Thread: VirtualDub2
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Old 31st October 2019, 17:31   #922  |  Link
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Originally Posted by shekh View Post
Thanks! Setting it back to standard AVI input in that open file dialogue did the trick.

Okay, so now that VirtualDub2 is fully functional for me, maybe, *MAYBE* its integrated script editor will help me get into AVIsynth for once, after I haven't been able for more than 15 years by now to learn AVIsynth at a sufficicent level to even just open a file.

A clickable GUI and a programming language aka "script" are just so vastly different in approach, plus both Mencoder and AVIsynth always seem to lack *DECADES* behind on their respective documentations, so none of the scripts found in documentation *EVER* work. Plus, AVIsynth and Mencoder aces often seem to have a terrible holier-than-thou attitude, so even if you're trying to contact them for help, in 9 cases out of 10 they will first ridicule the fact that you're actually trying to use commands from the documentation, and then immediately stop talking to you once they realize you're not using Linux, which basically means you're some lower life form not worth their time.
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