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Old 13th April 2014, 17:04   #6  |  Link
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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You may try filldrops123.avsi
Copy, paste, rename as filldrops123.avsi, put it into your plugins folder and call function as filldrops3.
# johnmeyer's filldropsI (I for Interlaced) from 16.April 2011 based on MugFunky's filldrops see below, extended by Emulgator on 25.Feb.2012.
# Automatic dropping of duplicated frames/fields followed by generation of interpolated frames/fields and reinsertion.
# Needs MVTools2, is more forgiving when duplicates do differ a little.
# johnmeyers's Difference was 0.1, deviation now tunable. 
function filldropsI (clip c, float "dev")
 dev=default(dev, 2.0)
  even = c.SeparateFields().SelectEven()
  filldrops_e = mflowinter(even,super_even,vbe,vfe,time=50)

  odd  = c.SeparateFields().SelectOdd()
  filldrops_o = mflowinter(odd,super_odd,vbo,vfo,time=50)

global devthresh=dev
  evenfixed = ConditionalFilter(even, filldrops_e, even, "YDifferenceFromPrevious()", "lessthan", "devthresh", show=true)
  oddfixed  = ConditionalFilter(odd,  filldrops_o, odd,  "YDifferenceFromPrevious()", "lessthan", "devthresh", show=true)


# MugFunky's filldrops from 19.December 2005 
# " i wrote a little function to replace all frames that are identical to the previous one with a motion-interpolation of the adjacent frames.
# it could be useful for captures that you can't get again, but are full of drops..."
# Needs MVTools, duplicates must match perfectly, (useful only for capture drop&repeats).
function filldrops (clip c, float "dev")
global filldrops_d = c.mvflowinter(vb,vf,time=50,idx=1)
global filldrops_c = c
global devthresh=dev

c.scriptclip("""ydifferencefromprevious()<devthresh? filldrops_d : filldrops_c""")

# MugFunky's filldrops from 19.December 2005, extended by Emulgator on 25.Feb.2012
# " i wrote a little function to replace all frames that are identical to the previous one with a motion-interpolation of the adjacent frames.
# it could be useful for captures that you can't get again, but are full of drops..."
# Needs MVTools2, deviation now tunable.
function filldrops2 (clip c, float "dev")
dev=default(dev, 2.0)

global filldrops_d = mflowinter(c,super,vb,vf,time=50)
global filldrops_c = c
global devthresh=dev

c.scriptclip("""ydifferencefromprevious()<devthresh? filldrops_d : filldrops_c""")

# filldrops3 based on MugFunky's filldrops from 19.December 2005, extended by Emulgator on 26.Feb.2012 to accommodate interpolation of Doupledrops
# " i wrote a little function to replace all frames that are identical to the previous one with a motion-interpolation of the adjacent frames.
# it could be useful for captures that you can't get again, but are full of drops..."
# Needs MVTools2, deviation now tunable.
function filldrops3 (clip c, float "dev")
blksz=16 # Blocksize for Motion search. Default = 8. My Default 16: Delivers a smoother picture. 4: Gives too many artefacts with poorer source.
searchp=32 # Radius for Motion search. Default = 2, My Default = 32
bld=true # Decides what to do if a Scenechange is detected by the following parameters: true will blend, false will repeat previous frame.
SCDpb=800 # Default = 400. thSCD1. SAD (pixels*luma values) Threshold per Block. A Block exceeding this SAD is considered changed.
##                     SAD = Sum of Absolute Differences  = Number of pixels per 8x8 block (=64) multiplied with their luma difference.
##                     SCDpb is always given related to 8x8 blocks and scaled internally to match other block sizes. SCDbp is thSCD1 and is evaluated before SCDpf=thSCD2
SCDpf=200 # 0-255, Default=130. thSCD2. Changed Blocks percentage threshold per frame. 0=0%, 127=50%, 255 = 100%.
##                     This Threshold sets which minimal percentage of changed blocks a frame has to contain to be considered as a scene change.

dev=default(dev, 2.0)

back_vec=MAnalyse(super, blksize=blksz, search=5, searchparam=searchp, isb=true, delta=1, temporal=false, dct=0, divide=0, trymany=false)#delta=framedistance;isb=IS Backward
		# Looks 1 frame ahead and calculates vectors backward to reference frame.
forw_vec=MAnalyse(super, blksize=blksz, search=5, searchparam=searchp, isb=false, delta=1, temporal=false, dct=0, divide=0, trymany=false)#search 3:=Exhaustive; 4:=Hex(default); 5:=UMH
		# Looks 1 frame behind and calculates vectors forward to reference frame.
dblback_vec=MAnalyse(super, blksize=blksz, search=5, searchparam=searchp, isb=true, delta=2, temporal=false, dct=0, divide=0, trymany=false)#delta=framedistance;isb=IS Backward
		# Looks 2 frames ahead and calculates vectors backward to reference frame. To be used when reference frame + 1 has to be excluded.
dblforw_vec=MAnalyse(super, blksize=blksz, search=5, searchparam=searchp, isb=false, delta=2, temporal=false, dct=0, divide=0, trymany=false)#search 3:=Exhaustive; 4:=Hex(default); 5:=UMH
		# Looks 2 frames behind and calculates vectors forward to reference frame. To be used when reference frame -1 has to be excluded.

global fillsingdrops = MFlowInter(c,super,back_vec,forw_vec,time=50, blend=bld, thSCD1=SCDpb, thSCD2=SCDpf)
global filldoubdrops33 = MFlowInter(c,super,dblback_vec,dblforw_vec,time=33, blend=bld, thSCD1=SCDpb, thSCD2=SCDpf)
global filldoubdrops67 = MFlowInter(c,super,dblback_vec,dblforw_vec,time=67, blend=bld, thSCD1=SCDpb, thSCD2=SCDpf)
global oric=c
global devthresh=dev

#ConditionalFilter(c, c, fillsingdrops, "YDifferenceFromPrevious()", ">", "devthresh", show=true)##works for mending of single framerepeats
#ConditionalFilter(c, c, filldoubdrops33, "YDifferenceFromPrevious()>devthresh", "&&", "YDifferenceToNext()>devthresh", show=true)##wrong syntax

c.scriptclip("""(YDifferenceFromPrevious<devthresh) && (YDifferenceToNext<devthresh) ? (filldoubdrops33++filldoubdrops67.Trim(1,0)) : (YDifferenceFromPrevious<devthresh) ? fillsingdrops : oric""")

"To bypass shortcuts and find called QUALity" (Die toten Augen von Friedrichshain)
"Data reduction ? Yep, Sir. We're that issue working on. Synce invntoin uf lingöage..."

Last edited by Emulgator; 13th April 2014 at 17:07.
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