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Old 17th June 2009, 04:53   #8  |  Link
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Posts: 16
Good news!!!

and not so good....

Firstly....Thank you so much. The downconvert quality is SUPERB..Watching it through VDub had me sold immediately, and watching the final encode had me breathing a sigh of relief...

I had to growing pains with manono's script...
Vdub finally accepted the following..

Load_Stdcall_plugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\C\yadif.dll")#doesn't autoload as per readme
avisource("D:\Surla Wedding\Surla Wedding CD1.avi")
converttoyuy2()#Won't load without it
Yadif(Mode=1,Order=1)#if TFF
SelectEvery(4,0,3)#if TFF
#BT709ToBT601() Won't work since it's not YV12

Unless i put in convertoYUY2(), i get an Avisynth open failure: "Video must be YUV"..
Strange, i assumed it was? What else could it be? It's an MPEG2 I Frame codec that's recognized as VFW..

The confusion set in when i tried a BT709ToBT601()..
The readme states that YV12 input is required, but when i do a convertoyv12, i get an error stating that the decompressor couldn't be found, and Vdub requires VFW...

Which leads me to believe that the codec saved out is not in 709 colourspace..

My issue
A 4fps playback is waaay slow...Perhaps that's the price to pay for proper processing.

I'd like to acknowledge the power of the Yadif() plugin..
It's simply amazing that i can get 59.94FPS progressive footage output from an interlaced source..
For years, i was under the impression that interlaced footage simply had filtering done on separate AandB fields, and weaved back together...But now i'm starting to see the light..

I had gotten better speed with this script i found:

avisource("D:\Surla Wedding\Surla Wedding CD1.avi")
SelectEvery(4,0,3) #TFF source - use (4,1,2) for BFF

But i'm there's a trade off for quality compared to the first script..
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