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Old 30th October 2017, 16:03   #26629  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
Originally Posted by AmigaFuture View Post
Records the state - right. With it in the Project File (or as the new new INI if edited through BD-RB and the saved), and there aren't any other IVTC switches for BD-RB to notice, it still enabled IVTC. It was once I removed that line that it didn't anymore. IVTC from Setup not active, or any hidden options being still did the IVTC. So, what you mean is with that line there..BD-RB does a logic "It's preform a normal IVTC." Gotcha. I was thinking that should not happen unless it's enabled in Setup or Hidden Opt. You have a built in logic happening I didn't figure into play.
As I said -- it isn't meant to be user modified. When you removed it the values for each M2TS that BD-RB needed are no longer there -- so they defaulted to zero. It's kinda like cutting off your toes and then saying "why don't I have any toes?"

This is what I mean by a "self inflicted injury".
By the way, this wasn't meant as a slight against you... just a humorous attempt at further explanation.
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