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Old 25th June 2023, 00:21   #1  |  Link
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AVS Softlight

Realization of cuda soflight negative average blend.

Brightness example

Plugin is x64 (cuda toolkit 12.3 & 11.8)

You could see on youtube videos about removing color cast using photoshops softlight blend of negative average. This is a cuda realization of it that process every frame.

Input is YUV420, YUV444, RGB32(BGR - avisynth only).

There are different modes:

Mode 0 is default.

I'll explain first mode in detail.

Steps done in first mode:
1. YUV->RGB conversion
2. Calculates sums of all pixels in R,G,B planes (for each).
3. Get average from these sums (sum / number of pixels).
4. Get negative from this sum (255 - sum)
5. Use softlight blend of each plane with above negative. After this step we have same as photoshop does. But brightness of frame will be changed. To have brightness intact we need to restore it to original. That what other steps do.
6. We get HSV planes. V plane from orignal image (RGB > V). And HS from result after softlight. Then we do HS(changed) + V(original) -> RGB -> YUV

So first mode will neutralize only colors (hue + saturation) in frame and not brightness (volume).

Also keep in mind that you need to remove black bars in video for correct processing (if there are any). Or they will affect average sum.

1 mode:
Same as mode 0 but planes S & V restored to their original values. So this mode only normalizes lightness/brightness and does not change colors.

2 mode:
Same as mode 0. But plane S is also boosted (softlight is done for each pixel with itself).

3 mode:
Same as first but without brightness restoration. Use it if you want to make brigtness also average (makes dark frames brighter).

4 mode:
Same as mode 3 but each of RGB planes are boosted using softlight.

5 mode:
YUV->RGB->softlight each RGB plane with itself->YUV (color/contrast boost)

6 mode:
YUV->RGB->HSV->boost S->RGB->YUV

8 mode:
TV to PC color range conversion (use it on videos where you see no total black and only grays).

10 mode:
For RGB32 - this mode uses RGB -> YUV444 -> RGB cuda conversion. U & V planes are set to 128.
For YUV - just U & V planes are set to 128 without cuda.

You can use 3 different softlight formulas:
formula = 0,1,2
0 - pegtop
1 - illusions.hu
2 - W3C

In my opinion - pegtop fomula is the best.
Also mode 1 & mode 3 are my favourite.

Photoshop formula was removed because of discontinuity of local contrast.

Formulas are explained here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes

Usage AviSynth:

Softlight() same as SoftLight(0,0) same as SoftLight(mode=0,formula=0)

Usage VapourSynth:

video = core.Argaricolm.Softlight(video) or core.Argaricolm.Softlight(video,mode=0,formula=0)

Download at github

If you use some modes one after another its better to convert color space to RGB before. You can use convertorgbnv & converttoyuvnv functions from my imagesourcenv plugin.
Like this:

This way modes will not jump like: YUV -> RGB -> YUV -> RGB - YUV.

Last edited by Argaricolm; 24th April 2024 at 02:51. Reason: New version
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Old 25th June 2023, 10:29   #2  |  Link
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Would not do any harm to post a few Mode before/after example images.

Postimages.org allows to embed images in your post, without needing Postimages.org account
(and dont need to wait for mods approval)

Postimages.org:- https://postimages.org/
Use, "thumbnail" or "image" for forum, modes. [copies url to clipboard, just paste in your post]

EDIT: If you do post images, I'll try remember to delete this post.
I sometimes post sober.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 25th June 2023 at 10:32.
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Old 25th June 2023, 14:12   #3  |  Link
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@StainlessS: here's an example: https://imgsli.com/MTg4MTEz
script used:
# loading source: G:\TestClips&Co\files\MPEG-4 H.264\Canon 5D RAW.mp4
# color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
LWLibavVideoSource("G:\TestClips&Co\files\MPEG-4 H.264\Canon 5D RAW.mp4",cache=false,format="YUV420P8", prefer_hw=0)


Interleave(org.Subtitle("Original"), last.Subtitle("Softlight(mode=X)"))
# current resolution: 1920x1080
#  output: color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
return last
@Argaricolm: Any plans for a Vapoursynth version?
Any plans to also allow RGB input and high bit depth support?

Cu Selur
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Last edited by Selur; 25th June 2023 at 14:21.
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Old 25th June 2023, 19:08   #4  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Selur View Post
@Argaricolm: Any plans for a Vapoursynth version?
Any plans to also allow RGB input and high bit depth support?

Cu Selur
RGB input is easy. I can do it fast.
Vapoursynth - never compiled for it. If much needed I can do it.
For high bit depth I'm not sure. If I will be able to change softlight code for it - then possible.
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Old 25th June 2023, 18:33   #5  |  Link
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Cheers Selur, nice comparison method.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 25th June 2023, 19:36   #6  |  Link
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More supported color spaces are always better, since it give more freedom.
Vapoursynth would be great, since I mainly use Vapoursynth. https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=182961 might help with supporting both Avisynth and Vapoursynth.

Cu Selur
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Old 29th June 2023, 18:43   #7  |  Link
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Am I the only one who doesn't understand what it does?
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Old 29th June 2023, 23:03   #8  |  Link
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Originally Posted by tormento View Post
Am I the only one who doesn't understand what it does?
It does this. But is not changing brightness.
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Old 30th June 2023, 11:24   #9  |  Link
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Interesting. Has this something to do with what they did with the colours on "Moby Dick"? Or later with the BluRay version of "French Connection"?
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Old 1st July 2023, 21:23   #10  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Frank62 View Post
Interesting. Has this something to do with what they did with the colours on "Moby Dick"? Or later with the BluRay version of "French Connection"?
Don't know. I'v got an idea to do it with video. Possibly someone got same idea. But it's possible only using CUDA/GPU. Because summing each frame on CPU is very slow.
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Old 17th March 2024, 07:08   #11  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Argaricolm View Post
Because summing each frame on CPU is very slow.
To sum all samples of the frame at SIMD there are possible several ways:

1. Sum at integer - require unpacks of 8..16 samples to 32bits and use summing of standard SIMD full width * superscalar factor of sum dispatch ports first for all samples of a line.

Because it looks 32bit integer can not hold UHD frame samples number * 256..65535 samples values sum without overflow - it is possible to make intermediate division of intermediate sums for each line and accumulate normalized sums of the all lines of a frame. It is more complex to program in compare with float32 processing but maybe visibly faster for SD 8bit and some HD frame sizes.

2. Make unpack and convert to float32 and perform all of 1 in float32 domain.

So best performance implementation can have different processing engines inside for different frame sizes. At least 1920x1080 with 8bit still can be processed with integer full frame summing without 32bit accumulator overflow. Also with SIMD word summing programmer anyway have partial sums at the final SIMD word ready to partial normalizing with some more overflow protection (AVX2 SIMD word of 8 32bit integers provides additional +3bits to overflow so total capacity is 32+3=35bits) and without significant precision loss.

Method 2 can process any frame sizes in single engine but expected to be slower at non-UHD frame sizes.

CPU SIMD is not very slow - but algorithm requires at least 2 full frame passes: first analisys pass of sum and second is correction pass of adjustment so performance will depend on frame size fitting in availavle CPU caches (our lovely Xeon MAX with HBM onboard will be nice performer here).

Last edited by DTL; 17th March 2024 at 07:12.
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Old 2nd July 2023, 16:26   #12  |  Link
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But it's possible only using CUDA/GPU. Because summing each frame on CPU is very slow.
How are you defining "possible" and "very slow"?
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Old 3rd July 2023, 20:11   #13  |  Link
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Originally Posted by wonkey_monkey View Post
How are you defining "possible" and "very slow"?
Possible on CPU too. But it will be around some fps. While cuda version 10x more faster.
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Old 3rd July 2023, 23:27   #14  |  Link
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Because summing each frame on CPU is very slow.
Any good for plain C version ? [should be ok for 8K+, req slight mods for 16 bit, probably dont need altscan, or crop coords]
double __cdecl PVF_AverageLuma_Planar(const PVideoFrame &src,const int xx,const int yy,const int ww,const int hh,const bool altscan) {
    const int ystep    = (altscan) ? 2:1;
    const int pitch    = src->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y);
    const int ystride  = pitch*ystep;
    const BYTE  *srcp  = src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_Y)  + (yy * pitch) + xx;
    __int64 acc        = 0;
    unsigned int sum   = 0;
    const int yhit = (altscan) ? (hh +1)>>1 : hh;
    const unsigned int Pixels = (ww * yhit);

    if(ww == 1) {                                                       // Special case for single pixel width
        for(int y=yhit ; --y>=0;) {
            sum += srcp[0];
            srcp+= ystride;
    } else {
        const int eodd = (ww & 0x0F);
        const int wm16 = ww - eodd;
        for(int y=yhit; --y>=0 ;) {
            switch(eodd) {
            case 15:    sum += srcp[wm16+14];
            case 14:    sum += srcp[wm16+13];
            case 13:    sum += srcp[wm16+12];
            case 12:    sum += srcp[wm16+11];
            case 11:    sum += srcp[wm16+10];
            case 10:    sum += srcp[wm16+9];
            case 9:     sum += srcp[wm16+8];
            case 8:     sum += srcp[wm16+7];
            case 7:     sum += srcp[wm16+6];
            case 6:     sum += srcp[wm16+5];
            case 5:     sum += srcp[wm16+4];
            case 4:     sum += srcp[wm16+3];
            case 3:     sum += srcp[wm16+2];
            case 2:     sum += srcp[wm16+1];
            case 1:     sum += srcp[wm16+0];
            case 0: ;
            for(int x=wm16; (x-=16)>=0 ; ) {
                sum +=  (
                        srcp[x+15] +
                        srcp[x+14] +
                        srcp[x+13] +
                        srcp[x+12] +
                        srcp[x+11] +
                        srcp[x+10] +
                        srcp[x+ 9] +
                        srcp[x+ 8] +
                        srcp[x+ 7] +
                        srcp[x+ 6] +
                        srcp[x+ 5] +
                        srcp[x+ 4] +
                        srcp[x+ 3] +
                        srcp[x+ 2] +
                        srcp[x+ 1] +
                        srcp[x+ 0]
            if(sum & 0x80000000) {acc += sum;sum=0;}                    // avoid possiblilty of overflow
            srcp  += ystride;

    acc += sum;
    double dacc = double(acc);
    return dacc / Pixels;
EDIT: From RT_Stats, v2.0 Beta 13 [8 bit CS only].
Not that slow really. Similar method for other colorspace in "PVF_ ... " files.

EDIT: The switch stuff only accounts for ww pixel width, does not take srcp memory alignment stuff into account, so could be improved
to better use compiler vectorization type stuff {probably require additional switch thingy for end cases}.
If always full frame {no coords}, then could take some shortcuts. {Avisynth+ frames LHS always aligned, not so for Avs standard 'in place' cropping}

EDIT: Might be handy, [from here:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.p...61#post1935661 ]
Function PitchTortureTest(clip c) { # IanB:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1628159#post1628159
	A=SelectEvery(4, 0)
	B=SelectEvery(4, 1).AddBorders(0,0,8,0).Crop(0,0,-8,0)
	C=SelectEvery(4, 2).AddBorders(0,0,16,0).Crop(0,0,-16,0)
	D=SelectEvery(4, 3).AddBorders(2,0,22,0).Crop(2,0,-22,0)
Could probably be improved if modified to take cropping granularity of colorspace into account.

EDIT: from OP,
1. YUV->RGB conversion
2. Calculates sums of all pixels in R,G,B planes (for each).
3. Get average from these sums (sum / number of pixels).
4. Get negative from this sum (255 - sum)
Check intent of -ve method.

From posted link for IanB thingy thread, here:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.p...16#post1935616
Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
MyAverage, v2.6+

A simple average filter for Avisynth v2.60 standard colorspaces, only.

Returns a clip where each return frame is a single color average of input frame, same size and colorspace as input.
Does an invert on result if Bool Invert==true.

ColorSpace, YV12, YV16, YV24, YV411, Y8, YUY2, RGB24, RGB32, only.

Return clip Y, U and V, or R, G and B, will be channel averages, unless Invert==True, where channels averages will be inverted. 

MyAverage(clip c, Bool "Invert"=false,Bool "TV_YUV"=False,Bool "MyYV24"=False)

    Invert,      Default false == sampled average. Otherwise Inverted average.
    TV_YUV,      Default false, If True(And YUV), then photo negative invert around TV levels mid Y(125.5), rather than 127.5.
    MyYV24,      If true and YV24 (only YV24), then process Y,U,V, together, else by planes.

Returns clip same colorspace and size as input.
        if(invert) {    // invert ?
            if(tvy) {   // tv levels invert ? [ TV levels center is 125.5 not 127.5, ie (16 + 235)/2 ]
                ave = int(-(ave_D - 125.5) + 125.5 + 0.5);      // TV_YUV Y mid = 125.5, invert, and Round
            } else {
                ave = int(ave_D + 0.5) ^ 0xFF;                  // PC_YUV Y mid = 127.5, symmetrical about 127.5 [EDIT: ADDED, or ave = 255 - int(ave_D + 0.5)]
            aveU ^= 0xFF ;
            aveV ^= 0xFF;
        } else {
Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
In this snippet from posted source,
        if(invert) {    // invert ?
            if(tvy) {   // tv levels invert ? [ TV levels center is 125.5 not 127.5, ie (16 + 235)/2 ]
                ave = int(-(ave_D - 125.5) + 125.5 + 0.5);      // TV_YUV Y mid = 125.5, invert, and Round
            } else {
                ave = int(ave_D + 0.5) ^ 0xFF;                  // PC_YUV Y mid = 127.5, symmetrical about 127.5
            aveU ^= 0xFF ;
            aveV ^= 0xFF;
        } else {
            ave = int(ave_D + 0.5);
        ave = max( min( ave, 255) ,0);
Stuff in BLUE ain't exactly correct, xor with $FF would invert $80 U,V center to $7F,
but avoids problem where source U,V == 0 would invert to $100, we invert to $FF in 8 bit range,
also method adopted will arrive back to original source value if inverted twice.
As it is, it aint quite right but method I chose. Maybe I should invert and clip, there should be no source of $00 anyway.
EDIT: Source $00 equivalent to center - 128, and source $FF equiv to center + 127, ie not symmetrical about center 128.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 4th July 2023 at 20:12.
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Old 4th July 2023, 03:45   #15  |  Link
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Further to above,
W            = 3 * 1280 # 3840
H            = 3 * 720  # 2160
SECONDS      = 5 * 60
FRAMES       = Round(29.97 * SECONDS)

# SECONDS seconds @ 29.97 FPS. STATICFRAMES, If set to false, generate all frames. Default true (one static frame is served)

# Comment one of below out
Return Scriptclip("AverageLuma() return last")                        # Avs+ builtin. Always full frame.
#Return Scriptclip("RT_AverageLuma() return last")                    # RT_Stats, RT_AverageLuma. Used to be faster than AVS 2.60 Standard.
c:\Z>avsmeter64 test.avs

AVSMeter (x64), (c) Groucho2004, 2012-2021
AviSynth+ 3.7.3 (r3996, master, x86_64) (

Number of frames:                     8991
Length (hh:mm:ss.ms):         00:05:00.000
Frame width:                          3840
Frame height:                         2160
Framerate:                          29.970 (30000/1001)
Colorspace:                           YV12
Audio channels:                          2
Audio bits/sample:                      32 (Float)
Audio sample rate:                   48000
Audio samples:                    14399985

Frames processed:                   8991 (0 - 8990)
FPS (min | max | average):          554.7 | 890.6 | 843.1
Process memory usage (max):         104 MiB
Thread count:                       16
CPU usage (average):                7.9%

Time (elapsed):                     00:00:10.664
c:\Z>avsmeter64 test.avs

AVSMeter (x64), (c) Groucho2004, 2012-2021
AviSynth+ 3.7.3 (r3996, master, x86_64) (

Number of frames:                     8991
Length (hh:mm:ss.ms):         00:05:00.000
Frame width:                          3840
Frame height:                         2160
Framerate:                          29.970 (30000/1001)
Colorspace:                           YV12
Audio channels:                          2
Audio bits/sample:                      32 (Float)
Audio sample rate:                   48000
Audio samples:                    14399985

Frames processed:                   8991 (0 - 8990)
FPS (min | max | average):          220.2 | 382.7 | 329.0
Process memory usage (max):         104 MiB
Thread count:                       14
CPU usage (average):                8.0%

Time (elapsed):                     00:00:27.328

c:\Z>avsmeter64 test.avs

AVSMeter (x64), (c) Groucho2004, 2012-2021
AviSynth+ 3.7.3 (r3996, master, x86_64) (

Number of frames:                     8991
Length (hh:mm:ss.ms):         00:05:00.000
Frame width:                          3840
Frame height:                         2160
Framerate:                          29.970 (30000/1001)
Colorspace:                           YV12
Audio channels:                          2
Audio bits/sample:                      32 (Float)
Audio sample rate:                   48000
Audio samples:                    14399985

Frames processed:                   8991 (0 - 8990)
FPS (min | max | average):          2335 | 3244 | 3082
Process memory usage (max):         81 MiB
Thread count:                       16
CPU usage (average):                6.9%

Time (elapsed):                     00:00:02.917
c:\Z>avsmeter64 test.avs

AVSMeter (x64), (c) Groucho2004, 2012-2021
AviSynth+ 3.7.3 (r3996, master, x86_64) (

Number of frames:                     8991
Length (hh:mm:ss.ms):         00:05:00.000
Frame width:                          3840
Frame height:                         2160
Framerate:                          29.970 (30000/1001)
Colorspace:                           YV12
Audio channels:                          2
Audio bits/sample:                      32 (Float)
Audio sample rate:                   48000
Audio samples:                    14399985

Frames processed:                   8991 (0 - 8990)
FPS (min | max | average):          511.8 | 859.5 | 801.5
Process memory usage (max):         81 MiB
Thread count:                       16
CPU usage (average):                7.9%

Time (elapsed):                     00:00:11.218
Clearly, Pinterf did some improvements to Avs+ AverageLuma,
Suggest steal some of his code [I will not tell him].

Also note, Scriptclip would slow it quite a bit compared with GetFrame() in plugin.
We did not assign AverageLuma to variable in scriptclip, as that would likely greatly affect results.

However, FPS for the RT_AverageLuma aint so very bad for 4K, and you would likely want pure C version anyway.

EDIT: Numbers above on i7-8700.
[No Prefetch {also Scriptclip single thread}, so I assume fully single core numbers]
EDIT: Yep, Resource meter seems to show single core in use.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 4th July 2023 at 04:12.
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Old 13th July 2023, 13:49   #16  |  Link
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Vapoursynth - never compiled for it. If much needed I can do it.
A Vapoursynth version would be really nice.
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Old 10th September 2023, 14:25   #17  |  Link
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btw. since yuv->rgb is used internally: How about also supporting RGB input?
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Old 25th November 2023, 03:36   #18  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Selur View Post
btw. since yuv->rgb is used internally: How about also supporting RGB input?
I'm planning to add vapoursynth, YUV444, RGB support soon.
So far a new release.
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Old 25th November 2023, 08:59   #19  |  Link
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Thanks! Looking forward to it!
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Old 28th November 2023, 00:42   #20  |  Link
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Added YUV 444 support and VapourSynth support. And a small bugfix.
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