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Old 17th August 2013, 18:30   #2324  |  Link
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Originally Posted by qyot27 View Post
Using post-March 21st builds of FFmpeg has one glaring caveat concerning AviSynth: 2.5.8 doesn't like it one bit, and any source loading filter causes 2.5.8 to crash with the new demuxer. 2.6 and AvxSynth (the latter has no bearing on AVStoDVD) have no problems with it. This would also include the upcoming release of FFmpeg 1.3, unless the 2.5.8 issue either gets fixed in the interim or it's something further down inside of FFmpeg (or libavformat) that requires some other change to cope with it.

'1.3' wasn't used as the version number; it was actually released as FFmpeg 2.0. It still has the problematic behavior with 2.5.8.

FFmpeg 2.0.1 includes a stopgap fix that prevents video from loading if 2.5 is detected and warns the user to upgrade to 2.6. Audio can still be handled through 2.5.8, just so long as the script doesn't try to hand video to FFmpeg (in other words, KillVideo() or loading audio-only files works; this is also true of 2.0, but the difference is that 2.0.1 won't crash if you accidentally try to give it video through 2.5.8).

The current git master of FFmpeg (as of 4 hours ago; as I'm typing this post it's the second-to-newest commit) contains a true fix that allows 2.5.8 to fully work properly once more. So projecting this to some future release, it'd be either a '2.0.2' or a '2.1', unless it gets a major version bump again.
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