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Old 30th June 2016, 17:16   #41  |  Link
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Works fine here, and just re-downloaded from your given link above.

I just ran it as it came, without any additional files from original VD in directory.

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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 30th June 2016, 17:32   #42  |  Link
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Originally Posted by LigH View Post
Hmm, strange; did I miss any intermediate files?

I unpacked VirtualDub.exe and plugins32 over a 32b pack 37200. Started VirtualDub.exe on Windows 7 SP1 Ult. 64b ger. Process stays in the background, does not show a visible window. Need a task manager to kill the process.

I unpacked Veedub64.exe and plugins64 over a 64b pack 37201. Started Veedub64.exe on Windows 7 SP1 Ult. 64b ger. Process stays in the background, does not show a visible window. Need a task manager to kill the process.
This is strange. What if you isolate
1) just VirtualDub.exe without any plugins?
2) just VirtualDub.exe and scripted.vdplugin?

Last edited by shekh; 30th June 2016 at 18:16.
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Old 30th June 2016, 18:06   #43  |  Link
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And also try without the scripted.vdplugin.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 30th June 2016, 18:15   #44  |  Link
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Trial version is over, pushing release 11.

Additional fixes: hide editor when leaving main ui, handle "goto frame" in filters preview, fix broken menus in x64 version.
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Old 1st July 2016, 01:51   #45  |  Link
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I am using Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 32 bit

You first modification, vd_edit [VirtualDub.1.10.5-prerelease(build 37243)] works for me, but when I choose Script Editor / Help / Avisynth Information - it crashes:


Crash details (best guess as to cause)
An out-of-bounds memory access (access Violation) occured in Module 'USER32"..
... reading adress 7365645F

Thread call stack:
Incorrect VirtualDub.vdi file (build 35491) for this version of VirtualDub -- call stack unavailable.
and the error report:

VirtualDub FilterMod crash report -- build 37243 (release)

75f4bfe0: 55 push ebp
75f4bfe1: 8bec mov ebp, esp
75f4bfe3: ff7508 push dword ptr [ebp+08h]
75f4bfe6: 6a08 push 08h
75f4bfe8: ff359090fa75 push dword ptr [75fa9090]
75f4bfee: ff153011f475 call dword ptr [75f41130]
75f4bff4: 5d pop ebp
75f4bff5: c20400 ret 0004
75f4bff8: 6a01 push 01h
75f4bffa: 6aff push 0ffh
75f4bffc: 8d45fc lea eax, [ebp-04h]
75f4bfff: 50 push eax
75f4c000: 6aff push 0ffh
75f4c002: 56 push esi
75f4c003: 53 push ebx
75f4c004: e8bb290100 call 75f5e9c4
75f4c009: 85c0 test eax, eax
75f4c00b: 0f84ca250000 jz 75f4e5db
75f4c011: 8b45fc mov eax, [ebp-04h]
75f4c014: e9ab250000 jmp 75f4e5c4
75f4c019: ff75fc push dword ptr [ebp-04h]
75f4c01c: 53 push ebx
75f4c01d: ff359090fa75 push dword ptr [75fa9090]
75f4c023: ff153411f475 call dword ptr [75f41134]
75f4c029: e9ad250000 jmp 75f4e5db
75f4c02e: ffb67895fa75 push dword ptr [esi+75fa9578]
75f4c034: ff7508 push dword ptr [ebp+08h]
75f4c037: ff15b410f475 call dword ptr [75f410b4]
75f4c03d: e9d4250000 jmp 75f4e616
75f4c042: 8d041b lea eax, [ebx+ebx]
75f4c045: 50 push eax
75f4c046: e893ffffff call 75f4bfde
75f4c04b: 8906 mov [esi], eax
75f4c04d: 85c0 test eax, eax
75f4c04f: 0f85bc290100 jnz 75f5ea11
75f4c055: eb17 jmp 75f4c06e
75f4c057: 837d1c00 cmp dword ptr [ebp+1ch], 00h
75f4c05b: 7411 jz 75f4c06e
75f4c05d: 8bdf mov ebx, edi
75f4c05f: e9a0290100 jmp 75f5ea04
75f4c064: 83fffe cmp edi, 0feh
75f4c067: 7c05 jl 75f4c06e
75f4c069: 8d5001 lea edx, [eax+01h]
75f4c06c: eb07 jmp 75f4c075
75f4c06e: 33c0 xor eax, eax
75f4c070: e9d5290100 jmp 75f5ea4a
75f4c075: 8a08 mov cl, [eax] <-- FAULT
75f4c077: 40 inc eax
75f4c078: 84c9 test cl, cl
75f4c07a: 75f9 jnz 75f4c075
75f4c07c: 2bc2 sub eax, edx
75f4c07e: 8d7c0702 lea edi, [edi+eax+02h]
75f4c082: 85ff test edi, edi
75f4c084: 0f856b290100 jnz 75f5e9f5
75f4c08a: ebe2 jmp 75f4c06e
75f4c08c: 90 nop
75f4c08d: 90 nop
75f4c08e: 90 nop
75f4c08f: 90 nop
75f4c090: 90 nop
75f4c091: 8bff mov edi, edi
75f4c093: 55 push ebp
75f4c094: 8bec mov ebp, esp
75f4c096: 83ec10 sub esp, 10h
75f4c099: 8365fc00 and dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00h
75f4c09d: 56 push esi
75f4c09e: 6a01 push 01h
75f4c0a0: ff7508 push dword ptr [ebp+08h]
75f4c0a3: 8d45f0 lea eax, [ebp-10h]
75f4c0a6: 50 push eax
75f4c0a7: e816fbffff call 75f4bbc2
75f4c0ac: 85c0 test eax, eax
75f4c0ae: 0f84cab20300 jz 75f8737e
75f4c0b4: ff75f8 push dword ptr [ebp-08h]
75f4c0b7: e8bd1e0000 call 75f4df79
75f4c0bc: 8bf0 mov esi, eax
75f4c0be: 837dfc00 cmp dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00h
75f4c0c2: 7411 jz 75f4c0d5
75f4c0c4: ff75f4 push dword ptr [ebp-0ch]
75f4c0c7: 6a00 push 00h
75f4c0c9: ff359090fa75 push dword ptr [75fa9090]
75f4c0cf: ff153411f475 call dword ptr [75f41134]
75f4c0d5: 8bc6 mov eax, esi
75f4c0d7: 5e pop esi
75f4c0d8: c9 leave
75f4c0d9: c20400 ret 0004
75f4c0dc: 90 nop
75f4c0dd: 90 nop
75f4c0de: 90 nop
75f4c0df: 90 nop

Built on Anton3 on Tue Jun 21 20:23:53 2016 using compiler version 1500

Windows 6.1 (Windows 7 x86 build 7601) [Service Pack 1]
Memory status: virtual free 1945M/2048M, commit limit 4078M, physical total 2039M

EAX = 7365645f
EBX = ffffffff
ECX = 7ffb001c
EDX = 73656460
EBP = 0012ad38
ESI = ffffffff
EDI = ffffffff
ESP = 0012ad2c
EIP = 75f4c075
EFLAGS = 00210202
FPUCW = 027f
FPUTW = ffff

Crash reason: Access Violation

Crash context:
An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'USER32'...

...reading address 7365645F.

Pointer dumps:

ECX 7ffb0018: 01030000 00010000 00030002 00050004 00070006 00090008 000b000a 000d000c
ESP 0012ad28: 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 00000001 0012ad6c 75f9e7e2 00000000 7365645f
0012ad48: ffffffff 0012ad64 ffffffff 00000001 0012b2a4 0012adc0 00000000 00000000
0012ad68: 0021aa08 0012ad8c 75f9e9e4 68637461 0012ae9c 7365645f 74617263 00000000
0012ad88: ffffffff 0012ada8 75f9ea56 68637461 0012ae9c 7365645f 74617263 00000000
EBP 0012ad38: 0012ad6c 75f9e7e2 00000000 7365645f ffffffff 0012ad64 ffffffff 00000001
0012ad58: 0012b2a4 0012adc0 00000000 00000000 0021aa08 0012ad8c 75f9e9e4 68637461
0012ad78: 0012ae9c 7365645f 74617263 00000000 ffffffff 0012ada8 75f9ea56 68637461
0012ad98: 0012ae9c 7365645f 74617263 00000000 0012b2a4 6caa5160 68637461 0012ae9c

Thread call stack:
Incorrect VirtualDub.vdi file (build 35491) for this version of VirtualDub -- call stack unavailable.

-- End of report
I tried VirtualDub_pack_37200 and 37000 - they only work without the scripted.vdplugin

What is interesting about this, is when I tried to use either version with scripted.vdplugin, I got this message when I tried to delete scripted.vdplugin:

File In Use
The action can't be completed because the file is open in VirtualDub
Close the file and try again.

Type: VDPLUGIN file
Size: 1.98 MB
Date modified: 6/21/2016 7:24 PM

Do I need a different version of VirtualDub.vdi?

I also tried your latest version of scripted.vdplugin - same problem

Normally I use VirtualDub Version 1.10.4 build 35491 - I recall that one of the latest ffdlls sets of files would not work with this version - the one I use has


Perhaps there is a conflict on my system with

Any suggestions?

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Old 1st July 2016, 07:13   #46  |  Link
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SourceForge is strange. Still offers pack 37200 as "latest" although v11 contains pack 37277. {x86-64: +1}

VirtualDub 1.10.5-prerelease (build 37277/release) does not appear with a visible window as long as plugins32\scripted.vdplugin is present.

Veedub64 1.10.5-prerelease (build 37278/release-AMD64) does not appear with a visible window as long as plugins64\scripted.vdplugin is present. (Unpacked to a different base directory, of course.)

I hope you did not hyper-optimize your plugin, my CPU is only a Phenom-II X4 (x265 refuses to use SSE3 on it, at most SSE2).

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Last edited by LigH; 1st July 2016 at 07:17.
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Old 1st July 2016, 09:53   #47  |  Link
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"when I choose Script Editor / Help / Avisynth Information - it crashes"

This was already fixed.

"Do I need a different version of VirtualDub.vdi?"

You cannot mix and match these files, as I presented debug build without these, the crash report is missing some extra detail, thats it.
Anyway the build 37243 is pointless to debug as I made many fixes already.

"I also tried your latest version of scripted.vdplugin - same problem"

I dont understand, did you download VirtualDub_pack_37277.zip from sourceforge? Please try and report any problem again.

"Normally I use VirtualDub Version 1.10.4 build 35491 - I recall that one of the latest ffdlls sets of files would not work with this version"

I cant do a lot for legacy versions but I dont understand what is the problem you are trying to tell.
Are you using my "caching input driver" with VirtualDub 1.10.4? afaik it is compatible and you can use older or newer plugin.
caching input driver is these files:
You should move it as a whole, not just ffdlls.
What exactly happens when you try to just use latest (version 11) VirtualDub_pack_37277.zip?
What exactly happens when you try to use previous (version 10) VirtualDub_pack_37200.zip?
... and so on, please continue until you find a version that works
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Old 1st July 2016, 10:03   #48  |  Link
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Originally Posted by LigH View Post
SourceForge is strange. Still offers pack 37200 as "latest" ...
This is expected, I did not flag it as default download because I am afraid of your report.
These questions may help to narrow down the issue
Do you have AviSynth installed? Which version? Which x64 version?
As long as you remove scripted.vdplugin, can you open any .avs?
Can you open old VDMod, open .avs and use its script editor?

"my CPU is only a Phenom-II X4"

Same as mine, but script editor does not have any optimizations anyway (there is nothing to optimize).

Last edited by shekh; 1st July 2016 at 10:06.
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Old 1st July 2016, 18:40   #49  |  Link
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At least you seem to be on the right track now, the test build you sent me worked nicely. So I am confident there will be a version which can completely replace VirtualDubMod "when it's done".

Meanwhile I left the office for weekend. I remember I had installed AviSynth+ 0.1 in a more or less recent pfmod build there (not the latest though, at least 2 weeks old)... At home now, I will try again to test it with one of the latest AviSynth+ builds I can find.


Here on my home PC, just installed AviSynth+ r1858-pfmod, both 32 and 64 bit versions of vdfiltermod version 11 (build 37277 / 37278) work immediately.

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Last edited by LigH; 1st July 2016 at 18:57.
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Old 1st July 2016, 18:50   #50  |  Link
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Fixes for problem that LigH had are on sourceforge.

Never run VDMod before. "Save as" dialog looks almost as I wanted it to..

Last edited by shekh; 1st July 2016 at 19:12.
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Old 1st July 2016, 20:59   #51  |  Link
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I re-downloaded VirtualDub_pack37277.zip - the scripted.vdplugin is different from the VirtualDub_pack37277.zip that I downloaded yesterday [June 30]:

616 KB (630,784 bytes)
June 30, 2016, 8:05:02 PM
This scripted.vdplugin did not work - VirtualDub failed to open - had to close it with Task Manager

614 KB (628,736 bytes)
July 01, 2016, 6:32:02 PM
This scripted.vdplugin does work on my system.

Thank you!
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Old 10th July 2016, 14:26   #52  |  Link
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Getting an alert box on startup, "Module Failed to load correctly ... plugins32\ffdlls\avutil-55.dll".

Everything else cleared from plugins32 before copying all plugin32 stuff from VirtualDub_pack_37277\plugins32.

XP32 SP3

EDIT: I did get some kind of memory leak alert for colortools, in Debugview (old version of VDFM), but gone now in new version.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 10th July 2016 at 14:28.
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Old 10th July 2016, 14:41   #53  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Getting an alert box on startup, "Module Failed to load correctly ... plugins32\ffdlls\avutil-55.dll".

Everything else cleared from plugins32 before copying all plugin32 stuff from VirtualDub_pack_37277\plugins32.
could be a problem with ffmpeg
can you try this ffmpeg build (run ffplay on some movie)

or any more recent build?
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Old 10th July 2016, 15:16   #54  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
XP32 SP3
Use a static build. The last (stable) one supported on XP is 3.0
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Old 10th July 2016, 15:57   #55  |  Link
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Thanks guys.
Linked by Groucho2004 ffplay worked fine, Shekh linked "the procedure entry point _wfopen_s could not be located in dynamic link library msvcrt.dll".
I tried to just move the ffdlls directory somewhere else, and it still throws up the error.
Is there some other way to disable use of that dll (not bothered about ffmpeg stuff, I found that it tended to interfere with ffmpeg proper anyway).
I sometimes post sober.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 10th July 2016, 16:06   #56  |  Link
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FWIW there is a patch at the Zeranoe forum which makes the latest FFmpeg versions work under XP. It is a simple search and replace patch, wfopen_s is changed to wfopen.

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Old 10th July 2016, 16:29   #57  |  Link
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Thank you Manolito, very interesting, gonna give it a try.

Does VirtualDub FilterMod use system installed 'standard' ffmpeg, I have to have "FFInputDriver.vdplugin" in plugins32 for it to use those dll's in
standard VD (ie avsutil-55.dll etc).
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 10th July 2016, 17:00   #58  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Thank you Manolito, very interesting, gonna give it a try.

Does VirtualDub FilterMod use system installed 'standard' ffmpeg, I have to have "FFInputDriver.vdplugin" in plugins32 for it to use those dll's in
standard VD (ie avsutil-55.dll etc).
FilterMod includes cch_input.vdf (caching input driver) if you don't want it remove this file along with ffdlls directory.

"FFInputDriver.vdplugin" why you need it?

Last edited by shekh; 10th July 2016 at 17:02.
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Old 10th July 2016, 18:26   #59  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
EDIT: I did get some kind of memory leak alert for colortools, in Debugview (old version of VDFM), but gone now in new version.
Thanks for alert but this is too vague.
How did you get the message, did you compile debug build of VirtualDub?
Which old version?
What I can find in commit history, there were fixes to some memory leaks in may.
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Old 10th July 2016, 18:45   #60  |  Link
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Shekh, any thoughts on incorporating APNG from this mod: http://vdubapngmod.sourceforge.net/
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