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Old 4th April 2018, 04:49   #4  |  Link
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 81
Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post
If you check the log file you'll find the script MeGUI uses for downmixing the audio.
---[Information] Audio
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:36:34] Trying to open the file with LWLibavAudioSource()
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:03] Successfully opened the file with LWLibavAudioSource()
-[NoImage] ClearAutoloadDirs()
-[NoImage] AddAutoloadDir("C:\Users\USER\MeGUI\tools\avs\plugins")
-[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Users\USER\MeGUI\tools\lsmash\LSMASHSource.dll")
-[NoImage] LWLibavAudioSource("C:\Users\USER\Desktop\MeGUI Output\AUDIO.aac")
-[NoImage] # detected channels: 6
-[NoImage] # detected channel positions: 3/2/0.1
-[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Users\USER\MeGUI\tools\avisynth_plugin\AudioLimiter.dll")
-[NoImage] c6_stereo(ConvertAudioToFloat(last))
-[NoImage] Normalize()
-[NoImage] return last
-[NoImage] # 5.1 Channels L,R,C,LFE,SL,SR -> stereo + LFE
-[NoImage] function c6_stereo(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      lf = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
-[NoImage]      fl_sl = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.2929, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      fr_sr = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      fc_lf = MixAudio(fc, lf, 0.2071, 0.2071)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_sl, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_sr, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,SL,SR or L,R,LFE,SL,SR-> Stereo
-[NoImage] function c5_stereo(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      fl_sl = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.3694, 0.3694)
-[NoImage]      fr_sr = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.3694, 0.3694)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_sl, fc, 1.0, 0.2612)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_sr, fc, 1.0, 0.2612)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,LFE,S -> Stereo
-[NoImage] function c52_stereo(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      lf = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      fl_bc = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      fr_bc = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      fc_lf = MixAudio(fc, lf, 0.2265, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_bc, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_bc, fc_lf, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 4 Channels Quadro L,R,SL,SR -> Stereo
-[NoImage] function c4_stereo(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, sl, 0.5, 0.5)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, sr, 0.5, 0.5)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 4 Channels L,R,C,LFE or L,R,S,LFE or L,R,C,S -> Stereo
-[NoImage] function c42_stereo(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      lf = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      fc_lf = MixAudio(fc, lf, 0.2929, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, fc_lf, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, fc_lf, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 3 Channels L,R,C or L,R,S or L,R,LFE -> Stereo
-[NoImage] function c3_stereo(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5.1 Channels L,R,C,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c6_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
-[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2265, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c5_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2265, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3205, 0.2265)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c52_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.4142, -1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,LFE,S -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c53_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -0.2929)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 4 Channels Quadro L,R,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c4_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      bc = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2929, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.4142, -1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 4 Channels L,R,LFE,S  -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c42_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.5858, -0.4142)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 4 Channels L,R,C,S -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c43_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.4142, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, bc, 1.0, 0.2929)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, bc, 1.0, -0.2929)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 3 Channels L,R,S  -> Dolby ProLogic
-[NoImage] function c3_dpl(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      bc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, bc, 0.5858, 0.4142)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, bc, 0.5858, -0.4142)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5.1 Channels L,R,C,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
-[NoImage] function c6_dpl2(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 6)
-[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2818, 0.1627)
-[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.1627, -0.2818)
-[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
-[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, ssl, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, ssr, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,C,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
-[NoImage] function c5_dpl2(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      fc = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.2818, 0.1627)
-[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.1627, -0.2818)
-[NoImage]      fl_fc = MixAudio(fl, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
-[NoImage]      fr_fc = MixAudio(fr, fc, 0.3254, 0.2301)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl_fc, ssl, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr_fc, ssr, 1.0, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 5 Channels L,R,LFE,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
-[NoImage] function c52_dpl2(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 5)
-[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.3714, 0.2144)
-[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.2144, -0.3714)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, ssl, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, ssr, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
-[NoImage] # 4 Channels Quadro L,R,SL,SR -> Dolby ProLogic II
-[NoImage] function c4_dpl2(clip a)
-[NoImage]   {
-[NoImage]      fl = GetChannel(a, 1)
-[NoImage]      fr = GetChannel(a, 2)
-[NoImage]      sl = GetChannel(a, 3)
-[NoImage]      sr = GetChannel(a, 4)
-[NoImage]      ssl = MixAudio(sl, sr, 0.3714, 0.2144)
-[NoImage]      ssr = MixAudio(sl, sr, -0.2144, -0.3714)
-[NoImage]      l = MixAudio(fl, ssl, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      r = MixAudio(fr, ssr, 0.4142, 1.0)
-[NoImage]      return MergeChannels(l, r)
-[NoImage]   }
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:09] AviSynth script
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:09] Command line used: -ignorelength -br 128000 -if - -of "{0}"
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:09] AviSynth script environment opened
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:15] Script loaded
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:15] Output Decoder
---[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:15] Channels: 2
---[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:15] Bits per sample: 32
---[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:15] Sample rate: 48000
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:15] Job command line: C:\Users\USER\MeGUI\tools\eac3to\neroAacEnc.exe -ignorelength -br 128000 -if - -of "C:\Users\USER\Desktop\MeGUI Output\AUDIO.m4a"
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:16] Process started
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:16] Standard output stream
--[Information] [04/04/18 00:38:16] Standard error stream
So this is the log, do you see something weird?
Is it possible to copy a log of ffmpeg?
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