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Old 24th November 2013, 03:35   #26  |  Link
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Yes, I was thinking about 1 frame every 15 or 30 frames through the whole file. It's a very different use than you've envisioned but a related concept.

Letterboxed source with the "morse code" is fairly easy because there will be a number of near-black lines above and below the source. Test from the bottom then use that indicate relative upper cutoff location.

Non-letterboxed source with that crap in the top few lines is the challenge. Sometimes it's one line, The sample I made is probably the most complex I've seen, four or five lines. That's a LOT of extra data. My original idea was to overwrite those lines with black to preserve aspect ratio.

The DirecTV files I have with the crap in them are all 480x480 or 544x480 SD. If there are other formats with junk, I don't know about them.
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