Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 9th August 2018, 01:45   #4190  |  Link
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Originally Posted by manolito View Post
So your build makes sure the cake itself does not become a marble cake (avoiding a crash when the CPU does not support it). By switching back /arch to SSE you avoid optimizing C parts with SIMD.
Roughly. It avoids using SSE2 SIMD. If you tried using that build on something older than a Pentium-III, it would crash. The only way to fully disable it is by using /arch:IA32, but how many people with a Pentium-II, Pentium Pro, or i486/i386 are going to be running at least Windows XP just to be able to run that AviSynth.dll? Much less actually be using it for anything other than academic 'because I can' points?

The point is that /arch specifies the minimum instruction set the CPU supports, and because of that, it allows the compiler to use SIMD at or below that minimum setting when optimizing the C parts of the code during the build process.

I mean, I could probably throw up a build with all the intrinsics disabled so you'd be forced to use the C versions and see directly how well MSVC optimizes stuff. I think it's just disabling a couple of defines, but I'm not sure.

But then why the hell is your build just as fast or even a little faster on my test computer which certainly does have SSE2?
MSVC might optimize for MMX/SSE a bit better in spots for a 32-bit compared to SSE2, but largely it would be because on an Ivy Bridge, you wouldn't be using the C versions of anything much/at all (for either pinterf's build or mine). It might in some non-filter areas that linger in the background, possibly. If I had to guess (based on pinterf's comment in CMakeLists.txt), it is the high bit depth stuff where you would see the biggest difference between the two builds. I'm not sure how much of it has intrinsics now, so there may be a higher proportion of it that has to rely on the compiler doing the optimization on plain C code.
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