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Old 19th May 2020, 07:35   #1846  |  Link
App Digger
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Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 411

It seems like your build of FFmpeg, ffmpeg-N-97806-g883c48190f-g1ead7ed5bf-gcc10.1.7z has a problem with a text file input that's encoded in UTF-8, CR/LF(Windows).

In order to concatenate two wmv files into one mkv, I made the following txt file named mylist.txt (UTF-8, CR/LF):

file 'test 1.wmv'
file 'test 2.wmv'
Then I ran the following command to join those two wmv files:
(Windows 10 x64 2004)

ffmpeg -hide_banner -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy -y 'test.mkv'
But your FFmpeg binary yields this error message:

[concat @ 00000147d0463300] Impossible to open 'mtest 1.wmv'
mylist.txt: No such file or directory
On the other hand, Zeranoe's build (4.2.2 static) runs OK.

I can't figure out why there's an unnecessary letter m in the filename in the error message.
My guess is that maybe it's related to the text encoding method your ffmpeg binary employs when it takes the text input file.

Any idea?
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