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Old 31st May 2019, 07:23   #1  |  Link
Posts: n/a
HuffYUV does not work... a lot

I had installed HuffYuv 2.1.1 with CCESP Patch 0.2.5, thanks to the fact that it was included in the K-Lite's Mega Pack.
I started using it when I started working with video conversion (maybe an obvious fact). But the problem, at least with me, happened when I tried to configure it in order to output RGB.

I will try to explain it as best as I can (including my situation):
My attempt is to output RGB AVI, because I haven't figure how to configure with detail the colorspaces in video editors, so my easy exit would be RGB.
So, checking my resources, I manage to obtain TMPGEnc Xpress 4.0 to my projects convenience. I used it to do simple works and for to try not break my head with external plugins in AviSynth.
At the time I was experimenting and researching lossless codecs, I realized to think that HuffYUV was already installed in my computer.
Why not? It even have a patch preinstalled. In my fist attempts, I thought just a configuration like "always suggest RGB" would do dthe job...
But I began to be more curious with this kind of stuff, so I configured to show me the console window and put it to work... nothing happend.
Then, I tried to see the propeties of my previous videos... none of them looked like they are have RGB.
I just did any kind of configuration, press confirm, reopen the configuration window and it was in the default settings...

Am I doing something wrong?
Is this how its intended to work?

English is not my native languaje, so, sorry if I didn't wrote something comprehensibly.
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avi, conversion, huffyuv, tmpgenc xpress 4

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