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Old 3rd January 2018, 11:52   #28  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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I'll edit the .ini file.
I'de have to make all key combos available, there were only a few editable in ini. Did not anitcipate any problems with the numerical keys combos.
I'll see what I can do.

And so, how would you proceed to convert the Morph commands to FrameSurgeons commands
No idea, dont know what your Morph commands look like [I guess something like Morph(23,25) or similar, to fix frame 24 (from memory of reading the morph thread)].
I would just knock up a script for parsing the commands file (or script portion), extracting two numbers, adding 1 to first and subtract 1 from second, and convert to an Id command, and write it out to another file. I find parsing frames files not so difficult at all.

EDIT: I could have easily used CTRL/ALT/Letter combos, however I use them extensively in my own system wide hotkeys.

EDIT: Also NOTE, VirtualDub/FilterMod uses loads of hotKeys which you also cannot use in SawBones.
EDIT: I guess that I can easily get around the VDFilterMod F5 Save & Refresh thing, by shifting focus to the script window, before sending F5 key, and then shifting back to FilterMod window. (have not tried that yet, but I expect that it should be ok).

EDIT: What version NotePad2 do you use ? and I assume that there is an Avisynth syntax highlighter option, is there also possibility of playing via eg MPC-HC and viewing help file within NotePad2, on some key combo ? (the old version by original author looked quite good, and very light weight).
EDIT: At ~300KB for largest file, I downed them all, both 32bit and both 64bit.
EDIT: I usually use PsPad for hacking out a script & quick test for errors in MPC-HC or MPlayer2 (old WMV from about W98 or W2K), and when roughly about right, switch to VirtualDubFilteRMod script editor, and finally PsPad again (or NotePadPlus) for beautifying (eg TABS to SPACES).

EDIT: Dont know if more have been added, this I knocked up quite some time ago. [EDIT: Does not incl new AVS Script Editor hotKeys]


CTRL/O              Open Video file
F2                  Re-Open Video file
SPACE               Preview Input
ENTER               Preview Filtered
F5                  Preview Output From Start
F7                  SaveAs AVI
SHIFT/F7            Save Old Format AVI
CTRL/W              Close AVI
CTRL/SHIFT/F7       Queue Batch Save AVI
CTRL/L              Load Processing Settings
CTRL/S              Save Processing Settings
F4                  Job Control
CTRL/Z              Undo

CTRL/Y              ReDo
CTRL/X              Cut
CTRL/C              Copy
CTRL/V              Paste
DELETE              Delete
CTRL/D              Clear Selection
CTRL/A              Select ALL
HOME                Set Selection Start
END                 Set Selection End

F9                  Toggle Input Input Video Pane
F10                 Toggle Output Input Video Pane
SHIFT/F10           View decompressed Output
F8                  Log
SHIFT/F8            Real-Time Profiler

CTRL/LEFT           Beginning
CTRL/RIGHT          End
LEFT                Previous frame
RIGHT               Next Frame
SHIFT/LEFT          Previous KeyFrame
SHIFT/RIGHT         Next KeyFrame
ALT/LEFT            Back 50 Frames
ALT/RIGHT           Forward 50 Frames
PAGEUP              Back 50 Frames
PAGEDOWN            Forward 50 Frames
SHIFT/[             Prev Drop Frame
SHIFT/]             Next Drop Frame
SHIFT/,             Prev Range
SHIFT/.             Next Range
[                   Goto Selection Start
]                   Goto Selection End
CTRL/SHIFT/LEFT     Goto Prev Scene
CTRL/SHIFT/RIGHT    Goto Next Scene
CTRL/G              Goto Frame

CTRL/F              Filters
CTRL/R              FrameRate
CTRL/P              Compression
CTRL/1              Copy Source frame to ClipBoard
CTRL/2              Copy Output frame to ClipBoard

CTRL/I              Interleaving
CTRL/N              Conversion


F1                  Help

######################         SORTED BY TYPE        ########
[                   Goto Selection Start
]                   Goto Selection End
SPACE               Preview Input
ENTER               Preview Filtered
DELETE              Delete
HOME                Set Selection Start
END                 Set Selection End
LEFT                Previous frame
RIGHT               Next Frame
PAGEUP              Back 50 Frames
PAGEDOWN            Forward 50 Frames

CTRL/1              Copy Source frame to ClipBoard
CTRL/2              Copy Output frame to ClipBoard
CTRL/A              Select ALL
CTRL/C              Copy
CTRL/D              Clear Selection
CTRL/F              Filters
CTRL/G              Goto Frame
CTRL/I              Interleaving
CTRL/L              Load Processing Settings
CTRL/N              Conversion
CTRL/O              Open Video file
CTRL/P              Compression
CTRL/R              FrameRate
CTRL/S              Save Processing Settings
CTRL/V              Paste
CTRL/W              Close AVI
CTRL/X              Cut
CTRL/Y              ReDo
CTRL/Z              Undo
CTRL/LEFT           Beginning
CTRL/RIGHT          End
CTRL/SHIFT/F7       Queue Batch Save AVI


F1                  Help
F2                  Re-Open Video file
F4                  Job Control
F5                  Preview Output From Start
F7                  SaveAs AVI
F8                  Log
F9                  Toggle Input Input Video Pane
F10                 Toggle Output Input Video Pane

SHIFT/[             Prev Drop Frame
SHIFT/]             Next Drop Frame
SHIFT/,             Prev Range
SHIFT/.             Next Range
SHIFT/LEFT          Previous KeyFrame
SHIFT/RIGHT         Next KeyFrame
SHIFT/F7            Save Old Format AVI
SHIFT/F8            Real-Time Profiler
SHIFT/F10           View decompressed Output

CTRL/SHIFT/LEFT     Goto Prev Scene
CTRL/SHIFT/RIGHT    Goto Next Scene
ALT/LEFT            Back 50 Frames
ALT/RIGHT           Forward 50 Frames
###############  AVS SCRIPT EDITOR WINDOW  ##################

CTRL/N            New
CTRL/O            Open
CTRL/S            Save
F2                Save
F5                Save & Refresh
F7                Save & Open as AVI
CTR/Q             Exit

CTRL/Z            Undo
CTRL/Y            Redo
CTRL/G            Goto
CTRL/F            Find
F3                Find Next
SHIFT/F3          Find Prev
CTRL/P            Insert Position
CTRL/R            Insert Range
CTRL/T            Insert Trim with Range
CTRL/I            Insert Frameset as Trims
CTRL/SHIFT/O      Insert Filename
CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/C  Comment Selected Lines
CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/U  UnComment Selected Lines
EDIT: Conflicts with AVS script editor dont matter. (its the VD main window that will be active).

EDIT: VDFilterMod also has ability to edit DeComb and VapourSynth scripts, but no idea how Decomb thing behaves, and VapourSynth
editor is very limited, because no-one that was interested had any idea about VapourSynth syntax nor vs requirements.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 3rd January 2018 at 14:20.
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