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Old 29th August 2021, 13:00   #14  |  Link
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 706
Searching for a bug.
I read bit. For libjpeg-turbo cmake is recommended to use debugging information "-g". In nasm this is just the equivalent of "-g"
I used "-g0". My mistake.
"Level 0 produces no debug information at all. Thus, -g0 negates -g." Default is 2
Then I ran test with ggdb3. The assembler test for x265 failed on sse2 or avx2.
For svt-av1 cmake is recommended to run "-gdwarf". Option under unix. The problem is that "gdwarf" in gcc defaults to gdwarf32 for the nasm elf32/64 function.
Trying with the "gdwarf" function did not work either.

For me, it's big deal to combine nasm with gcc 12.0.0. The suggestion of permutation with options in programs is like ball against the fence. Nasm doesn't have lot of options. The programs either work or don't.

nasm_2.15.05.exe -f win64 -g -F cv8 -O3 -DWIN64=1 -D__x86_64__=1 -DPIC=1 %%f -Xgnu -o %%~nf.o
gcc_12.0.0.exe -std=gnu11 -g -O3 -fPIC -DWITH_SIMD=1 -DUSE_WINDOWS_MESSAGEBOX=1 -DBITS_IN_JSAMPLE=8 -DINLINE="inline __attribute__((always_inline))" -DLOCAL(type)="static type" -c %%f -o %%~nf.o
fnasm_2.15.05.exe -f win64 -g -F cv8 -O3 -DWIN64=1 -DARCH_X86_64=1 -DPIC=1 -Dprivate_prefix=dav1d -Xgnu %%f -o %%~nf.o
gcc_12.0.0.exe -std=gnu11 -g -O3 -fPIC -DARCH_X86_64=1 -DHAVE_ASM=1 -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1 -DUNICODE=1 -D_UNICODE=1 -DCONFIG_8BPC -DCONFIG_16BPC -DBITDEPTH=8 -DHAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC=1 -c %%f -o %%~nf.o
svt-av1 ???
nasm_2.15.05.exe -f win64 -g -F cv8 -O3 -DWIN64=1 -DARCH_X86_64=1 -DPIC=1 -Xgnu %%f -o %%~nf.o
gcc_12.0.0.exe -std=gnu11 -g -O3 -fPIC -DARCH_X86_64=1 -c %%f -o %%~nf.o
nasm_2.15.05.exe -fwin32 -g -F cv8 -O3 -DX265_ARCH_X86=1 -DARCH_X86_64=0 -DBIT_DEPTH=8 -DHIGH_BIT_DEPTH=0 -DX265_NS=x265 -DPIC=1 -DSUFFIX=o -Xgnu %%f -o %%~nf.o
g++_12.0.0.exe -std=gnu++11 -g -O3 -fPIC -DX86_64=0 -DWINVER=0x0602 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602 -DEXPORT_C_API=1 -DX265_NS=x265 -DLINKED_10BIT=1 -DLINKED_12BIT=1 -DX265_VERSION=3.5+13 -DHIGH_BIT_DEPTH=0 -DX265_DEPTH=8 -DENABLE_HDR10_PLUS=1 -DHAVE_STRTOK_R -DENABLE_ASSEMBLY=1 -c %%f -o %%~nf.o

Last edited by Jamaika; 31st August 2021 at 06:27.
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