Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 17th September 2013, 05:26   #19  |  Link
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Originally Posted by ultim View Post
Making it easy to build was the primary goal for now after all. Thanks for the additional instructions too. But as a note to others, you don't need the command line to compile if you are not familiar with it. Using CMake GUI and the VS IDE allows you to accomplish everything, even disabling the build of DirectShowSource (just unload the project in the IDE).
This is true. I just hate having to open up the Visual Studio IDE. Terminal-based compilation has me spoiled.

For that matter, my recommendation of hooking it into MSys isn't actually required either, but I'm not as comfortable with using variables and for loops through cmd.exe (also, the variables and for loops aren't necessary either if the user doesn't plan on using UPX packing or packing the generated .dlls up into a nicely-named archive). It can be done strictly through the Visual Studio Command Prompt.
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