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Old 15th March 2019, 11:24   #14  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 10,980
Thought I might include this, its in the source folder for coders, but might assist a little for those trying to figure out what it does.

[EDIT: Below MD_??_?? is the difference between two potentially unblended 'component' pixels when merged together for final unblended pixel.
eg MD_10_23 and FD_12 etc are the names of actual variables in the source code. FD_12 etc are the actual differences between adjacent frame pixels in blended clip.]
We use the same names pre-prended with "W_" as per frame weighted [0.0 -> 100.0%] variable names.
                                ExBlend [ FindBlend() ]

                  Rough description of ExBlend() blend detection

       --------              --------           --------               --------
      |MD_10_23|            |MD_21_34|         |MD_32_45|             |MD_43_56|
      |        |            |        |         |        |             |        |
      |        |            |        |         |        |             |        |
      |--------|            |--------|         |--------|             |--------|
      |        |            |        |         |        |             |        |
     _|        |\          _|        |____     |        |____         |        |
    | \        | \        /|             |\    |        |    |       /|        |
    |  \       \  \      / |             | \  /|        |    |      / |        |
    |   \       \  \    /  |             |  \/ |        /    |     /  |        |
    |    \       \  \_ /__ |_________    |  /\/________/_____|____/ __|       /|
    |     \       \__ /_   |      ___\___|_/ //       /  ____|_____/ ________/ |
 --------  \ --------/  \--|-----/   -\--|--// \-----/--/   -|------/  --------/
|Frame_0 |  |Frame_1 |  |Frame_2 |  |Frame_3 | |Frame_4 |  |Frame_5 | |Frame_6 |
|        |  |        |  |        |  | Current| |        |  |        | |        |
| in_n-3 |  | in_n-2 |  | in_n-1 |  | in_n   | | in_n+1 |  | in_n+2 | | in_n+3 |
|   p0   |  |   p1   |  |   p2   |  |   p3   | |   p4   |  |    p5  | |    p6  |
 --------    --------    --------    --------   --------    --------   --------
                   |     |     |     |     |      |    |      |
                   |     |     |     |     |      |    |      |
                  --------    --------     --------    --------
Metrics display->| FD_12  |  | FD_23  |   | FD_34  |  | FD_45  |<-Metrics display
     ONLY        |        |  |        |   |        |  |        |       ONLY
                 |        |  |        |   |        |  |        |
                  --------    --------     --------    --------

PER PIXEL VARIABLES:- (at current x,y postion in frame)
px = Pixel Luma from Frame_x (x = 0 to 6).
FD_ab = abs(pa - pb)        Delta between adj frames[a & b] pixels
UP_ab = (pa * 2) - pb;
    Pixel, unblended from 2 frames, two of these are later merged to recover
    original frame. These are the inputs to MD_ab_cd and are not shown above
    as it just makes it look confusing (I tried it), but each pair of lines
    into MD_ab_cd can be thought of as UP_ab.
    The ordering of the frame numbers (a,b) IS IMPORTANT and can be gotten from
    the description of MD_ab_cd
MD_ab_cd = abs(UP_ab - UP_cd)
    Merge Delta, between component pixels of the potentially recovered
    (unblended) pixel. If we find a blended pair of frames and at the current
    frame position we have the first blended frame, then current frame in_n
    (frame_3) will be replaced with a recovered frame the equivalent unblended
    pixels of MD_32_45 and the second blended frame in_n+1 (frame_4) also will
    be filled with the same content when the next frame is requested,
    (after doing all this again), however, next time around, in_n will be the
    second blended frame as the contents of everything would have shifted left
    by 1 frame, and so, MD_32_45 will NO LONGER be the recovered frame, it will
    now be MD_21_34. When the recovered frame is finally rendered it will go
    sort of like:-
        RecoveredPixel = (UP_ab + UP_cd + 1) / 2; (for luma)
WEIGHTINGS:- (float)
    Accumulated weighting for pixels; Obviously clear to zero at beginning.
W_MD_ab_cd += MD_ab_cd;
W_FD_ab    += FD_ab;
    Final scaling of measurements for whole frames before deciding if blended.
float mx = (vi.width * vi.height) * 255.0;
    For scaling weighting into more managable & meaningful numbers.

W_MD_ab_cd = W_MD_ab_cd * 100.0 / mx;
W_UP_ab    = W_UP_ab    * 100.0 / mx;
W_FD_ab    = W_FD_ab    * 100.0 / mx;

If ((W_MD_32_45 < W_MD_21_34) && (W_MD_32_45 < W_MD_43_56))
    // then, is possible 1st of pair of blends
    if (W_MD_32_45 < W_FD_34)
        // then IS 1st blend index
else If ((W_MD_21_34 < W_MD_10_23) && (W_MD_21_34 < W_MD_32_45))
    // then is possible 2nd of pair of blends
    if (W_MD_21_34 < W_FD_23)
        // then IS 2nd blend index
    // Is NOT a blend
Also this in there too (identities.txt).
EDIT: After staring at below gobble-de-gook for a while, added the stuff in blue [will be modded as below in next release].
Below written to assist understanding of how the screwed up clip was created, and is from point of view of the pre-blended clip.

The 'IN' (ie W,X,Y,Z) are frames before the bad blends were created, and 'OUT' is the resultant bad blending sequence that need be fixed,
C and D are the blended pair, and Y is the missing frame that is partially present in both C and D blended pair.
[Missing Y frame is the one that needs recovering].

IN  W  X    Y    Z      # Pre blended frames.
    |  | \  /\  /|
OUT A  B  C   D  E      # Bad frames that we have to deal with.

A = W
B = X
C = (X + Y) / 2     : X = 2C - Y : B = 2C - Y   : Y = 2C - X : Y = 2C - B
D = (Y + Z) / 2     : Y = 2D - Z : Y = 2D - E   : Z = 2D - Y : E = 2D - Y
E = Z

FD_CD   = | ((X + Y) / 2) - ((Y + Z) / 2) |   == | ((X + Y - Y - Z) / 2) |                    == | (X - Z) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | (B - E) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | B - E | / 2

FD_BC   = | X - ((X + Y) / 2) |               == | (2X - (X + Y)) /2 | == |(2X - X - Y)/2|    == | (X - Y) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | (B - Y) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | B - Y | / 2

FD_DE   = | ((Y + Z) / 2) - Z |               == | (Y + Z - 2Z) / 2 |                         == | (Y - Z) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | (Y - E) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | Y - E | / 2
# Above FD_nm is expected Frame Difference between frames n and m.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 16th March 2019 at 01:22.
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