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Old 13th April 2014, 20:58   #8  |  Link
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MSuper is part of MVTools; there's a patched build in Dither tools.

Be aware that unless you do some munging with variable frame rates (which is not recommended unless you really know what you're doing), there will be judder if you don't remove the duplicate frames prior to motion interpolation.

I assume the annoying questions go away after you hit some arbitrary post count; some other forum posters I asked said they didn't see the questions at all.

Edit: To make this work with one of the filldrops functions (without judder), you'd need to make the group of three identical frames a group of only two identical frames. (filldrops3 looks like it was designed to handle such groups of three, but that is not the right thing to do in this case.) TDecimate(mode=1) does exactly that, getting rid of the third frame. The script you use should be something like:

TDecimate(mode=1) # so instead of an AABBB pattern, you have AABB
But then you might run into issues with multiple duplicate frames being detected etc., and the best option is just to decimate to 12 fps first.

super = MSuper(last)
vecb = MAnalyse(super,isb=true)
vecf = MAnalyse(super,isb=false)
MFlowFps(last,super,vecb,vecf,num=30,den=1,blend=false) # replace num/den with the desired output frame rate

Last edited by colours; 13th April 2014 at 21:23. Reason: elaborate on judder
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