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Old 24th September 2014, 14:40   #81  |  Link
Anime Viewer
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Originally Posted by kostik View Post
tried 2.0V but I get this error :An unexpected error 'Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DsGraphException' has occurred.
No metter what bitdepth setting I choose, tried x64 and AnyCPU ver.
What GPU and driver version are you using?

If you're using Nvidia, do you have GeForce Experience 2.1.2 installed? The 2.1.2 update broke a not of functions, so if you have it you should try uninstalling it to see if the problem goes away.
System specs: Sager NP9150 SE with i7-3630QM 2.40GHz, 16 GB RAM, 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, NVidia GTX 680M/Intel 4000 HD optimus dual GPU system. Video viewed on LG notebook screen and LG 3D passive TV.
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Old 24th September 2014, 14:41   #82  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Snowknight26 View Post
http://www.amd.com/report or http://www.amd.com/betareport depending on driver being used.
Ah thanks. Not sure if they would do anything with their legacy products though
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Old 24th September 2014, 16:10   #83  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Zachs View Post
Next release will have all these fixed, including the difference in color in 16-bit mode.

EDIT: I've just released v2.0.1 with fixes for the bugs you reported and a few more. Could you let me know if that fixes the "always used nearest neighbor as downscaler problem"?
not working.

it looks like it is not nearest neighbour it is bilinear when i select nearest neighbour it aliased even more the rest doesn't have an effect even softcubic 100.


not the same screen i know it's not an comparison.

i play around with high bit deep next.

edit: in the first screen they don't use the same resizer. here one with both softcubic 100

Last edited by huhn; 24th September 2014 at 17:48. Reason: added 1 one screenshoot
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Old 24th September 2014, 16:28   #84  |  Link
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my short experience with high bit deep.
i used a nvidia 760 gtx for the test and no display capable of 10 bit most likely not even 8 bit.

MPDN works only in full screen on the main screen not the second the second is always windowed or at least 8 bit.

16 bit can't deal with display calibrations. it looks like it is unloaded but the black is totally destroyed it's brown or something like that. without loaded calibration it works fine. 8 bit and 10 doesn't care about the calibration.
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Old 24th September 2014, 22:03   #85  |  Link
Anime Viewer
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optimus playback issues

I haven't read through the entire thread (yet), but here are the list of issues I've seen on my Optimus equipped Windows 8.1 64-bit OS notebook:

If Nvidia control panel is set to use the Nvidia 680m GTX GPU (instead of the Intel 4000), and render technology is set to Direct3D 10.1 then there will be a black screen when the video plays. Audio will play, but no video is displayed - the screen is black, with the white "Play" word in the top left corner. There is no way to tab out and get back to desktop view. The black screen stays in the foreground, and the only way to escape is CTRL+ALT+Del and tell the system to Logout, Shutdown, or Restart. I suspect this is similar to the other Direct3D 10.1 issue currently known about with Nvidia cards, but I don't know if non-optimus systems experience the locked to black screen crash behavior of an Optimus system which is why I mention it.

LAV splitter error when trying to launch videos in 64-bit player. Error message box shown below as well as more extensive technical details inside the code tag below:


An unexpected error 'Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DsGraphException' has occurred.

Error Type = Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DsGraphException
Error Message = Failed to render file 'E:\Users\NotMyName\Downloads\[HorribleSubs] One Piece - 662 
Error Source = Mpdn.VideoPlayer
Error Site = Void .ctor(System.String, RenderFrameEventHandler, GraphNotifyEventHandler, Int32, 
Boolean, Filter, Filter[])
Error occurred =    at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DirectShowVideo..ctor(String fileName, 
RenderFrameEventHandler renderFrameEventHandler, GraphNotifyEventHandler graphNotifyEventHandler, 
Int32 queueFrames, Boolean loadSubtitles, Filter audioRenderer, Filter[] extraAudioFilters)
   at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayer.Load(String fileName, Int32 aspectRatioX,
 Int32 aspectRatioY, YuvColorimetry yuvColorimetry, Boolean loadSubtitles, Filter audioRenderer, 
 Filter[] extraAudioFilters)
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††”•(String  )
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††””(String  , Boolean  )
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††”(String  )
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††”œ(Object  , EventArgs  )
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr 
OS Version = Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
Total Physical Memory = 15.9 GB
Available Physical Memory = 13.5 GB
Date Time = 9/24/2014 1:34:52 PM
User Name = SAGER-NP9150\NotMyName
Application Startup Path = E:\Downloads\MediaPlayerDotNet_x64_2_1_0_1424
Application Executable Path = E:\Downloads\MediaPlayerDotNet_x64_2_1_0_1424\MediaPlayerDotNet.exe
CurrentDirectory = E:\Downloads\MediaPlayerDotNet_x64_2_1_0_1424
SystemDirectory = C:\Windows\system32
Ran As Admin = False
HasShutdownStarted = False
MachineName = SAGER-NP9150
ProcessorCount = 8
LogicalDrives = C:\, E:\, F:\, G:\, Z:\
EnvironmentVariables = COMPUTERNAME = SAGER-NP9150; USERPROFILE = C:\Users\NotMyName; HOMEPATH = 
 LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\NotMyName\AppData\Local; PSModulePath = 

PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = AMD64; Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA 
Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\AuthenTec TrueSuite\;
C:\Program Files\AuthenTec TrueSuite\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program 
Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine 
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;

C:\Program Files\AuthenTec TrueSuite\x86\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common 

C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\; 
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files; 
ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86); NVIDIAWHITELISTED = 0x01; LOGONSERVER = 
\\MicrosoftAccount; PATHEXT = .COM;.
 SystemRoot = C:\Windows; SESSIONNAME = Console; ALLUSERSPROFILE = C:\ProgramData; PUBLIC = 
 C:\Users\Public; FP_NO_HOST_CHECK = NO;

 APPDATA = C:\Users\NotMyName\AppData\Roaming; PROCESSOR_REVISION = 3a09; USERNAME = NotMyName; 
 CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files;

 SHIM_MCCOMPAT = 0x810000001; CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files\Common Files; OS = Windows_NT;
 9, GenuineIntel;

 ComSpec = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe; SystemDrive = C:; TEMP = 
 C:\Users\NotMyName\AppData\Local\Temp; ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files; NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS = 8; 
PROCESSOR_LEVEL = 6; TMP = C:\Users\NotMyName\AppData\Local\Temp; ProgramData = C:\ProgramData; 
ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files; windir = C:\Windows; 
RuntimeVersion = 4.0.30319.34014
Thread Count = 18
Handle Count = 367
VM Size = 771.8 MB
Peak VM Size = 771.8 MB
Working Set Size = 106.2 MB
Max Working Set Size = 1.3 MB
Min Working Set Size = 200 KB
Modules = MediaPlayerDotNet.exe, ntdll.dll, MSCOREE.DLL, KERNEL32.dll, KERNELBASE.dll, ADVAPI32.dll, 
msvcrt.dll, sechost.dll, RPCRT4.dll, mscoreei.dll, SHLWAPI.dll, combase.dll, USER32.dll,
 GDI32.dll, IMM32.DLL, MSCTF.dll, nvinitx.dll, detoured.dll, nvd3d9wrapx.dll, SETUPAPI.dll, 
 CFGMGR32.dll, nvdxgiwrapx.dll, clr.dll, MSVCR120_CLR0400.dll, mscorlib.ni.dll, ole32.dll, 
kernel.appcore.dll, CRYPTBASE.dll, bcryptPrimitives.dll, uxtheme.dll, tiptsf.dll, OLEAUT32.dll, 
clrjit.dll, System.ni.dll, System.Drawing.ni.dll, System.Windows.Forms.ni.dll, bcrypt.dll, 

 rsaenh.dll, DirectShowLib-2005.dll, SharpDX.Direct3D9.dll, SharpDX.dll, comctl32.dll, dwmapi.dll, 
 gdiplus.dll, DWrite.dll, WindowsCodecs.dll, System.Core.ni.dll, shell32.dll, SHCORE.dll, 

System.Xml.Linq.ni.dll, System.Xml.ni.dll, System.Configuration.ni.dll, 
VideoFrameServicesNative.dll, d3d9.dll, VERSION.dll, nvumdshimx.dll, igdumdim64.dll, igdusc64.dll, 
nvd3dumx.dll, PSAPI.DLL, 

DEVOBJ.dll, WINTRUST.dll, CRYPT32.dll, MSASN1.dll, nvspcap64.dll, nvapi64.dll, oleacc.dll, 
Accessibility.ni.dll, clbcatq.dll, D3D9NativeServices.dll, WINMM.dll, WTSAPI32.dll, WINMMBASE.dll, 

powrprof.dll, WINSTA.dll, dcomp.dll, d3dx9_43.dll, usp10.dll, CommandLine.dll, quartz.dll, 
Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll, Microsoft.VisualBasic.ni.dll, System.Management.ni.dll, 
diasymreader.dll, SspiCli.dll


Failed to render file 
'E:\Users\NotMyName\Downloads\[HorribleSubs] One Piece 
- 662 [480p].mkv' (Mpdn.VideoPlayer)

Program Location:

   at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DirectShowVideo..ctor(String fileName, RenderFrameEventHandler 
   renderFrameEventHandler, GraphNotifyEventHandler graphNotifyEventHandler, Int32 queueFrames, 
   Boolean loadSubtitles, Filter audioRenderer, Filter[] extraAudioFilters)
   at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayer.Load(String fileName, Int32 aspectRatioX, Int32 aspectRatioY, 
   YuvColorimetry yuvColorimetry, Boolean loadSubtitles, Filter audioRenderer, Filter[] 
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††”•(String  )
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††””(String  , Boolean  )
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††”(String  )
   at MediaPlayerDotNet.MainForm.†††
††††”œ(Object  , EventArgs  )
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr 


Failed to load LAV Splitter Source DirectShow filter (Mpdn.VideoPlayer)

Program Location:

   at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DirectShowVideo.Load(String fileName, Boolean loadSubtitles)
   at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DirectShowVideo..ctor(String fileName, RenderFrameEventHandler 
   renderFrameEventHandler, GraphNotifyEventHandler graphNotifyEventHandler, Int32 queueFrames, 
   Boolean loadSubtitles, Filter audioRenderer, Filter[] extraAudioFilters)


Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {B98D13E7-55DB-4385-A33D-09FD1BA26338} 
failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 
(REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)). (Mpdn.VideoPlayer)

Program Location:

   at Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DirectShowVideo.LoadSourceFilter(IFilterGraph2 graph, String fileName)
In the General options area under Load subtitles
it says *requires DirectVobSub (auto loading version) to be installed, but going into the DirectShow area that is not listed under Available Filters (but things like XySubFilter and XYSubFilterAutoLoader are listed, but neither of them appears to work to play many softsubbed videos).

The good news is the 32-bit version appear to work without problems (aside from the subtitle issue) when Direct3D 9Ex is used. I'm perfectly content using the 32-bit in Direct3D 9Ex mode for the time being, and simply mention the other errors for reference (in case other users try that version or configuration and want to know a different version/configuration that may work in that situation).
System specs: Sager NP9150 SE with i7-3630QM 2.40GHz, 16 GB RAM, 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, NVidia GTX 680M/Intel 4000 HD optimus dual GPU system. Video viewed on LG notebook screen and LG 3D passive TV.

Last edited by foxyshadis; 24th September 2014 at 23:56. Reason: fixed formatting
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Old 24th September 2014, 22:14   #86  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Anime Viewer View Post
I haven't read through the entire thread (yet), but here are the list of issues I've seen on my Optimus equipped Windows 8.1 64-bit OS notebook:

If Nvidia control panel is set to use the Nvidia 680m GTX GPU (instead of the Intel 4000), and render technology is set to Direct3D 10.1 then there will be a black screen when the video plays. Audio will play, but no video is displayed - the screen is black, with the white "Play" word in the top left corner. There is no way to tab out and get back to desktop view. The black screen stays in the foreground, and the only way to escape is CTRL+ALT+Del and tell the system to Logout, Shutdown, or Restart. I suspect this is similar to the other Direct3D 10.1 issue currently known about with Nvidia cards, but I don't know if non-optimus systems experience the locked to black screen crash behavior of an Optimus system which is why I mention it.

LAV splitter error when trying to launch videos in 64-bit player. Error message box shown below as well as more extensive technical details inside the code tag below:

An unexpected error 'Mpdn.VideoPlayer.DsGraphException' has occurred.

The good news is the 32-bit version appear to work without problems when Direct3D 9Ex is used. I'm perfectly content using the 32-bit in Direct3D 9Ex mode for the time being, and simply mention the other errors for reference (in case other users try that version or configuration and want to know a different version/configuration that may work in that situation).
I think it's the exact issue I had. As suggested I had to turn on YV12 in Lav Filter (which is by default turned on but I had it unticked).
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Old 24th September 2014, 22:44   #87  |  Link
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Originally Posted by kostik View Post
I think it's the exact issue I had. As suggested I had to turn on YV12 in Lav Filter (which is by default turned on but I had it unticked).
Thanks for the recommended setting change, but I already have YV12 checked in Output Formats in LAV Video Decoder, so something else may be the issue. (The only outputs I have unchecked in LAV Video decorder are AYUV and RGB48.
System specs: Sager NP9150 SE with i7-3630QM 2.40GHz, 16 GB RAM, 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, NVidia GTX 680M/Intel 4000 HD optimus dual GPU system. Video viewed on LG notebook screen and LG 3D passive TV.
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Old 25th September 2014, 01:22   #88  |  Link
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Originally Posted by huhn View Post
it looks like it is not nearest neighbour it is bilinear when i select nearest neighbour it aliased even more the rest doesn't have an effect even softcubic 100.

my short experience with high bit deep.
i used a nvidia 760 gtx for the test and no display capable of 10 bit most likely not even 8 bit.

MPDN works only in full screen on the main screen not the second the second is always windowed or at least 8 bit.

16 bit can't deal with display calibrations. it looks like it is unloaded but the black is totally destroyed it's brown or something like that. without loaded calibration it works fine. 8 bit and 10 doesn't care about the calibration.
I'll definitely look into the downscaling problem.

To get MPDN to use your second screen with FSE mode, you need to change Adapter ID from 0 to 1.

I think there's still a fair bit of work from the GPU vendors to get 16-bit support up to scratch. I don't think there are too many renderers using that at the moment (does madVR?).

Originally Posted by Anime Viewer View Post
I don't know if non-optimus systems experience the locked to black screen crash behavior of an Optimus system which is why I mention it.

LAV splitter error when trying to launch videos in 64-bit player.
I don't have an Optimus equipped system to test with but I suspect it is specific to that setup only. On my various setups here with single, multiple and secondary NVIDIA cards in one system, there's no such problem. But thanks for pointing it out so others can watch out for such an issue in the D3D10.1 mode.

The LAV splitter error in 64-bit mode -- did you install x64 LAV Filters?
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Old 25th September 2014, 01:33   #89  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Zachs View Post
I'll definitely look into the downscaling problem.

To get MPDN to use your second screen with FSE mode, you need to change Adapter ID from 0 to 1.

I think there's still a fair bit of work from the GPU vendors to get 16-bit support up to scratch. I don't think there are too many renderers using that at the moment (does madVR?).
madVR outputs only 8 bit RGB nothing else. I highly doubt the GPU can output more than 12 bit and send this with DP or HDMi to a display.
so the output should be dithered to something the display accepts and is not round or dithering down to 8 bit. so 99.9% of all displays get the best result with dithered 8 bit. I highly doubt that the gpu driver can do this any better than madVr or MPDN.

so high bit deep output doesn't help most people at the moment but how to tell them X-)?

and we still don't know if the GPU doesn't round the 10 bit down to 8 bit even for 10 bit displays nothing I can test.
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Old 25th September 2014, 01:47   #90  |  Link
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Originally Posted by huhn View Post
madVR outputs only 8 bit RGB nothing else. I highly doubt the GPU can output more than 12 bit and send this with DP or HDMi to a display.
so the output should be dithered to something the display accepts and is not round or dithering down to 8 bit. so 99.9% of all displays get the best result with dithered 8 bit. I highly doubt that the gpu driver can do this any better than madVr or MPDN.

so high bit deep output doesn't help most people at the moment but how to tell them X-)?

and we still don't know if the GPU doesn't round the 10 bit down to 8 bit even for 10 bit displays nothing I can test.
NVIDIA GPUs will output 12-bit via HDMI v1.3 and above if set to 16-bit in D3D10. So with the driver dithering 16-bit to 12, it is still better than 10-bit output. Can't remember where I read it from though (I'll update this post when I have time to dig up my history to see where I read this from).
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Old 25th September 2014, 02:17   #91  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Zachs View Post
NVIDIA GPUs will output 12-bit via HDMI v1.3 and above if set to 16-bit in D3D10. So with the driver dithering 16-bit to 12, it is still better than 10-bit output. Can't remember where I read it from though (I'll update this post when I have time to dig up my history to see where I read this from).
yeah and you can force to output 12 bit with AMD too. that's not the point.
the point is is this properly used?

thanks to MPDN we can test this now. 10 bit displays are going to be totally mainstream in the future.

we don't know what is happening in the gpu and is 12 bit dithered/rounded from the GPU better for our 8 bit displays that have to get this to 8 bit too with there dithering/rounding compared to untouched dithered 8 bit RGB?

a lot of displays transform the input to 4:2:2 YCBCR how do they do this?
is the 12 bit dithered at all? is it better to send 10 bit dithered from the renderer because this can be used from the dispalys directly?

I can send 12 bit 4:4:4 RGB right now to my TV that accept this without downsampling it to 4:2:2 YCBCR. the display has to make 8 bit RGB out of it because this displays is for sure not 12 bit and 99.9% not 10 bit but why should the algorithm in my TV better than your dithering?
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Old 25th September 2014, 02:31   #92  |  Link
Anime Viewer
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x64 bit mode MPDN error

Originally Posted by Zachs View Post
The LAV splitter error in 64-bit mode -- did you install x64 LAV Filters?
I already had it (both 64x and x86 versions) installed, but I re-downloaded, and reinstalled the x64 one again from:

An error (same type) still appears, but now it lacks the LAV line, and has a bit different registry address. (shown below)

Upon further investigation I found LAV Video Decoder listed as the lone Selected Fitlers item in Options DirectShow area. (Don't know how it got there since I don't recall adding it in my testing to find a solution to the 64-bit player error...) Removing it now lets videos load correctly.

Downloaded the 64-bit DirectVobsub, and fresh installed that, and now the 64-bit version seems to be working for subtitles.
System specs: Sager NP9150 SE with i7-3630QM 2.40GHz, 16 GB RAM, 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, NVidia GTX 680M/Intel 4000 HD optimus dual GPU system. Video viewed on LG notebook screen and LG 3D passive TV.

Last edited by Anime Viewer; 25th September 2014 at 03:08. Reason: Added update and solutions
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Old 25th September 2014, 02:43   #93  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Anime Viewer View Post
I already had it (both 64x and x86 versions) installed, but I re-downloaded, and reinstalled the x64 one again from:

An error (same type) still appears, but now it lacks the LAV line, and has a bit different registry address. (shown below)
That's the CLSID for XySubFilter, which is weird as MPDN does not even attempt to load it. I think there's a non-MPDN specific DirectShow config problem on your machine in the x64 setup (whereas x86 has a different config set).

A quick try, disable "Load subtitles" in options. Also give MPC-HC x64 a try and see if you encounter the same problem.

EDIT: Ah I see you've solved it.
With regards to the Optimus bug in x86 -- it is definitely an NVIDIA driver bug since MPDN does not have a separate code branch for x86 / x64. If one works and the other doesn't, you can definitely point your finger to an underlying issue.

Last edited by Zachs; 25th September 2014 at 02:47.
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Old 25th September 2014, 03:04   #94  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Zachs View Post
Same as D3D9Ex.
Additionally, 16-bit output mode in FSE mode has its gamma settings completely wrong on HD4350.
same with r9 270.

@Anime Viewer

I highly recommend you to use xy vobsub. there is a good reason this is the vsfilter in CCCP and KCP
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Old 25th September 2014, 03:24   #95  |  Link
Anime Viewer
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Originally Posted by huhn View Post
@Anime Viewer

I highly recommend you to use xy vobsub. there is a good reason this is the vsfilter in CCCP and KCP
I prefer using xySubfilters or vsfilters to the DirectVobSub filters, but so far I've been unable to get either of them to work with MPDN. Installing the x64 version of DirectVobSubs was the best way I could think of to keep if from conflicting with the x86 configurations on the system that uses xySubfilters or vsfilters (depending on the player I'm using).

Originally Posted by Zachs View Post
That's the CLSID for XySubFilter, which is weird as MPDN does not even attempt to load it. I think there's a non-MPDN specific DirectShow config problem on your machine in the x64 setup (whereas x86 has a different config set).

A quick try, disable "Load subtitles" in options. Also give MPC-HC x64 a try and see if you encounter the same problem.

EDIT: Ah I see you've solved it.
With regards to the Optimus bug in x86 -- it is definitely an NVIDIA driver bug since MPDN does not have a separate code branch for x86 / x64. If one works and the other doesn't, you can definitely point your finger to an underlying issue.
I jumped to conclusions on the DirectX 10.1 working. It was working in a window, but the minute I maximized it to full screen the video playback froze and took dominance of the system again (where I couldn't close MPDN again, and had to sign out of Windows again to get it to close).

I unchecked "Load Subtitles" in options, and not surprisingly the subtitles disappeared again. Having either of the xysubfilter (auto-load and not auto-load) didn't make a difference as neither displayed subtitles in the video(s). I'll download/install/test with the x64 MPC-HC and report back as to if that has the same problem.

The same video that was running without subtitles in MPDN is running with subtitles displayed in MPC-HC The filters listed as running with the video (in MPC-HC x64) are: Default DirectSound Device, Enhanced Video renderer (custom presenter), audio switcher, LAV video decorder (internal), LAV audio decorder (internal), and LAV splitter source (internal). If I hover over LAV splitter source it shows the subtitle track correctly. In the past when I've used MPC-HC x86, MPC-BE x86, KCP (both versions) I've disabled all internal filters, so I did that as well. Now its the same filters (except not LAV internals) and File Source (Async.) is now there.
I'll continue testing with MPDN and see if I can get non-directVobsub working.
System specs: Sager NP9150 SE with i7-3630QM 2.40GHz, 16 GB RAM, 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, NVidia GTX 680M/Intel 4000 HD optimus dual GPU system. Video viewed on LG notebook screen and LG 3D passive TV.

Last edited by Anime Viewer; 25th September 2014 at 05:28.
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Old 25th September 2014, 03:44   #96  |  Link
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direct vobsub is just an alias for vsfilter (vs= vob sub).

the name difference is only XY.

the 64 bit version of xy is here https://code.google.com/p/xy-vsfilte...Downloads?tm=2

and works fine with mpdn.
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Old 25th September 2014, 04:37   #97  |  Link
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I have a sample which include some PGS, the subtitle position is not show correctly:
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Old 25th September 2014, 05:00   #98  |  Link
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this is a problem with the vsfilter.

mpdn has no influences on subtitle positions the subtitle are burn in the picture from the vsfilter be for npdn gets the picture.

I don't know the bug tracker for the vsfilter but using the vsfilter on interlaced videos is not a good idea at all.
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Old 25th September 2014, 08:44   #99  |  Link
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MPC-HC maintains vsfilter and a bug tracker, but it's basically dead now except for crash fixes. Only xy-vsfilter is actively maintained.
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Old 25th September 2014, 14:50   #100  |  Link
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Originally Posted by huhn View Post
not working.

it looks like it is not nearest neighbour it is bilinear when i select nearest neighbour it aliased even more the rest doesn't have an effect even softcubic 100.
Found the bug. Will be fixed in the next release.

EDIT: Released as v2.1.1.

Last edited by Zachs; 26th September 2014 at 05:39.
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