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Old 11th January 2016, 13:50   #23  |  Link
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Originally Posted by movmasty View Post
...Is the hour? It is 80 minutes.
A good movie is 2 hours, and this 3 hours are 240 minutes

If its +2-4% on bitrate/framepixel, its +2-4% on bitrate or size as well.
I like numbers, but there are too many in your post.
what is the distance of Centauri? 4Ly, 480 days in a year, 32 hours in a day, 80 mins in a hour, 80 secs in a min.....very big!

The difference exist, but is very smaller mod16xmod8 is still very good

If you really seek for total compatibly and universal rendering should use mod64xmod64.
that gives few res available
for 4:3 256x192 and multiples
for 16:9 1024x576 and multiples
for 2.35 2560x1088 and multiples.
I don't think you understand how modX is decoded. Once you're past the hurdle of requiring decode and output resolutions to be identical, without which 1080p wouldn't exist, any other resolution is OK down to mod 8x2 (for the usual 4:2:0), and mod 2x2 on nearly all hardware. At this point the ones with bugs even in their horizontal conversion are extremely rare, it's a long solved problem.

And maybe tamp down on the sarcasm, or whatever it is, and answer questions and correct mistakes directly instead of throwing out non sequiturs.
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