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Old 1st January 2009, 14:50   #241  |  Link
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Hmmm... it should... but apparently something I did recently may have had an effect that. I haven't seen any issues personally though. Menu M2TS files have always had the original audio passed through (that's because I found that the sound effects of the BD-J would disappear if I changed it).
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Last edited by jdobbs; 1st January 2009 at 15:06.
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Old 1st January 2009, 15:04   #242  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Atak_Snajpera View Post
Ask madshi if you need more information about audio gaps here http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=125966

Good luck! You will need it Especially for more than 1 audio stream
Yep. BD-RB has a long way to go... but I guess I never expected it to be easy (a concept which I'm sure you understand from experience).
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Old 1st January 2009, 16:37   #243  |  Link
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Just a follow up to a previous post a few back regarding DVD+RW media possible being the cause of a back-up not playing the audio or subtitles of the main movie for The Scorpion King, full backup. The same results were experienced after burning to Verbatim DVD-R media. I am going to try to either check with some friends to see if they have a Blu-Ray, or try my local Best Buy, to see if this disc will work on any other players other than the Sony BDP-BX1. I am hoping to find out if it is a player issue or something else, since I have had this happen on 3 of my 5 initial full back-up tests.
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Old 1st January 2009, 17:26   #244  |  Link
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Great Work Jdobbs! Nice to see you on the BD side of things.

I just did Sharkwater last night. (MPEG 2 1080i)

Put the disc in my Panasonic DMP-BD35. I get FBI warning, the Warner splash screen. About 2 minutes of black screen with no audio.(that I cannot skip through), and finally the top menu.

I can navigate through the menu, but when I select play movie or a specific scene, I get a quick flash of red screen, then the disc stops.

I'll give some more discs a shot this weekend. Thanks again!!

[17:55:51] BD Rebuilder v0.17.12 (beta)
  - Input BD size: 26.81 GB
  - Approximate total content: [03:01:57.031]
  - Target BD size: 7.72 GB
[17:55:51] PHASE ONE, Encoding
 - [17:55:53] Reencoding: VID_00017 (1 of 15)
 - [17:56:15] Reencoding: VID_00000 (2 of 15)
 - [17:58:27] Reencoding: VID_00018 (3 of 15)
 - [17:58:52] Reencoding: VID_00024 (4 of 15)
 - [17:59:32] Reencoding: VID_00003 (5 of 15)
 - [18:00:48] Reencoding: VID_00015 (6 of 15)
 - [18:02:02] Reencoding: VID_00027 (7 of 15)
 - [18:06:42] Reencoding: VID_00007 (8 of 15)
 - [18:24:22] Reencoding: VID_00023 (9 of 15)
 - [18:42:15] Reencoding: VID_00025 (10 of 15)
 - [19:12:18] Reencoding: VID_00014 (11 of 15)
 - [19:30:45] Reencoding: VID_00008 (12 of 15)
 - [19:49:33] Reencoding: VID_00002 (13 of 15)
 - [20:35:40] Reencoding: VID_00026 (14 of 15)
 - [21:28:30] Reencoding: VID_00012 (15 of 15)
[04:06:21]PHASE ONE complete
[04:06:21]PHASE TWO - Rebuild Started
[04:06:22] - Encode and Rebuild complete
[04:06:22]JOB: SHARKWATER completed.
VERSION=v0.17.12 (beta)

Last edited by wakebrder; 1st January 2009 at 20:01.
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Old 1st January 2009, 18:46   #245  |  Link
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Wrong sourch size


i`m trying the reencode a PAL movie. I have the following problem.

Rebuilder is saying that the Input BD size is 1400 GB

So wenn i select full backup, Rebuilder is saying target is to small. Wenn I select main movie only it doenst.

Every video title is 4000. When I open a video set I can see which one is the main movie but I don`t think Rebuilder can see it.

Sorry for my bad English. I`m dutch. I`ll post a screen shot later this night to make it a bit more clear.
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Old 1st January 2009, 19:56   #246  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
Hmmm... it should... but apparently something I did recently may have had an effect that. I haven't seen any issues personally though. Menu M2TS files have always had the original audio passed through (that's because I found that the sound effects of the BD-J would disappear if I changed it).
Hmmm...seems like its my bad. I set BD-RB to keep all Audio Tracks and subtitle languages. But LPCM audio is not enabled by default. Kinda makes sense because it is a lot of uncompressed audio data and i could save that space for extra movie quality. I will only enable it for the menu now and see what happens. Will try a new attempt with 0.17.12. See you in 26 hours :-)
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Old 1st January 2009, 20:09   #247  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Chefkoch_ico View Post
I have written and testet a small batch file, which, if you would run it from within BD-Rebuilder, automatically demuxes video streams, indexes it with for example DGAVCDec and creates the proper AVS entries.

I have sent it to you via mail.

This has 2 benefits:
- to be independend from DirectShow Filters (with no NVidia card, at least MPG2 and AVC dont need DS Filters)
- and to solve the Interlace VC1 problem with DGVC1DecNV (Too bad, NV only, dont know if it works, my card comes in a few days)

I hope this is useful for you, as I really want to get rid of this DirectShow Filter mess. Feel free to use it.
I added it here also, if someone can make it better, feel free to modify.

I hope its soon possible to use this script with BD-rebuilder.

Attached Files
File Type: zip BD-Rebuilder_DGDec_Script.zip (1.5 KB, 81 views)
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Old 1st January 2009, 21:34   #248  |  Link
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Thanks for your earlier response jdobbs.

Got another little bug\possibly unavoidable.

As I'm sure you're aware most extras are encoded in mpeg2 at 576i\480i. Often these extras contain live action material that is 59.97fps\50fps interlaced. When this is run through BD-Rebuilder it encodes it as MPEG-4 AVC, which is a good thing. But it seems that it deinterlaces and encodes as a progressive 25\29.97fps.

Fine for a lot of stuff but due to the nature of "extras" they are very often intended to be watched at live action video frame rates like with "making of"'s and so on.

Is there anything that can be done about this, maybe encoding extras and leaving them interlaced? Maybe this is simply something that has to be tolerated?

Many thanks for any advice\feedback on this issue\maybe not an issue
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Old 1st January 2009, 21:43   #249  |  Link
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Great job

Well I did Wall-E, it worked perfect. I have to say it looked, sounded very good and played perfect. I guess it looked slightly worse than the 20.1g BDfile I processed it from but looked pretty dam good. It did a great job on the sound, converting DTS-HD to 448kbps.

Took 14 hours to process nect time I'll try dvd-9
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Old 1st January 2009, 23:35   #250  |  Link
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Another follow up to my previous post #243 above. Just made a visit to the local Fry's store to test The Scorpion King, full backup burned on DVD-R from ImgBurn. Tried several players with only one that plays the audio from the main movie.
LG BD300 - Ejects disc and says incompatible disc.
Samsung BD-2550 - incompatible disc.
Panasonic DMP-BD30 - ejects disc and says incompatible disc.
Panasonic DMP-BD35 - just stops after inserting disc.
Sony BDP-S350 - plays disc with audio for preview and main menu, no audio for the main movie though( same as BDP-BX1)
Sony BDP-S300 - plays all audio, even the main movie!!
I believe jdobbs has the Sony BDP-S300, and has reported many(100+) successful backups.
Not tested on a PS3 but I will soon.
So it appears different players have different compatibility levels. I know jdobbs will have a new challenge ahead for the "New Year".
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:17   #251  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Chefkoch_ico View Post
I added it here also, if someone can make it better, feel free to modify.

I hope its soon possible to use this script with BD-rebuilder.

what does one do with this? pls guide..

i think i need to use it as i have some vc1i streams that need to be decoded by dgvc1decnv
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:17   #252  |  Link
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Originally Posted by pbeumer2001 View Post

i`m trying the reencode a PAL movie. I have the following problem.

Rebuilder is saying that the Input BD size is 1400 GB

So wenn i select full backup, Rebuilder is saying target is to small. Wenn I select main movie only it doenst.

Every video title is 4000. When I open a video set I can see which one is the main movie but I don`t think Rebuilder can see it.

Sorry for my bad English. I`m dutch. I`ll post a screen shot later this night to make it a bit more clear.
[02:15:29] BD Rebuilder v0.17.12 (beta)
- Input BD size: 1.424,00 GB
- Approximate total content: [02:27:18.629]
- Target BD size: 4,27 GB
- Target too small. Encode stopped.

This is what rebuilder tells me. And ALL the video sets are 4.096 MB size even the main movie which is around 44 GB!!
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:21   #253  |  Link
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change target to bd9.

edit: sorry, i thought it read 14gb.

Last edited by ~bT~; 2nd January 2009 at 02:29.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:41   #254  |  Link
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Recently finished a back up of Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest bonus disc, NTSC, full movie, to BD-5. All but 1 small M2TS reports 480i, with 1 M2TS 1080P(11.04MB). BD-RB completes successfully.Burned to DVD+RW and playback on Sony BDP-BX1, all works and plays back fine( for 480i content!). However, original disc is 10.89GB, BD-RB files are 2.81GB. Now this is not a big concern since I normally do not care about 480i content, but since some previous posts with interlaced content may have had some problems, I thought I would give this a try since this was the only one I had with obvious interlaced content to test. Quite a bit undersized, but quality was not bad.
[10:16:30] BD Rebuilder v0.17.12 (beta)
- Input BD size: 10.89 GB
- Approximate total content: [03:54:42.935]
- Target BD size: 4.27 GB
[10:16:33] PHASE ONE, Encoding
- [10:16:39] Reencoding: VID_00064 (1 of 56)
- [10:17:09] Reencoding: VID_00016 (2 of 56)
- [10:17:48] Reencoding: VID_00022 (3 of 56)
- [10:18:29] Reencoding: VID_00014 (4 of 56)
- [10:19:08] Reencoding: VID_00004 (5 of 56)
- [10:20:05] Reencoding: VID_00001 (6 of 56)
- [10:21:16] Reencoding: VID_00021 (7 of 56)
- [10:22:27] Reencoding: VID_00008 (8 of 56)
- [10:23:31] Reencoding: VID_00012 (9 of 56)
- [10:24:44] Reencoding: VID_00009 (10 of 56)
- [10:26:04] Reencoding: VID_00010 (11 of 56)
- [10:27:24] Reencoding: VID_00025 (12 of 56)
- [10:28:50] Reencoding: VID_00005 (13 of 56)
- [10:30:11] Reencoding: VID_00026 (14 of 56)
- [10:31:49] Reencoding: VID_00017 (15 of 56)
- [10:33:16] Reencoding: VID_00020 (16 of 56)
- [10:34:47] Reencoding: VID_00019 (17 of 56)
- [10:36:29] Reencoding: VID_00002 (18 of 56)
- [10:38:05] Reencoding: VID_00050 (19 of 56)
- [10:39:32] Reencoding: VID_00051 (20 of 56)
- [10:41:09] Reencoding: VID_00049 (21 of 56)
- [10:42:50] Reencoding: VID_00011 (22 of 56)
- [10:44:47] Reencoding: VID_00048 (23 of 56)
- [10:46:29] Reencoding: VID_00027 (24 of 56)
- [10:48:49] Reencoding: VID_00056 (25 of 56)
- [10:50:56] Reencoding: VID_00006 (26 of 56)
- [10:52:58] Reencoding: VID_00046 (27 of 56)
- [10:54:53] Reencoding: VID_00007 (28 of 56)
- [10:56:48] Reencoding: VID_00047 (29 of 56)
- [10:58:49] Reencoding: VID_00023 (30 of 56)
- [11:01:26] Reencoding: VID_00044 (31 of 56)
- [11:03:25] Reencoding: VID_00015 (32 of 56)
- [11:05:39] Reencoding: VID_00003 (33 of 56)
- [11:07:55] Reencoding: VID_00013 (34 of 56)
- [11:10:18] Reencoding: VID_00043 (35 of 56)
- [11:12:16] Reencoding: VID_00045 (36 of 56)
- [11:14:17] Reencoding: VID_00018 (37 of 56)
- [11:16:51] Reencoding: VID_00024 (38 of 56)
- [11:20:01] Reencoding: VID_00040 (39 of 56)
- [11:22:57] Reencoding: VID_00042 (40 of 56)
- [11:26:03] Reencoding: VID_00054 (41 of 56)
- [11:28:41] Reencoding: VID_00039 (42 of 56)
- [11:33:38] Reencoding: VID_00053 (43 of 56)
- [11:37:55] Reencoding: VID_00031 (44 of 56)
- [11:43:06] Reencoding: VID_00032 (45 of 56)
- [11:49:08] Reencoding: VID_00041 (46 of 56)
- [11:55:05] Reencoding: VID_00052 (47 of 56)
- [12:00:20] Reencoding: VID_00036 (48 of 56)
- [12:07:38] Reencoding: VID_00037 (49 of 56)
- [12:14:31] Reencoding: VID_00038 (50 of 56)
- [12:25:31] Reencoding: VID_00035 (51 of 56)
- [12:33:59] Reencoding: VID_00029 (52 of 56)
- [12:46:51] Reencoding: VID_00028 (53 of 56)
- [13:01:07] Reencoding: VID_00030 (54 of 56)
- [13:18:57] Reencoding: VID_00033 (55 of 56)
- [13:49:33] Reencoding: VID_00034 (56 of 56)
[15:09:28]PHASE ONE complete
[15:09:28]PHASE TWO - Rebuild Started
[15:09:51] - Encode and Rebuild complete
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:55   #255  |  Link
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Just a thought here

I have only had a 1 for 1 success so this may be premature.

All of my BD backups have been ripped, remuxed and converted to ISOs. To work from these files may be better than from the originals because the menu,trailers and all that other crap has been dealt with
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Old 2nd January 2009, 03:31   #256  |  Link
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Originally Posted by datman View Post
I have only had a 1 for 1 success so this may be premature.

All of my BD backups have been ripped, remuxed and converted to ISOs. To work from these files may be better than from the originals because the menu,trailers and all that other crap has been dealt with
But this means you've already done the work BD-RB intends to simplify!?
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Old 2nd January 2009, 05:14   #257  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Capsbackup View Post
Another follow up to my previous post #243 above. Just made a visit to the local Fry's store to test The Scorpion King, full backup burned on DVD-R from ImgBurn. Tried several players with only one that plays the audio from the main movie.
LG BD300 - Ejects disc and says incompatible disc.
Samsung BD-2550 - incompatible disc.
Panasonic DMP-BD30 - ejects disc and says incompatible disc.
Panasonic DMP-BD35 - just stops after inserting disc.
Sony BDP-S350 - plays disc with audio for preview and main menu, no audio for the main movie though( same as BDP-BX1)
Sony BDP-S300 - plays all audio, even the main movie!!
I believe jdobbs has the Sony BDP-S300, and has reported many(100+) successful backups.
Not tested on a PS3 but I will soon.
So it appears different players have different compatibility levels. I know jdobbs will have a new challenge ahead for the "New Year".
Interesting. It looks like I've done all my testing on the "easiest" machine... maybe I'll pick up a second BD player so I can do some more intense testing. Either that or I need to convince everybody else to buy Sony players. Hmmm... actually that may be a good idea -- to force the others to either get compatible with BD-5/9 or die a slow death.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 2nd January 2009 at 05:18.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:39   #258  |  Link
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Sony players seem to have better play back results for AVCHD, even when I tested some Sony HD camcorder footage to AVCHD DVD-R discs awhile back, which is why I purchased my Sony to begin with. I did these same compatibility tests then, before I started trying Blu-Ray backups. Movie only backups have never been a problem on the 25+ previous attempts I have made using MeGui, eac3to and tsMuxeR. Just the full movie main audio playback quirk I have experienced and shared in the previous posts. Your program just makes it so much easier. I am looking forward to your programs continued success, and hope my input helps. You have made BD backups very simple for anyone, and I appreciate your efforts greatly!!
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:47   #259  |  Link
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Resume function

I had a power cut at about 90% of the first pass and the encode didn't resume, so I had to start again.
Does the resume function only work with the second pass?
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Old 2nd January 2009, 08:36   #260  |  Link
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Not sure how to report the bug I've encountered, so I'll just relate what's happened.

Tried a full backup of "Me, Myself, and Irene" everything appeared to go well, all files were re-encoded, chose BD-9 as the size and auto burned to disc with IMG burn. All went perfectly except it wouldn't play back as a BD in PS3. PS3 reports it as a data disc only, no auto-play, no menu's, etc.

I can navigate through the file structure of the disc to the main movie file and play that back fine, but I don't have any way to get it to recognize it as a BD disc with menu's and extra's etc.

Is there some kind of report or something you need to help you with this ?

Burned with an GSA-H10A dvd burner on Ritek DVD+R DL media called TDK, playback on a PS3 with newest firmware.
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