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Old 24th March 2018, 09:51   #11  |  Link
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You can feed FFMpeg with the avs script and apply the LUT, something like this:

The avs script (+ the filters you need/want):
video = FFVideoSource("H:\test.mxf", colorspace = "YUV420P8")
audio= FFAudioSource("H:\test.mxf")
return AudioDub(video, audio)
FFMpeg windows cmd line will be something like this:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i "H:\script.avs" -filter_complex lut3d="H\\:/LUTs/CineStyle\ S\ Curve.cube" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a copy output.mkv
The encoding parameters and codec needs to be adjusted to your needs, here the audio is just copied and muxed for example.

You will notice the weird path name for the LUT location in the command above, my LUT applied to the script is located here on my machine:
"H:\LUTs\CineStyle S Curve.cube"
FFmpeg is a complete pain in the rear for paths having spaces or special characters in them that need to be escaped inside filters, in the end my path ends up like this in the windows command prompt :
"H\\:/LUTs/CineStyle\ S\ Curve.cube"
i strongly recommend having your files in folders that don't require spaces in paths to avoid long headaches trying to get FFmpeg reach them...

The FFmpeg encoding parameters and codec need to be adjusted to your needs ( and maybe refined for the colorspaces used ) but hopefully this helps a bit

Last edited by Yanak; 24th March 2018 at 09:57.
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