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Old 15th December 2018, 22:26   #16  |  Link
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ffmsindex isn't built alongside x264, it's part of the FFMS2 build. It does nothing with/for x264.

From x264's --fullhelp,
--index <string>        Filename for input index file
I just tested it; that parameter makes x264 output the index from the initial pass to <output filename> rather it being used from RAM, and it also specifies a previously-generated index file to use, skipping the indexing step.

The FFMS2 version will have to match exactly for any index written by ffmsindex.exe or ffms2.dll (via AviSynth, for instance) to work with x264. And if the FFMS2 linked into x264 is static, then that only holds true for the exact binaries used there - if/when an update to ffms2.dll/ffmsindex.exe happens, FFMS2 will be newer than the one in x264 and force x264 to re-generate the index file rather than re-using it (or vice-versa; in my short test, x264 and its linked FFMS2 was newer - October 2018 - than the C-plugin build, from September).

In other words, only bother with ffmsindex if you're using FFMS2 as a plugin for AviSynth or VapourSynth, not when using the FFMS2 input on x264. If you're only using x264, stick with the indices it saves when using the --index parameter.
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