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Old 18th July 2020, 18:02   #1  |  Link
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The same Title/Object is played once as Movie and once as Menu

As the title says, I have two menus, each holding 4 episodes, a PlayAll option and a jump to each other link.
The PlayAll from the first menu is played as a Movie (it displays time, chapters, one can select subtitles), if however I use the identical function from the second menu, the same Title/Object is played as a Menu (on Pioneers it does not display times, chapters and no subtitle change, the player displays TOP which means the player thinks it plays the TopMenu; on the latest Sony X800M2 one can select subtitles but no information at all; the LG plays like the other two, but no info and no subtitle change).

The slight behaviour I assume comes from the fact that the two menus came differently from the authoring program, and refers each to a different Object (too bad one can't change the button commands in BD Edit).

First the PlayAll object (the initial check is to accomodate the second menu register settings):

Object 6 is the first menu. 7 is the second, whereas 17 is the PlayAll.
Now the selection/despatcher object (object 18):

In BDEdit these are the button commands (PlayAll; Next) that work as intended:

And these second set of button commands do play the PlayAll as a menu:

I am confused - why it behaves this way?
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Last edited by Ghitulescu; 19th July 2020 at 18:15. Reason: spelling
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