Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 2nd February 2017, 16:50   #2956  |  Link
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I decided to make a release, I hope this version is much better than the previous one, it is quite a few months since v2294 was released. Sure, it has a wider feature set than the ROM routines of a ZX81, which I started programming on.

Avisynth Plus v2420

Report bugs, regressions, wish-list as always.

!!! There is a long readme.txt in the packet which contains detailed informations on the new and changed functions, fixes and hints. Formatting is not that nice, but at least there is some doc (sort of).

Changelog since last dev release (v2397):
- CombinePlanes:
    When there is only one input clip, zero-cost BitBlt-less subframes are used, which is much faster.

    e.g.: casting YUV to RGB, shuffle RGBA to ABGR, U to Y, etc..
    Target planes that are not specified, preserve their content.

    CombinePlanes(clipRGBP, planes="RGB",source_planes="BGR") # swap R and B
    CombinePlanes(clipYUV, planes="GBRA",source_planes="YUVA",pixel_type="RGBAP8") # cast YUVA to planar RGBA
    CombinePlanes(clipYUV, planes="Y",source_planes="U",pixel_type="Y8") # extract U

- fix: SubframePlanarA (available in IScriptEnvironment2)
- faster: Difference-type conditional functions: Simd for 10-16 bits
- Fix: MinMax-type conditional functions (min, max, median): return float value for float clips
- ConvertToPlanarRGB(A): 
    PlanarRGB <-> PlanarRGBA is now allowed
- ConvertToPlanarRGB(A):
    YUY2 source is now allowed (through automatic ConvertToRGB proxy)
- faster: RemoveAlphaPlane (subframe instead of BitBlt copy)
- Overlay: "Blend" native greyscale mode: process y plane only w/o conversion
- Overlay: automatic use444=false for "blend"/"luma"/"chroma" 
    for inputs: 420/422/444 and any RGB, lossless Planar RGB intermediate for PackedRGB
    Overlay/mask auto-follows input clip format.
    For compatibility: when greymask=true (default) and mask is RGB then mask source is the B channel
- faster: RGB48->RGB64 SSSE3 (1,6x), RGB64->RGB48 SSSE3 (1.5x speed)
- faster: RGB24,RGB48->PlanarRGB: uses RGB32/64 intermediate clip
- Histogram "levels": allow RGB24/32/48/64 input.
    Display R, G and B channels instead of Y, U and V
    Reminder 1: "levels" for Planar RGB was working already
    Reminder 2: Histogram "levels" and "Classic" allows bits=xx parameter, xx=8..12
                If "bits" is specified then Histogram is drawn with 9..12 bits precision. Get a wide monitor though :)
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