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Old 2nd July 2005, 21:31   #100  |  Link
clueless n00b
Join Date: Oct 2001
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public string StartPath
			get {return path;}
Is not required because the main Form already has a property for that: MeGUIPath

In addition, it has a property to get the settings for the currently configured video codec:
public VideoCodecSettings VidCodecSettings
so you should use that
I'll add the same to get the current audio settings. Since I'm making heavy use of inheritance we should work with the generic types whenever possible and get the actual type using the "is" operator.

I have already added the new property.. here's the prototype
public AudioCodecSettings AudCodecSettings
And I hope you don't mind that when I integrate it, I'm going to rewrite parts of the code.. I saw you integrated autocrop and dgindex project creation code, which is not ideal. I'll move those a/multiple separate classes so that the code will only have to be maintained once. Or you can create those classes, as you like.
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