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Old 13th April 2009, 22:00   #250  |  Link
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@madshi: 0.4v High CPU to some extend and also still gets only the refresh rate from the original monitor.

update on the refresh rate issue:

I found a way to reset it. Funny enough if you drop a new video to mpchc window then madVR will show proper Hz after reinitialisation. However, that doesn't happen if you just stop/restart the video. Needless to say that even if I reset the video, and then move to another monitor, it doesn't pick up the rate again.

Since 0.3v the behaviour has slightly changed now.
it seems the issue with secondary monitor is almost nailed!!!

It seems now there's no difference between primary and secondary monitor in terms of CPU consumption, only thing matters is what monitor the video has been initialized in!!! The following scenario is now valid: open an empty window on primary, move to secondary, drop a video into it -- no core maximisation ;P move the window back to primary -- maximisation is present again If I revert the order of monitors in this scenario and do it again, same thing happens.

To sum up, it is possible to use a workaround now, which is to force madVR to reinitialize on a different monitor. That apparently fixes now both refresh issue and CPU consumption. Only thing now is to make it work automatically )
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