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Old 31st March 2009, 18:32   #1  |  Link
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AutoGK and Angle problems - here's how to fix them!

I was getting some really crazy Xvid files from AutoGK some of the time, but not all of the time, and it took me a while to find out why. It turns out that all of the problem files came from DVDs that contained multiple angles.

The Symptoms:
You rip a DVD to your hard drive. The VOB files play flawlessly in Windows Media Player and it looks and sounds great. However, after running them through AutoGK and telling it which angle you'd like to include in your final encode, you'll get an Xvid file with crazy playback issues.

The resulting file plays the first few seconds of Angle 1, then it plays the first few seconds of Angle 2, then the first few seconds of Angle 3. Then the movie advances a bit and you'll see the next few seconds of Angle 1, Angle 2, then Angle 3.

The Problem:
AutoGK doesn't quite know how to handle discs that contain more than one angle. It does ask you which angle you'd like to use when you select your input file, but I'm not sure what it does with that info.

The Solution:
The solution is to remove all but one of the angles from the DVD before you feed it through AutoGK.

How To Fix:
* Decrypt the disc contents and copy to your hard drive using AnyDVD, DVD43, or any other tool that gets the job done.
* Install a tool called VobBlanker
* VobBlanker includes a tool called del_angles.exe. Run del_angles.exe, drag your ifo (VTS_04_0.IFO for example) onto it, tell it which angle to keep (99% of the time you really just want Angle 1) and hit OK. It only takes a second to do its thing. This will modify some files in your VIDEO_TS directory, but you'll find the originals backed up in a subdir called 'del_angles_backup' if you ever need them again. (You won't.)
* Close del_angles.exe and run VobBlanker.exe.
* Input the VIDEO_TS.IFO file.
* All kinds of scary sounding popup messages may or may not appear. Just click OK to get through them.
* It should give you a warning about an "ILV" cell(s) and say it's skipping it/them. That's ok.
* In the 'TitleSet' box, find anything that's listed as 'skip' and change it to 'process'.
* Click 'More>>'
* Make sure 'Fix always VOB SYNCI/SRI pointers in Titles' is checked. You can leave everything else at their defaults.
* Hit Apply, then Close
* Click the browse button to specify an output directory. A completely new VIDEO_TS directory will be generated, so make sure you've got enough room on your drive.
* Now click the big 'PROCESS!!' button on the bottom and after a few minutes you'll have a new DVD image that contains no angle data at all.
* Feed your new DVD image into AutoGK and your output files will be flawless.

I actually registered on this forum to ask about how I might go about fixing the whole angle problem, but because you can't post here until 5 days after you register I was able to find the answer on my own. Very clever idea there, guys

It took a few days of ripping, encoding, and experimenting with different tools to find the answer, so I hope this helps people who may be reading but don't have the patience to wait five days to ask a question.

Last edited by peepoop; 31st March 2009 at 19:10.
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Old 2nd April 2009, 06:03   #2  |  Link
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The Symptoms:
You rip a DVD to your hard drive.
There's your mistake right there. Don't decrypt the entire DVD, but just the movie alone with the angle you want.

And welcome to the forums.
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Old 2nd April 2009, 17:01   #3  |  Link
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Thanks for the suggestion! Hmm! Can you point me to a tutorial that explains how to do that?

Everything I've read says to do this with DVD Decrypter in IFO mode... But my understanding is this will only work with older DVDs that don't contain newer protections that DVD Decrypter can't handle.
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Old 2nd April 2009, 20:54   #4  |  Link
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Most DVDs can still be handled directly with DVD Decrypter in IFO mode. The most common problem caused by advanced copy protections is that you'll end up with a file with misaligned audio, something easily corrected afterward with VirtualDubMod. Running AnyDVD in the background will let DVD Decrypter handle pretty much all disks.
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Old 2nd April 2009, 22:06   #5  |  Link
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Originally Posted by peepoop View Post
Hmm! Can you point me to a tutorial that explains how to do that?
And for those DVDs with advanced copy protection that DVD Decrypter can't handle, use DVDFab HD Decrypter set up for Main Movie. This is all so simple that you don't need a tutorial. If worst comes to worst and the finished AVI is out of synch, either do as CWR03 suggests and fix it or run the files through FixVTS.
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angle, del_angles, jumpy, skip, vobblanker

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