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Old 5th February 2009, 01:56   #1041  |  Link
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Originally Posted by NexGen76 View Post
So the only work around i had was to use H264info click remove pulldown...Movie now work without skipping.
So you did this with each AVS.264 file in the Workfiles folder?
Or was yours just a single m2ts movie?

I used TSSplitter to join the multiple AVS.264 files w/ the AC3 audio, then remuxed with TSMuxer and the resulting BD-9 plays without skipping also.
But if I use only TSMuxer to join and remux, then the resulting BD still skips on the PS3s.

Last edited by MikeyBK; 5th February 2009 at 02:02.
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Old 5th February 2009, 03:38   #1042  |  Link
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Hi, I have been using BD-RB for awhile now and for some really strange reason when I use v0.17.13 Movie only encodes work perfectly on my Panasonic BD-30. anything after that build, no matter what combination of choices I make in the app, not 1 Disk has worked on my standalone Player.Like I said I have made many tests with options on and off, even ripping with anydvd with different options on and off and still not 1 disk plays. When I revert back to v0.17.13 all is perfect once again. so there is def something changed in version 0.18.07 and it is driving me crazy!
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Old 5th February 2009, 03:57   #1043  |  Link
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In the BDREBUILDER.INI are 2 lines regarding subtitles.

I do not want any subtitles in my movie-only rebuilds. What can I put in SUBS_TO_KEEP to deactivate this option?

I know that subtitle selection has been disabled in the GUI but I would like to have that option. I tried using "none" in place of the default "all" but that did not work.
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Old 5th February 2009, 04:10   #1044  |  Link
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Originally Posted by smnckl View Post

In the BDREBUILDER.INI are 2 lines regarding subtitles.

I do not want any subtitles in my movie-only rebuilds. What can I put in SUBS_TO_KEEP to deactivate this option?

I know that subtitle selection has been disabled in the GUI but I would like to have that option. I tried using "none" in place of the default "all" but that did not work.
Maybe a shot in the dark but it could be greyed out because the code is not in place to do that action right now.

I would rather have a solid conversion tool versus which subtitle I want in the movie.

Just my .02 cents.
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Old 5th February 2009, 06:34   #1045  |  Link
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Originally Posted by cyberdoggy View Post
Hi, I have been using BD-RB for awhile now and for some really strange reason when I use v0.17.13 Movie only encodes work perfectly on my Panasonic BD-30. anything after that build, no matter what combination of choices I make in the app, not 1 Disk has worked on my standalone Player.Like I said I have made many tests with options on and off, even ripping with anydvd with different options on and off and still not 1 disk plays. When I revert back to v0.17.13 all is perfect once again. so there is def something changed in version 0.18.07 and it is driving me crazy!
I also report that I tried encode_quality=6 as suggested by JD and also tried the old x264.exe and I experienced the same: Not working as movie only with my Denon player with any 0.18 versions. It worked perfect with 0.17.13. I expect that if skip issues are solved for PS3 would also solve this particular problem. Hope that helps.
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Old 5th February 2009, 06:43   #1046  |  Link
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Greetings Again jdobbs From Ds9delta

I Have Just Tried An Encode Of Matrix Revolutions From 34.3G To 23G First Of It Is Still Being Undersized Roughly A GB From Target Size And Second For The First Time Ever It Skipped On PowerDVD! I Have Tested Everything I Have Done With 18.7 With PowerDVD Using DAEMON TOOLS To Mount The Image Before Burning And Testing On My Standalone.. All Have Worked... Until Now When I Checked The Completed M2TS Did Play Fine In Windows Media Player But In PowerDVD The Movie Played For 6Seconds Then Video And Audio Freeze And A Minute Later 9Seconds And So On And So Forth... I Have Attatched The BD-RB Setup Files... P.S. Would Love To Be Able To Keep DTS-HD\PCM In The Next Version... PLEASE! And Always For The Great Work
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File Type: zip Matrix 3.zip (2.2 KB, 42 views)
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Old 5th February 2009, 12:43   #1047  |  Link
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I set a film going again yesterday morning, it just had the main movie to encode as all extras have been done over the last week or so.
This morning I get up it says 100% progress on pass 2/2 but is 9 frames less (156270 / 156279), x264 is taking up 100% of the CPU. This was 2 hours ago and nothing has changed. If I look in the WORKFILES folder the x264 file has a last modified date of 3:54AM this morning but adds about 30mb to it's size every 10 minutes or so, it's only 8Gb so I assume it's got a while to go (shrinking it all down to 25Gb BD-R) since the WORKFILES folder is only 12Gb in size at the moment.

Is it meant to do this or has something crashed?


EDIT: 6 hours later and it still says exactly the same, CPU is still at 100% and has been unusable all day, the files size in the 264 file keeps increasing and is now at 13.6Gb, I'm assuming it's doing the 2nd pass but the percentage never reset to 0 after the 1st pass!

Last edited by mmace; 5th February 2009 at 18:42.
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Old 5th February 2009, 20:07   #1048  |  Link
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Found a bug, which i think may have been touched on:-
Have done full back up of Taken (BD-25) - some extras don't work, reason being is that they only have french language as audio, and BD Rebuilder has automatically stripped them, maybe if a variable was added that ensured every stream retained at least 1 audio track, this would sort it. Also this film came in over 2 gig undersize??
Its no biggy for now because the copy i have of this film is defective (No Forced English subs for French speaking parts!!! Somebody has fudged up big time). Will try again when i get a Retail copy.
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Old 5th February 2009, 23:42   #1049  |  Link
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Originally Posted by MR.WaynesWorld View Post
Maybe a shot in the dark but it could be greyed out because the code is not in place to do that action right now.
No, not a shot in the dark as jdobbs has stated before that he will not work on the subtitles issue until he has gotten BD-RE to be stable in the main module(s).

I was just wishing that it was maybe possible by editing the REBUILDER.INI or one of the .avs or .meta files. It could save quite a bit of space which could be used to get a higher bitrate for the movie. Just as Capsbackup requested yesterday in post #1030.

@Capsbackup: didn't mean to pull you into this.

I would rather have a solid conversion tool versus which subtitle I want in the movie.
Me too... as well as the many others who are testing and loving it.

Just my .02 cents.
If there are many enough who throw in $0.02 into the pot, we might just make the current economy stronger.

Have a good one.
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Old 6th February 2009, 00:27   #1050  |  Link
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Skipping problems

Just want to post the results of skipping problems I have had. On the movies I am having the skipping problem they all skip on the PS3 and will not load on the Panasonic BD55. The movies that don't skip play on both. The movies that do skip work fine when played on the bluray player in the computer and do not skip. So its not the burn. I have tried different brands of media and burned on different burners with the same result "skipping in the PS3 and work fine in the computer" I have tried using versions 17.13 & 18.07.
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Old 6th February 2009, 05:36   #1051  |  Link
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Originally Posted by MikeyBK View Post
So you did this with each AVS.264 file in the Workfiles folder?
Or was yours just a single m2ts movie?

I used TSSplitter to join the multiple AVS.264 files w/ the AC3 audio, then remuxed with TSMuxer and the resulting BD-9 plays without skipping also.
But if I use only TSMuxer to join and remux, then the resulting BD still skips on the PS3s.
For the Max Payne Blu-Ray, I was able to join the multiple AVS.264 files and mux with DTS and commentary tracks using TsMuxerGUI. I did not need to use TsSplitter and I did not need to change the pulldown setting. I added the first AVS.264, and appended the rest of them (instead of using add). I then added the audio tracks. When I created the blu-ray-structure I ended up with a BD9 that works without skipping on the PS3. The audio remains in sync with the video throughout the entire movie.

I was also able to get a working BD9 of Ghost Town using this approach. It only has one AVS.264 file and an audio track. The .m2ts file rebuilt by BD-Rebuilder v0.18.07 skips on the PS3 (it worked with an earlier version). The .m2ts file rebuilt manually using TsMuxer does not. Again, I was able to do this without playing around with the pulldown.
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Old 6th February 2009, 13:47   #1052  |  Link
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Originally Posted by DarWun View Post
For the Max Payne Blu-Ray, I was able to join the multiple AVS.264 files and mux with DTS and commentary tracks using TsMuxerGUI. I did not need to use TsSplitter and I did not need to change the pulldown setting. I added the first AVS.264, and appended the rest of them (instead of using add). I then added the audio tracks. When I created the blu-ray-structure I ended up with a BD9 that works without skipping on the PS3. The audio remains in sync with the video throughout the entire movie.

I was also able to get a working BD9 of Ghost Town using this approach. It only has one AVS.264 file and an audio track. The .m2ts file rebuilt by BD-Rebuilder v0.18.07 skips on the PS3 (it worked with an earlier version). The .m2ts file rebuilt manually using TsMuxer does not. Again, I was able to do this without playing around with the pulldown.
That's odd considering that when I used TSMuxer only the resulting BD still skipped. Using TSSplitter did not. Perhaps using Append instead of Add in TSMuxer was the difference?
Kinda odd as well is that BD-RB uses TSMuxer as you did to remux the workfiles into BD structure AFAIK.... so why'd it work for you and not in BD-RB?
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Old 6th February 2009, 13:48   #1053  |  Link
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finally got Mamma Mia shrunk, burnt it to a BD-RE and tested it (full back up)

the intro plays, the warnings play, the menu works, the pop-up menu's work
none of the videos play, they are just black (the pop-up menu works when it's playing nothing)
all the m2ts files play fine on my PC but not when it's put together as a BDMV, it's a BDLive disc if that makes a difference?
using latest (25th Jan) version of BD-RB
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Old 6th February 2009, 14:48   #1054  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jwgallardo View Post
I also report that I tried encode_quality=6 as suggested by JD and also tried the old x264.exe and I experienced the same: Not working as movie only with my Denon player with any 0.18 versions. It worked perfect with 0.17.13. I expect that if skip issues are solved for PS3 would also solve this particular problem. Hope that helps.
I'm sure something has changed -- but for the life of me I can't see it.

Any help? What has changed?

How about reporting:

What movie?
What does the INI say?
Was it a multipart movie?
Is there anything unusual about the activity you see?
Movie only, full backup?

This is a beta test release, I need reports that give me something to work with. So far all I'm getting is "It worked in 0.17.13... well I compared the encode and remux commands and they are the same except for multi-part encodes... can someone try a single part encode and tell me whether it works?
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Last edited by jdobbs; 6th February 2009 at 14:51.
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Old 6th February 2009, 15:06   #1055  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
I'm sure something has changed -- but for the life of me I can't see it.

Any help? What has changed?

How about reporting:

What movie?
What does the INI say?
Was it a multipart movie?
Is there anything unusual about the activity you see?
Movie only, full backup?

This is a beta test release, I need reports that give me something to work with. So far all I'm getting is "It worked in 0.17.13... well I compared the encode and remux commands and they are the same except for multi-part encodes... can someone try a single part encode and tell me whether it works?

Mummy 3, which is a single m2ts BD, also skipped when using 0.18.07... EDIT: (just wanted to clarify that the skipping was on PS3s only, my Sony BDP-BX1 played all discs prefectly.)

I think we're kinda finding out that it's not an encoding issue, but rather a remuxing issue. DarWun and I were successful remuxing either the AVS.264 or m2ts files from the workfiles folder. We both did this with Max Payne workfiles. He was successful using TSMuxer only, I was not with TSMuxer only, but I was if using TSSplitter to join first and then TSMuxer to remux. He usde the append command to join his multi files in TSMuxer while I used the 'add' tab. He was also successful remuxing using Ghost Town workfiles using TSMuxer, which had only a single m2ts.

Last edited by MikeyBK; 6th February 2009 at 15:10.
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Old 6th February 2009, 15:46   #1056  |  Link
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FYI I just burned Eagle Eye (single M2ts/movie only) onto DVD-RW and it skipped/stuttered on PS3. Played fine on PC. Really wish I could help with this
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Old 6th February 2009, 16:14   #1057  |  Link
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Originally Posted by MikeyBK View Post
Mummy 3, which is a single m2ts BD, also skipped when using 0.18.07... EDIT: (just wanted to clarify that the skipping was on PS3s only, my Sony BDP-BX1 played all discs prefectly.)

I think we're kinda finding out that it's not an encoding issue, but rather a remuxing issue. DarWun and I were successful remuxing either the AVS.264 or m2ts files from the workfiles folder. We both did this with Max Payne workfiles. He was successful using TSMuxer only, I was not with TSMuxer only, but I was if using TSSplitter to join first and then TSMuxer to remux. He usde the append command to join his multi files in TSMuxer while I used the 'add' tab. He was also successful remuxing using Ghost Town workfiles using TSMuxer, which had only a single m2ts.
Unfortunately I looked at that very closely. Unless I've missed something, the meta file and command line for muxing is exactly the same for v0.17.13 and 0.18... it is also the same version of TSMUXER.

Have you changed anything else? Are you using the version(s) of software that were included with BD-RB?

I'm pulling my hair out on this one -- and frankly after working on it for a while I don't have any spare hair to lose...

It would help immensely if we removed all outside software (like TSSPLITTER) from the process and only used TSMUXER for the muxing. That is all that was in use in v0.17 -- and all reports are that it worked then.

I'm tempted to go out and buy a PS-3 -- but unfortunately the donations have been pretty thin, and I simply can't justify it. My wife thinks I'm crazy for spending this much time on freeware it as it is...
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Last edited by jdobbs; 6th February 2009 at 16:20.
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Old 6th February 2009, 16:51   #1058  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
Unfortunately I looked at that very closely. Unless I've missed something, the meta file and command line for muxing is exactly the same for v0.17.13 and 0.18... it is also the same version of TSMUXER.

Have you changed anything else? Are you using the version(s) of software that were included with BD-RB?

I'm pulling my hair out on this one -- and frankly after working on it for a while I don't have any spare hair to lose...

It would help immensely if we removed all outside software (like TSSPLITTER) from the process and only used TSMUXER for the muxing. That is all that was in use in v0.17 -- and all reports are that it worked then.

I'm tempted to go out and buy a PS-3 -- but unfortunately the donations have been pretty thin, and I simply can't justify it. My wife thinks I'm crazy for spending this much time on freeware it as it is...

I only used TSSplitter to try and salvage one of the BD-9 encodings since my daughter has a PS3 and would be using that to view these BD-9s on... and I prefer not to have her use the original Blurays discs.

As for versions of TSMuxer with BD-RB, I only use the versions you include in your set-up files. I do have standalone version of it but did not overwrite your included version with my standalone version.

I'm not sure what to add as to why the 0.18.07 encodes skip on the PS3s now??? Wish I could offer more feedback to you so that you could have more to work with in figuring out what changed.

As for donations... sorry to hear that they have been sparse...
I'll be sending you a donation (EDIT: Donation Sent) and hope that starts a new wave of them.... and I call upon all those who are benefitting from this great program to donate what they can to help you out....
Come on guys, let's help JD out here....

Last edited by MikeyBK; 6th February 2009 at 17:15.
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Old 6th February 2009, 17:08   #1059  |  Link
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I'll be donating when I get paid because I think I'll be using this software quite a lot!
Why don't you add a donate button to the software like MKV2VOB has these days in case no one's seen your link?
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Old 6th February 2009, 17:14   #1060  |  Link
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Finally able to post after 5 day wait.

I'm sending you a donation, so that should help some.

I appreciate your work on this.

My goal is to do a movie only backup to BD-25. I've tried Eagle Eye and Prince Caspian, but I get the error extracting audiosubs that was mentioned a few pages back. I read your comments then and have tried enabling all the languages used in the subs and still get the same problems. It happens with movie only and with full backups. Any other suggestions?

(I'm at work now, so can't post log file, but the log output looks pretty much the same as the others that were reporting the problem.)

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