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Old 20th September 2014, 23:19   #21181  |  Link
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Originally Posted by musiclover View Post
No I don't hear a difference.

But my point was that the source (the flv file I imported) was PAL with 25 fps and NOT NTSC. See the MediaInfo at the end of my previous post. Besides I downloaded it from BBC and they make only PAL video's.

Maybe my question should be: How do I make a PAL pseudo bd from a PAL source?
According to the log it isn't PAL, it says it is 23.376fps.
[10:11:28] PHASE ONE, Encoding
- [10:11:28] Processing: VID_00000 (1 of 1)
- [10:11:28] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00000]
- [10:11:58] Reencoding video [VID_00000]
- Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 720x480
- Rate/Length: 23.976fps, 120,217 frames
- Bitrate: 6,973 Kbs
No conversions are performed during IMPORT, so I'm confused as to how it could have changed. You don't happen to have IMPORT_PAL_TO_FILM=1 set in your Config/INI do you? That would put flags in the PSEUDO.INF file to tell the reencode to convert it.

I don't have any 25fps FLV files to test... I'll see if I can create one.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 20th September 2014 at 23:31.
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Old 20th September 2014, 23:35   #21182  |  Link
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Originally Posted by soneca View Post
Smoothing the source there were two results.
And depend on the source, the result can vary widely.

Using the X265 slightly lowered the PSNR.

normal > encoded 1473 frames in 658.54s (2.24 fps), 30820.32 kb/s, Global PSNR: 40.191
smooth > encoded 1473 frames in 653.69s (2.25 fps), 28360.36 kb/s, Global PSNR: 40.111

But here using the x264 PSNR slightly increased.

normal > encoded 68543 frames, 33.03 fps, 5303.02 kb/s
PSNR Mean Y:42.517 U:48.075 V:48.514 Avg:43.617 Global:42.491

smooth > encoded 68543 frames, 28.27 fps, 4708.95 kb/s
PSNR Mean Y:42.289 U:46.283 V:46.544 Avg:43.233 Global:42.543
Yeah, a lowering of the PSNR is what you'd expect. Even in your x264 example both the average and the mean PSNR dropped.

Yeah, I think the source could make a huge difference. A source that is already smooth (like computer animation) probably wouldn't show as much of a drop with smoothing on, while a grainy film source would.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 20th September 2014 at 23:37.
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Old 21st September 2014, 02:20   #21183  |  Link
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48.05 = no subsitute for 47.07 !!

Serious issues with latest beta 48.05 !!!

1. Audio / video from output is out of sync using default settings (directshowresource ... )

↑ this has been for an long time going on !!
with every revision up to 48.x i have to change settings to fix sync problem !!

2. Preview using the mpc tool that came with the bdrebuilder package is SLOW AS HELLL !!! Seek times are TERRIBLE SLOW !!!

in a nutshell, just reverted back to the previous version 47.07 and all is swell again !!

Just saying , i don't think its something with my system or missing software components that are needed to work in tandem with bdrebuilder !!

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Old 21st September 2014, 02:30   #21184  |  Link
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Then somethings wrong with your system. 48.05 works just fine here, you also claim "it's bad" yet you provide ZERO logs for your supposedly out of sync discs. Sorry but we don't have a crystal ball to magically guess and solve your problem. Reverting back to 47.07 doesn't help you either, it may have issues that could affect newer discs, bugs that are fixed in newer versions and well it won't last forever. Every version has a built in expiration timer for precisely those reasons, at some point you'll HAVE to use a newer version
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Old 21st September 2014, 02:38   #21185  |  Link
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Toilet-Duck... that's really not the best way to get the programmers attention. And like Ch3vr0n said, no logs = very difficult to diagnose the problem.
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Old 21st September 2014, 02:57   #21186  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Ch3vr0n View Post
Then somethings wrong with your system. 48.05 works just fine here, you also claim "it's bad" yet you provide ZERO logs for your supposedly out of sync discs. Sorry but we don't have a crystal ball to magically guess and solve your problem. Reverting back to 47.07 doesn't help you either, it may have issues that could affect newer discs, bugs that are fixed in newer versions and well it won't last forever. Every version has a built in expiration timer for precisely those reasons, at some point you'll HAVE to use a newer version
First, sorry no logs... my explenation should suffice i'"d say..

Furthermore, my system is and always has been running just fine and in MINT condition for pretty much all of the stuff i have been doing ... i.e photo editing, video editing (After effects CC) etc etc..

You name it , i got it..

Again, if it woud be my system all along i woud have had 1, or more of the same issues with versions prior to 48.xx , isnt it ?

No its pretty much clear to me its an DArn BUG ready to be squashed buzzz !!

Also, i have mentioned that the out of sync issue happends with ALL THE MOVIES ... OLD AND/OR NEW !!

bdrebuilder makes no distinction for that matter!

And now, preview / seek times in mpc is broken too (though mpc is the same revision as the one used in 47.xx !!)

Sound, is distorted too if i use Pass through for bitstreams !!!
Fortunately i did found an sollution for that too ...

But, to make bdrebuilder to work i had to change allots of default settings !!!

EDIT: now that you mentioned about the expiration date, thats just illogicall to put that in the programming !!!

Yes, i have got the message awhile back while i wos on 47.07 that it has expired.

Guess what, iam back in business with 47.07..

disabling an freeware app after a certain amount of time is just foolish and counter productive !!

Updates do tend to break things more often instead of fixing them more and more lately !!!
So, reverting back / downgrade is often the only sollution to get everything to work again !!


Last edited by Toilet-Duck; 21st September 2014 at 03:16.
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Old 21st September 2014, 03:57   #21187  |  Link
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Your explanation does not suffice, period. Your system discs specs are irrelevant, your settings of the helper tools aren't. The log contains entries for starters about you're ffdshow settings, version used, ... If even one of those settings is of it could cause your issues. No log, no help. Whether movie is new or old doesn't matter. And about the timer, it's logical. That is fine intentional to stop people using old versions that contains bugs that are fixed in never versions. One of the requirements to get help is to use the latest version. So you have the choice. Post a log from an encode with the LA latest version and the inspect results or no help. It's that simple. As you say 'it's a bug that needs to be squashed', well perhaps it is, but how can jdobbs potentially fix it if you refuse to use the latest version needed and provide the log info be needs to do so. It's up to you! The ball is in your court.

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Old 21st September 2014, 08:55   #21188  |  Link
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Your two (2) post has to be the dumbest I've seen in a long while...
Btw, BDRB 48.05 works like a charm on my machine!
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Old 21st September 2014, 09:01   #21189  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
According to the log it isn't PAL, it says it is 23.376fps.
[10:11:28] PHASE ONE, Encoding
- [10:11:28] Processing: VID_00000 (1 of 1)
- [10:11:28] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00000]
- [10:11:58] Reencoding video [VID_00000]
- Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 720x480
- Rate/Length: 23.976fps, 120,217 frames
- Bitrate: 6,973 Kbs
No conversions are performed during IMPORT, so I'm confused as to how it could have changed. You don't happen to have IMPORT_PAL_TO_FILM=1 set in your Config/INI do you? That would put flags in the PSEUDO.INF file to tell the reencode to convert it.

I don't have any 25fps FLV files to test... I'll see if I can create one.

No, I don't have IMPORT_PAL_TO_FILM=1 set in my ini as you can see in my previous post. http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?...ostcount=21172

[jdobbs: Edited out link]

Last edited by jdobbs; 21st September 2014 at 14:11.
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Old 21st September 2014, 13:25   #21190  |  Link
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broken frame server option !!

Upon further investigation i noticed that mpc (for preview) is acting funny all of an sudden only when i choose x264 internal lavf as frame server in bdrb 48.xx !!

Very long and slow seek times, no audio etc etc...!!!

mpc plays nice only when using the default setting directshowresource as frame server !!! and all of the above problems fades away like snow under the sun !!

But then again, using default settings directshow as frameserver results in out of sync movies every time !!!

Infact, while preview my project in mpc the video clips already play out of sync !!

Now, i have used and are still using mpc + x264 internal as frame server for preview and encode in bdrb 47.xx because of this nuicance in bdrb48 and never experience any of this !!

iam sure you don't need any logs to reproduce this phenomen.

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Old 21st September 2014, 13:49   #21191  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Toilet-Duck View Post
Upon further investigation i noticed that mpc (for preview) is acting funny all of an sudden only when i choose x264 internal lavf as frame server in bdrb 48.xx !!

Very long and slow seek times, no audio etc etc...!!!

mpc plays nice only when using the default setting directshowresource as frame server !!! and all of the above problems fades away like snow under the sun !!

But then again, using default settings directshow as frameserver results in out of sync movies every time !!!

Infact, while preview my project in mpc the video clips already play out of sync !!

Now, i have used and are still using mpc + x264 internal as frame server for preview and encode in bdrb 47.xx because of this nuicance in bdrb48 and never experience any of this !!

iam sure you don't need any logs to reproduce this phenomen.

Out of sync problems are always caused by the same thing. Something on your system has intercepted, overridden, or interfered with the FFDSHOW directshow filters. If you have any "CODEC Packs", remove them. Then reinstall FFDSHOW, HAALI, and AVISYNTH.

When the software works on everyone's system but yours... that oughta' be a clue. Continually posting that you are right, while refusing the advice of experienced users, doesn't make you any less wrong.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 21st September 2014 at 13:55.
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Old 21st September 2014, 14:12   #21192  |  Link
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Originally Posted by musiclover View Post
No, I don't have IMPORT_PAL_TO_FILM=1 set in my ini as you can see in my previous post. http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?...ostcount=21172

[jdobbs: Edited out link]
I've created a file that I can use to debug. I edited out the link because I want to make sure we're not inadvertently posting links to copyrighted material.

[Edit] Ok, I created a file that matched yours and here's what I found. Yes, the original was 25fps... but it's horizontal resolution was greater than 720 and less than 1280. So BD-RB decided to flag it (in PSEUDO.INF) to resizeto 1280x720 in order to not lose any of its resolution. The problem then becomes: 1280x720@25fps is not a legal BD combination. So it has to either convert to 50fps by doubling/repeating frames (which is a waste of bandwidth) or to convert to 23.976fps. It chose to do the latter, which it considered to be the lesser of two evils.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 21st September 2014 at 14:28.
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Old 21st September 2014, 14:23   #21193  |  Link
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@ jdobbs RE: According to the log it isn't PAL, it says it is 23.376fps.

I can also confirm (at least on my system using almost stock .ini) that the latest versions of BD Rebuilder are not detecting or processing 25 fps mkv's correctly. If you need logs, I can post those too. Here are my images:



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Old 21st September 2014, 15:21   #21194  |  Link
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Isn't the problem that 1280x720p25 is neither DVD (resolution) nor Blu-ray (framerate) compliant? What should BD-RB do with it? Convert to 1280x720p50 by duplicating frames (which produces little overhead), or applying 2:1 pulldown which AFAIK has possibly still issues with tsMuxeR (?). Or just re-issue a "non-compliant" stream?
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Old 21st September 2014, 15:37   #21195  |  Link
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@ Sharc RE: Or just re-issue a "non-compliant" stream?

Yeah, I'll vote for that alternative. I would of course prefer changing it to 23.976, if it could be done without making it out of sync or causing it to have jerky playback. I wish there was an easy solution for perfect NTSC playback, but until then my Oppo will play 25fps very nicely.
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Old 21st September 2014, 15:54   #21196  |  Link
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Hey I've made a few changes on my FFDShow so it uses MadVR.

That and a few more changes.
Does that make any difference for BD Rebuilder?
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Old 21st September 2014, 16:00   #21197  |  Link
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Originally Posted by worknstiff View Post
@ Sharc RE: Or just re-issue a "non-compliant" stream?

Yeah, I'll vote for that alternative. I would of course prefer changing it to 23.976, if it could be done without making it out of sync or causing it to have jerky playback. I wish there was an easy solution for perfect NTSC playback, but until then my Oppo will play 25fps very nicely.
That's not going to happen. Standards are there for a reason, and BD-RB will not create non-compliant BDs. End of discussion.

BD Rebuilder are not detecting or processing 25 fps mkv's correctly
That is an incorrect statement. BD-RB is properly handling it. But if the source is garbage because of it's non-standard resolution -- BD-RB can only do its best to correct it.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 21st September 2014 at 16:04.
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Old 21st September 2014, 16:01   #21198  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
Out of sync problems are always caused by the same thing. Something on your system has intercepted, overridden, or interfered with the FFDSHOW directshow filters. If you have any "CODEC Packs", remove them. Then reinstall FFDSHOW, HAALI, and AVISYNTH.

When the software works on everyone's system but yours... that oughta' be a clue. Continually posting that you are right, while refusing the advice of experienced users, doesn't make you any less wrong.
I told it a zilion times before, i got arround the desync problem by adjusting an setting in bdrb.

Now if it were my system causing this or some settings in the helptools then i / bdrb wouldnt have succeeded in making an flawless bd50 → bd25 backups regardless of what settings i have used in bdrb now is it ?

U lost me there !!

Again, i haven't changed anything in my system apart from re-installing ffdshow, haali etc etc like you suggested but that didn't fixed the desync issue bdrb have only when using the default frame server bdrb!!

AGain, when i change that to another frameserver the output of my projects DO PLAY INFACT ALL NICE IN SYNC . i repeat ALL of my MOVIE PROJECTS are done properly and play just nice ...

But ONLY when i change default settings in rebuilder .. *sighn* !!
I haven't → touched ANY SETTINGS ← in the help tools , all help tools were installed and used with the default settings appart from the settings in bdrb!!

edit: you keep saying that your bdrb updates don't break things and only improves the software mkay...

as iam the only one having this issue with bdrb 48 you say between the lines!!

Maybe just Maybe, iam the only 1 reporting this here just because ppl know how futile it is to post results and therefor trying to convince you that there possible is an bug involved in the programming !!

Also, if the app is so perfect why i do read many posts from members which not the least of all "chevron" stating that he/she went back to an previous beta release because of problems that has occured and couldnt be resolved unless he went back to an older build to accomplish an succesfull project.

Weird enough, i didn't read any reply from you @chevrons telling that his/her misconfigured system must be causing this !!


Last edited by Toilet-Duck; 21st September 2014 at 16:16.
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Old 21st September 2014, 16:03   #21199  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
, I created a file that matched yours and here's what I found. Yes, the original was 25fps... but it's horizontal resolution was greater than 720 and less than 1280. So BD-RB decided to flag it (in PSEUDO.INF) to resize to 1280x720 in order to not lose any of its resolution. The problem then becomes: 1280x720@25fps is not a legal BD combination. So it has to either convert to 50fps by doubling/repeating frames (which is a waste of bandwidth) or to convert to 23.976fps. It chose to do the latter, which it considered to be the lesser of two evils.
Thank you for the explanation. I had no idea of all the difficulties involved in PAL/NTSC conversion and all the different sizes there are.

Last edited by musiclover; 21st September 2014 at 16:20.
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Old 21st September 2014, 16:06   #21200  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Toilet-Duck View Post
I told it a zilion times before, i got arround the desync problem by adjusting an setting in bdrb.

Now if it were my system causing this or some settings in the helptools then i / bdrb wouldnt have succeeded in making an flawless bd50 → bd25 backups regardless of what settings i have used in bdrb now is it ?

U lost me there !!

Again, i haven't changed anything in my system apart from re-installing ffdshow, haali etc etc like you suggested but that didn't fixed the desync issue bdrb have only when using the default frame server bdrb!!

AGain, when i change that to another frameserver the output of my projects DO PLAY INFACT ALL NICE IN SYNC . i repeat ALL of my MOVIE PROJECTS are done properly and play just nice ...

But ONLY when i change default settings in rebuilder .. *sighn* !!
I haven't → touched ANY SETTINGS ← in the help tools , all help tools were installed and used with the default settings appart from the settings in bdrb!!

Listen. You don't want to post logs, you don't want to post INSPECT results -- in other words you don't want to help. All you want to do is complain and post nonsense trying to make it seem as if you are right.

Here's a news flash for you: You're not.

I, and the others here, have no time for this nonsense. Either do what I say to correct your issue... or go away. Reinstall the apps I said.

It's simple. Your issue is YOUR issue. It affects no one else. C'mon -- a little logic wouldn't hurt, don't you think? All the "sighing" in the world doesn't make you any less wrong. It just makes you look more foolish.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 21st September 2014 at 16:12.
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