  = Default(cblksize, 16) # Horizontal block size for chroma
cblksizeV = Default(cblksizeV, cblksize) # Vertical block size for chroma, default same as horizontal
coverlap = Default(coverlap, cblksize/4) # Overlap for horizontal chroma blocks, default quarter cblksize
coverlapV = Default(coverlapV, cblksizeV/4) # Overlap for vertical chroma blocks, default quarter cblksizeV
cpu       = Default(cpu, 4) # Threads for FFT3DFilter

# Masks
LumaMask=mt_binarize(c, threshold=64, upper=true).greyscale().BilinearResize((c.width/16)*2, (c.height/16)*2).BilinearResize(c.width,c.height).mt_binarize(threshold=254)
EdgeMask=mt_edge(c, mode="prewitt",thy1=0,thy2=16).greyscale().mt_binarize(threshold=16, upper=true).BilinearResize((c.width/16)*2, (c.height/16)*2).BilinearResize(c.width,c.height).mt_binarize(threshold=254)

# Chroma filter
filt_chroma=fft3dfilter(veed(c), plane=3, bw=cblksize, bh=cblksizeV, ow=coverlap, oh=coverlapV, bt=5, sharpen=0.5, ncpu=cpu, dehalo=0.2, sigma=2.35)

# Luma Filter
super = c.MSuper(rfilter=4, chroma=false,hpad=16, vpad=16)
bvec2 = MAnalyse(super, chroma=false, isb = true, delta = 2, blksize=blksize, blksizeV=blksizeV, overlap=overlap, overlapV=overlapV, search=5, searchparam=7)
bvec1 = MAnalyse(super, chroma=false, isb = true, delta = 1, blksize=blksize, blksizeV=blksizeV, overlap=overlap, overlapV=overlapV, search=5, searchparam=4)
fvec1 = MAnalyse(super, chroma=false, isb = false, delta = 1, blksize=blksize, blksizeV=blksizeV, overlap=overlap, overlapV=overlapV, search=5, searchparam=4)
fvec2 = MAnalyse(super, chroma=false, isb = false, delta = 2, blksize=blksize, blksizeV=blksizeV, overlap=overlap, overlapV=overlapV, search=5, searchparam=7)
Clean = c.MDegrain2(super, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, thSAD=thSAD, plane = 0)

#Luma mask merge
filt_luma = c.mt_merge(Clean, DegrainMask, U=1, V=1)

# Combining result of luma and chroma cleaning
output = mergechroma(filt_luma,filt_chroma)

return output
Now that I look at it though, it looks like SMDegrain, except that it instead uses FF3DFilter for chroma.
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